1 Project Management Institute Central Iowa Chapter 2015 Strategic Plan With Results as of December 1, 2015
2 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Planning Components: “Strategy Pyramid” Purpose & Core Values Strategic Objectives (delivered through Chapter initiatives) Vision (future state) Mission Value Proposition Why we exist & What guides us Value to Members Envisioned Goal Who we are doing this for What we want to become What we have to offer How we measure results Operations (using Balanced Scorecard) How we deliver the vision Current State What are our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) Catalog of Core and Extended Services What we need to do Align Strategy with
3 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Purpose: Why We Exist? PMI’s Core Purpose (consistent identity): “To advance the practice, science and profession of project management throughout the world in a conscious and proactive manner” PMI-CIC’s Mission (why we exist): “To advance the practice and profession of project management throughout Central Iowa in a conscious and proactive manner to all stakeholders”
4 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Core Values: What Guides Us? PMI & PMI-CIC Core Values (enduring guiding principles): –Project Management Impact – Project management is a critical competence that has a positive influence on organization results and society. –Professionalism – Accountability and ethical behavior ensures our commitment to PMI stakeholders. –Volunteerism – Volunteers and effective volunteer partnerships with staff are the best way to accomplish the Institute’s goals and objectives. –Community – Bringing members of the global project management community together is the best way to advance the project management profession and facilitate their growth. –Engagement – Encouraging diverse viewpoints and enabling individuals to contribute to the project management profession and to the Institute.
5 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Current State 2015: What are our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT)? StrengthsWeaknesses Internal Collaborate 2 Succeed success PDD event Corporate support for events PMI is a well respected brand Committed volunteers Board of Directors member turnover Poorly executed Board of Directors transition process Involve and engage all Board of Directors members, align actions with Vice Presidents Relevance/accuracy of website content Low chapter meeting attendance Unengaged membership New membership from other organizations Similar strengths every year Knowledge management scattered, unorganized OpportunitiesThreats External Technology: webinars, social media, simulcasting, recorded/podcasts, on demand, increase website automation Chapter meeting discounting to draw attendance, bulk discounts and free meetings Engage more companies and organizations Target corporate leadership with events Communications integration with Collaborate 2 Succeed, outreach events, meetings, etc. Member engagement with communications, showcase achievements, leverage our network Aging population, build pipeline of younger members IIBA drawing members and content Companies not reimbursing members fees High reliance on PDD income PMI global events compete with local – webinars, CoPs, etc.
6 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Envisioned Goal: What Do We Want to Become? PMI’s Envisioned Goal (clear & compelling catalyst that serves as focal point of effort) – the future in years: “Worldwide, organizations will embrace, value, and utilize project management and attribute their success to it” PMI-CIC’s Vision (what we want to become & what our emphasis will be): “The PMI-CIC will be the recognized leader in supporting project management stakeholders and in promoting the value of project management throughout Central Iowa”
7 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Stakeholders: Who Are We Doing This For? Central Iowa Project Management Community Stakeholders: –PMI-CIC Members & Volunteers –Businesses/Academia/Government (suppliers & consumers of PM products & services) –Chief Officer (“C”) level individuals –Customers of PMI-CIC projects –Students of project management –Other professional organizations –Central Iowa community at large PMI-CIC Partners (who can help us): –PMI Global Operations Center (GOC) –PMI Region 2 Chapters –PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) –Communities of Practice (CoP)
8 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Value Proposition: What Do We Have to Offer? PMI’s Differentiation Strategy in the Marketplace (eminent influence) that establishes reputation as: –Credible resource and innovator for project management knowledge, trends and practices –Preferred partner for strategic alliances for advancement of the profession and its successful practice –Leading and respected advocate for the mature practice of project management integrated throughout organizations –Leading the evolution of the profession and the maturity of its practice PMI-CIC Value Proposition (what we offer): –Provide quality education and certification opportunities to advance project management competency –Foster the largest network of project management practitioners, stakeholders, consultants and educators in Central Iowa to strengthen the profession and its successful practice –Advocate for the value of project management and the profession
9 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan PMI’s Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Objectives: What Do We Need to Do? Perspective #1 – Stakeholder Intimacy: –Continuously Improve Stakeholder Loyalty – Be the source and resource for project, program, and portfolio management knowledge by fostering a vibrant and engaging community
