IBERDROLA Distribution leads GRID4EU project. Its objective is to remove Smart Grid deployment barriers throughout 6 innovative Projects. Smart Grid Newsletter Software Tool deployed by IBERDROLA Engineering & Construction to automate the Intelligent Electronic Devices Management On July 18th and 19th took place the second Steering meeting, hosted by Iberdrola Engineering & Construction in Madrid. Kahramaa and Iberdrola will joint their experiences in Smart Grid to assess the feasibility of the Smart Grid Roll – Out in Qatar Smart Grid feasibility studies have played a principal role in the past years. Technical feasibility has been tested in many trial projects regarding all the topics related with Smart Grid as Demand Response, Distribution Automation, AMI, Customer Engagement… But there are important constraints which threat the Business Case and therefore the step forward from the trial to the roll-out project, like regulatory issues or market structures not yet updated for the Smart Grid. In this scenario, engineering tools, processes and procedures are key issues to success in the roll-out project. Iberdrola Engineering & Construction works as integrator in the project STAR, the Iberdrola Distribution Smart Grid Roll-Out. Throughout this project execution we have deployed the engineering tools, processes and procedures suitable for the project deployment. “the step forward from trial project to massive roll-out, requires suitable engineering tools, process and procedures to success” Project STAR, the AMI and Smart Grid Roll – Out by Iberdrola Distribution in Spain, involves 10,5M Smart Meters and 80K MV/LV Secondary Substations Project STAR Read more Read more Read more Read more Qatar Smart Grid Read more Read more Smartssive Read more Read more Read more Read more GRID4EU SG Paris 2013 IGREENGrid
STAR Project STAR, the AMI and Smart Grid Roll – Out by Iberdrola Distribution in Spain, involves 10,5M Smart Meters and 80K MV/LV Secondary Substations After some R&D Projects, Iberdrola Distribution decided to perform a Smart Grid trial Project over a real scenario that represents accurately the whole distribution network in Spain. This trial project was performed in the city of Castellon through 2009 and 2010 involving 130K Smart Meters and 600 Secondary Substations. Services deployed were Distribution Automation, Automatic Reposition System and the complete AMI set of services. The trial from Castellon allowed Iberdrola Group to check the assumptions that were done when planning the Castellon Project and make the appropriate changes to move forward into the massive roll-out. The business model included to rely over Iberdrola Engineering & Construction, who has also participated in the trial, as an interface between IBD and the subcontractors. Nowadays, 1,5M Smart Meters have been already changed and more than 5K Secondary Substations have been upgraded to the Smart Grid and what is more important: engineering tools, processes and procedures have been deployed to reach the required installation pace. The responsibilities shouldered by Iberdrola Engineering & Construction are: Project Office Support (Project Plan, Processes and Procedures) Telecommunication Network Design Subcontractor Management Technical specification definition New Products standardization and testing Installation Commissioning Operation & Maintenance Support Engineering Software tools development (design, testing, problem solving, configuration…) Company and outsourced staff training Joining Experiences Project STAR has become a reference in the Smart Grid deployment because is one of the biggest roll-out projects worldwide, based upon a new PLC technology (PRIME) and because IBERDROLA is deploying a broadband telecommunication network over the Utility owned assets, relying over optical fiber, radio and broadband PLC as much as possible. Recently, we have been sharing our experience in the roll-out deployment with Energa, PGE and Israel Electrical Company, but until today, more than 30 utilities worldwide have already visit IBERDROLA Smart Grid Project STAR. Smart Meters connected Data Concentrators Invoices Remote Operations 1,697,303 8,765 8,229,572 1,448,954 Some data…
Qatar Smart Grid On December 2012 Kahramaa and Iberdrola signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to address the intention of joining the experiences from both companies to assess the technical and economic feasibility of the Smart Grid development in Qatar. Kahramaa has already some trial projects performed with some providers to test products and technical feasibility and as well some studies from important consultancy companies. Besides, Iberdrola Group provides the experience in the Smart Grid roll-out development from the Utility point of view. Therefore Iberdrola Engineering & Construction on behalf of Iberdrola Group is currently studying the Qatar regulation and the Kahramaa distribution network to assess which Smart Grid services will fit better with Kahramaa infrastructures and Qatar strategic targets. As a result from this study, carried out together with Kahramaa, the business case must be defined as well as a trial project proposal to check the feasibility of the solution depicted. Kick-off meeting On May 13th in Doha, Qatar, took place the kick-off meeting of the “Qatar Smart Grid Project” between IBERDROLA Engineering & Construction and the local utility Kahramaa. The objective of the meeting was to introduce the work team, review project objectives, identify imminent activities and meet deadlines and commitments. During this meeting a presentation was carried out to describe IBERDROLA Engineering’s experience in the development and deployment of Smart Grid technology in Spain. Meeting participants: Kahramaa: area responsible people: Telecommunications Transmission Control system Distribution Automation Kahramaa and Iberdrola will joint their experiences in Smart Grid to assess the feasibility of the Smart Grid Roll – Out in Qatar IBERDROLA Engineering: project team from Telecommunications and Smart Grid area.
