Recycler/Ecool Shutdown Planning Meeting (6/4/2010)
2 Recycler & Ecool planned jobs (i.e. Electronic Worklist entries) Replace vertical flying wire (#11649 Mech. Support and #10655 Instrumentation) 4 man weeks (Mech. Support) Replace beam valve solenoids (# Mech. Support) 110 man hours Modify Recycler beam valves (#10972 Mech. Support) 16 man hours Leak check RR800 line (#11943 Mech. Support) 24 man hours Open, Service & Close Pelletron (#11634 Mech. Support) 4 man weeks Install and test RGA (#11501 Mech. Support) 4 man hours Please update Electronic Worklist with your jobs Not really a shutdown task
3 Other Recycler/Ecool jobs Recycler vacuum maintenance (Mech. Support) Repair ion pumps/gauges as appropriate TSP sublimation ? Stochastic cooling system – Peanuts (Mech. Support) Vacuum pumps maintenance TWT supplies (filters) Replace FW paddles/scintillators (Instrumentation) If necessary Power supply maintenance (EE Support) Back flush SPC80 (Water group) ? Pelletron electrical/controls upgrade & maintenance (EE Support, Kermit) No job ‘officially’ submitted but included in ‘Ecool detailed jobs’ to follow
4 Detailed Ecool jobs (I) Test installed NESLAB chiller (Water Group) Replace NMR pre-amps (Kermit) In MI tunnel Collector Water Cooling System (Water Group + Mech. Support (1 person, could be Wayne)) Inspect Collector Cooling System Blower (1 hr) Replace the collector water flow switch (6 hrs) (Kermit & Hixson) Sample water Replace Collector Cooling System water & filter (2 days) SF6 Dryer/Recirculation System (Mech. Support) Inspect SF6 Dryer Inspect SF6 Blower Motor Replace SF6 Recirculation System Filter (1 day) Sample SF6 gas Add SF6 if required Inspect and repair Dew Point meter (Kermit & Hixson) May not be necessary
5 Detailed Pelletron jobs (II) SF6 Transfer Skid (Mech. Support) SF6 Dust Filter (4 hrs) SF6 Skid Vacuum Pump (change oil) (3 hrs) Check Drive Belt Tension (0.5 hrs) Check Oil Level in Sight Window Check Oil Separator /Filter & Drain of any Oil (1 hr) – Can be done before shutdown Check Oil Receiver (1 hr) Check Oil Mist Eliminator (1 hr) Blackmer Compressor (Mech. Support) (1 day) Overall Visual Check Check Crankcase Oil Pressure Clean Compressor Cooling Fins Check Crankcase Oil Level Check V-belt Tension Change Oil & Optional External Oil Filter (2 hrs) – Can be done before shutdown
6 Detailed Pelletron jobs (III) Blackmer Compressor (cont’) Check Inlet Filter/Strainer Element Inspect Valves Lubricate 4-way Valve Lubricate Motor Bearings Inspect Motor Starter Contact Points Up Right Lift Truck (Mech. Support) Check Lift Truck Battery, Charge if Needed Lift Truck Manufacturer's Recommended Check-up Water chiller (Water group) Change all Filters Check Glycol Concentration in water Check Refrigeration System Sample Water from Chiller
7 Detailed Pelletron jobs (IV) Pelletron (Mech. Support) Inspect Service Platform Inspect Pressure Relief Valve Inspect Charging Chains Inspect Chain Wheels Inspect Chain Bearings Inspect Drive Shaft Bearings Inspect Idler Pulleys Replace grounding wire between sheaves (1 hr) Add instrumentation for the chain-stretch LVDT system (+Kermit) (1 day) Replace one GVM? Inspection/cleaning/measurements checklist (3 hrs) – Likely longer Could lead to more jobs
8 Detailed Pelletron jobs (V) Pelletron (EE – Greg) Install & troubleshoot new modulator (1 day) Check/repair BPM D05 Check/repair IPA03 Check/troubleshoot GVM electronics and measure rotation frequency (+Kermit) Replace the entire electronic “suite” of corona regulation circuits (Kermit) (3 days) As early as possible Includes replacing the needles MI-31 building/utilities (Mech. Support) Inspect Counterweight System/Motor Inspect Overhead Crane (Contractor) Check and ensure all valves are labeled properly HVAC units maintenance (FESS)
9 Other Shutdown Activities (relevant to Pelletron operation) Pelletron Safety System test (EH&S) 4 hours Can be done between U-bend measurements Controls/networking highly disruptive tasks that will take place (Controls) – Days not scheduled yet (typical number of disrupted days during long shutdown: 8-10) Networking updates (4-8 hrs per job) MAC room maintenance UPS maintenance (MAC room and computing room) Database maintenance (4-8 hrs per job)
10 My view of the Ecool maintenance schedule Only inside the tank critical tasks are shown