10 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan PMI’s Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Objectives: What Do We Need to Do? Perspective #2 – Internal Business Processes: –Expand Knowledge Sharing and Community – Be the source and resource for project, program, and portfolio management knowledge by fostering a vibrant and engaging community –Advance Product and Service Leadership – Provide the means to improve the practice of project, program, and portfolio management by practitioners and consumers of project management services –Champion PM Adoption and Maturity – Champion adoption and continuous improvement of project, program, and portfolio management
11 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan PMI’s Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Objectives: What Do We Need to Do? Perspective #3 – Culture & Capabilities: –Strengthen Results Orientation – Strengthen ability to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of customers –Advance Leadership Continuity – Advance leadership preparedness throughout the organization –Strengthen Global and Local Accountability and Decision-Making – Extend decision-making across the global organization to ensure responsiveness to the needs of geographic markets
12 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan PMI’s Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Objectives: What Do We Need to Do? Perspective #4 – Resources: –Improve Organizational Viability – Improve organizational viability as a foundation to achieve the Strategic Plan
13 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Balanced Scorecard (BSC): What is It? Vision & Strategy "To satisfy ourInternal Business Process shareholders ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiatives and customers, which business processes must we excel at?" "To achieveLearning and Growth (Culture & Capabilities) our vision, ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiatives how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?" Customer (Stakeholder Intimacy) "To achieveObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiatives our vision, how should we appear to our customers?" Financial (Resources) "To succeed ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiatives financially, how should we appear to our shareholders?" Source: “Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System” by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, 1996
14 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Balanced Scorecard (BSC): How is it Developed? Mission, Values & Vision (come first-guides/clarifies decisions) Mission, Values & Vision (come first-guides/clarifies decisions) Strategy (outlines broad priorities necessary for success) Strategy (outlines broad priorities necessary for success) Performance Objectives & Measures (what to excel at to execute the strategy & how to gauge progress) Performance Objectives & Measures (what to excel at to execute the strategy & how to gauge progress) Targets (what to shoot for) Targets (what to shoot for) Initiatives (how to achieve the targets) Initiatives (how to achieve the targets) Source: Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step for Government and Nonprofit Agencies by Paul R. Niven, p. 219
15 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Balanced Scorecard (BSC): How Do We Deliver the Vision? Balanced scorecard helps to translate mission and strategies into objectives and measures, organized around four perspectives: 1.Stakeholder Intimacy Provide value to stakeholders (results of 2-4 below) 2.Internal Business Processes Operate to fulfill the vision 3.Culture & Capabilities Improve our competency 4.Resources Leverage people, time & $$ to achieve objectives
16 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan PMI Strategy Map Using Balanced Scorecard: How Do We Deliver the Vision?
17 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Applying the Balanced Scorecard: How Do We Deliver the Vision? Align PMI Strategic Objectives with PMI-CIC Board of Directors: –Stakeholder Intimacy: (results stem from outcomes of other objectives) Strengthen stakeholder loyalty Provide knowledge and tools with great service Demonstrate benefits from project management –Internal Business Processes: Thought Leadership: Facilitate innovative thinking & exchange of ideas – Professional Development Profession Enablers: Provide the means to improve the practice of project management – Professional Development Partnering: Develop/enhance mutually advantageous and trusting relationships – Communications & Marketing / Outreach & Public Relations Advocacy: Champion project maturity and adoption – Outreach & Public Relations –Culture and Capabilities: Make PMI a customer centric organization – Board of Directors Make leadership excellence a strategic competency – Board of Directors Make market and business development a strategic competency – Strategic Planning / Board of Directors –Resources: Leverage resources/investments in the marketplace – Membership & Volunteerism / Communications & Marketing (sponsorships) Maintain financial viability – Treasury & Finance
18 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Applying the Balanced Scorecard: How Do We Measure Results? Use the Catalog of Core and Extended Services to self measure and monitor value delivery of the PMI-CIC: –Deliverable from PMI’s Community Transformation Project in response to leaders’ request to support and measure value delivery (originally introduced as the Performance Management Framework - PMF) –Focuses on membership value by describing required performance (i.e. measures and targets) for each service –Some services are mandatory (core services), other services are additional and optional (extended services) –Illustrates how core and extended services delivered by PMI-CIC are aligned with PMI BSC Strategic Objectives –Refer to PMI’s “Catalog of Core and Extended Services” document in Appendix for description, measures, targets of services and their alignment to PMI BSC Strategic Objectives