Smartssive Why Smartssive? The Smart Grid deployment requires the installation of thousands of new electronic devices that have to be operated and maintained. Most of these devices are reachable through remote connections, so configurations can be handled from dispatch centers, but as there are many manufacturers providing new devices and most of them are state of the art, there is a wide range of possible connection types, configurations and features to be set. Formerly, these operations were done manually by the operators, so when a massive change had to be done over the network, many workforce were needed. That’s the reason why we created Smartssive Smartssive: innovative functionality IBERDROLA Engineering and Construction has developed a new Software Tool, called SMARTSSIVE, making operation difficulties past issues. Smartssive enables automation of activities that used to be done manually, making them less time-consuming and more cost-effective. Through a Scripting Language Engine, Smartssive allows the fast tracking of the operations to be done, checking that any change will not produce any misconfiguration in the network, and being an operator only necessary for supervision works. Because of the scripting feature, any change in the devices firmware or in the features, can be adjusted quickly. Smartssive deployment results: Successfully probed since April’ 13 performing changes in the configuration and firmware update of devices with an estimated workforce save of 90%. Software Tool deployed by IBERDROLA Engineering & Construction to automate the Intelligent Electronic Devices Management
GRID4EU GRID4EU: SG Paris 2013 SG Paris is one of the most remarkable international events regarding Smart Grids. In this last edition more than 40 projects were presented and 11 round tables were organized. IBERDROLA Distribution has presented project GRID4EU, the biggest European demonstrator about Smart Grids, which is being developed by IBERDROLA Distribution and IBERDROLA Engineering and Construction, third party in this project. It has been one of the main projects of the event with its series of presentations of grid automation, energy storage and integration of renewable energies (RES). IBERDROLA Distribution participated in a round table regarding “charge peaks and flattening management” discussing about active demand management, technical alternatives, customer’s role in the process, regulated tariffs and the “Brottes law” To subscribe to the project’s newsletter visit: More info: SG Integration regulation Market Models Energy Transmission and Decentralization SG Value Chain Energy Storage Super-Grids Smart Metering Impacts Investments Grid Flexibility Impacts of Smart Grids Distributed Renewable Energies Standardization SG Paris 2013 Topics Our conclusion from the SG Paris 2013 is that regulation should evolve to avoid being an obstacle for the investment and development of Smart Grids IBERDROLA Distribution leads GRID4EU project. Its objective is to remove Smart Grid deployment barriers throughout 6 innovative Projects.
iGREENGrid IBERDROLA Engineering hosted the Steering Committee on July the 18 th and 19 th Steering Committee Main Objectives: During this committee IBERDROLA Engineering participated in the plan and budget review of the project, approval of first deliverables, review of amendments received and activities on work packages depicted beside Review of WP2, “DRES Integration in Distribution Grids: assessment methodology based on EEGI KPI’s” WP3 kickoff “EU Local pilot projects, other important demos and EU relevant initiatives: data gathering” WP7 “Dissemination”. Activities done: Web page review Organization of the First Stakeholder meeting Web: For further information: IGREENGrid (IntegratinG Renewables in the EuropEaN Electricity Grid) project focuses on increasing the hosting capacity for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES) in power distribution grids without compromising the reliability or jeopardizing the quality of supply.