19 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan 2015 Scorecard Results (December 31, 2015) Strategic ObjectiveCore or Extended Service / MeasureOwnerActualTarget Stakeholder Intimacy Strengthen Stakeholder Loyalty Membership RetentionMembership Met 76.7% 70% Overall Member Satisfaction measure with agreement scale Membership 95% score of 3 or > 70% score 3 or > Internal Business Processes Thought LeadershipDiscussion Topics / Employment Opportunities BoD / LinkedIn Members Met 10 topics / year Profession EnablersChapter events measured with PDUs Professional Development Met16 PDUs / year Membership Satisfaction with Quality of Chapter Events 93% 70% score 3 or > Monthly Chapter MeetingsMet 7 PDUs / Year Professional Development Day (PDD)Met 7 PDUs / year Workshop Training Events / # of PDUs 2/243 or more events PMP / CAPM Prep CourseMet 35 / contact hours Mentor Program8 7 Mentor / Mentee pairs complete program Networking Event BoDUnmet1 / year PartneringOutreach to other organizations or industry leaders Outreach & BoD Met 1 contact / year Collaborate to Succeed / Number of projects supported Membership / Volunteerism Met 4 projects / year AdvocacyOutreach to educational institutions / # of contacts Outreach & BoD Met 3 contacts / year PMI Educational Foundation Scholarship sponsored by Central Iowa Chapter Past President Met 2 scholarships of $2,500 / year each
20 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan 2015 Scorecard Results (December 31, 2015) Strategic ObjectiveCore or Extended Service / MeasureOwnerActualTarget Culture and Capabilities Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Chapter website / Updates Director WebsiteUpdated Within 5 business days Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Chapter website / Member satisfaction Director Website UnMet 60%, trending steady Improve on baseline survey score by 5% Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Chapter website is useful and engaging storefront – Determine long-term course of action for website OperationsMet Ongoing, closer collaboration with Proteon & more integration plug ins Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Website incorporated for chapter records management OperationsMet Initiate standard process to follow Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Communication with members via newsletter and/or / Number of communications Communications & Newsletter Met 1 / month newsletter & 1 blast / month Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Communication with members via newsletter and/or / Member Satisfaction Communications & Newsletter Met 82% score of 3 or > 70% score of 3 or > Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Communication recognizing new members and/or credentials earned by members / Number of communications MembershipUnmet10 comms / year Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Communication recognizing new members and/or credentials earned by members / Member Satisfaction Membership 96% score of 3 or > 70% score of 3 or > Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Marketing Introduction and Benefits Package / Package exists and is updated annually MembershipMet Package exists / updated annually Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Marketing Introduction and Benefits Package / Member Satisfaction Membership0% score 70% score of 3 or >
21 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan 2015 Scorecard Results (December 31, 2015) Strategic ObjectiveCore or Extended Service / MeasureOwnerActualTarget Culture and Capabilities Make leadership excellence a strategic competency Create transition plan / Review & improve plan President- Elect MetAnnually Make leadership excellence a strategic competency by transitioning Orient new Chapter leaders / Each Officer area has a transition meeting PresidentMetOnce a year Make leadership excellence a strategic competency by transitioning Orient new community leaders / Identify and document key processes President- Elect / Trustee Unmet Did not meet – chapter meeting prep; updated 2 other processes Chapter meeting preparation process Make leadership excellence a strategic competency LIM Regional leadership attendance / Implement process improvements from information received at the conferences President Met (6) 2 BoD attends per year Make leadership excellence a strategic competency Chapter volunteer recognition and awards / BoD Recognition VolunteerismMet Recognize at chapter meeting Make market & business development a strategic competency Strategic planning meeting to review strategic alignment and business plan Strategic Planning MetOnce a year Resources Leverage Resources / Investments in the Market Place Sponsorship ManagementMarketing Unmet 1 sponsor per year Improve Organizational Viability Conduct a customer satisfaction surveyPMI GlobalMet Survey conducted Improve Organizational Viability Complete Strategic Alignment Scorecard (SAS) on- time with charter renewal Strategic Planning / Past President Renewed 2/22/2015 Charter renewed by 2/28/2015 Maintain Financial Viability Maintain financial records and hold monthly BoD meeting to review financials and operations / Complete audit of 2014 financials Finance / President Met 1 BoD meeting per month / 1 Audit per year Maintain Financial ViabilityAnnual Report to MembersPresidentMetOnce a year
22 PMI-CIC 2015 Strategic Plan Appendix PMI Strategic Plan: Catalog of Core and Extended Services: More information contact: PMI-CIC Director of Strategic Planning at