Building Our Community and Network Engagement S The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education #H326T However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Teaching Research Institute, nor the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jo Ann McCann.
Overview of Our Session Reviewing the Why of Network Engagement Internal and external motivators Catch up on the progress of some of our “collective” accomplishments Opportunity to continue conversations about our collaboration practices – this was at heart of our summit meeting…
Network Engagement - TWG Stacy Aguilera Teresa Coonts Susan Edelman Tracy Evans Luiselli Diane Haynes Katie Humes Mellanie Lee Rose Moehring Chris Montgomery Sherri Nelson Michael Norman Chris Russell
Suggestions and Progress State Project Portal Portal Engagement - Efforts that we are going to make Mentoring State Activities Database Thinking Strategically
Engagement Practices In Our Field Collaborative Teamwork Interagency Collaboration Communities of Practice Leading by Convening Common to all are: Shared goals Shared agenda Agreed upon definitions of success, meaningful to the community Mutually beneficial relationship - likely to promote learning for all parties Builds capacity and competency for all participants Implications for sustainability
Engagement Continuum Type of Interaction CharacteristicsExamples of engagement strategies and behaviors Networking Loosely defined Informal communication for common understanding Non-hierarchical Low key leadership General information dissemination Website Webinars eNews eNnouncements State Activities Database Cooperation People agree to help each other but remain autonomous Share information Use of online tools to inform and engage Share resources on specific topics Answering a question from a peer Coordination Increase efficiency and resource management to reduce duplication of effort Partners facilitate accomplishment of each other’s goals Shared leadership Co-Production: Knowledge Synthesis TWG’s and Advisory Groups Collaboration Shared vision and goals Long term, Time intensive Relationship building is critical Structure of interaction is more specific Shared leadership, high level of trust and productivity Co-Creation of products OHOA Modules Mentoring Peer to Peer TA
New Report Organizing State Activities into Collaboration Framework Working Together for Families: State Deaf-Blind Project & Parent Center Collaborations
Network Assets
Vision Statement Coherent vision of who we are and where we are going Next for NCDB - A vision has to start somewhere What is process for engaging the network in developing a vision?
Network Graphic Food for thought about vision Capturing ideas
Project Management Has been an area of need in the network for a number of years - Summit Needs are broad and not well defined Conversations around this will take place around the TA Guide Drop ins, posts, etc This will help: build consensus establish specific needs Prioritize needs and define a path forward What will we address and how can we do it together? Look at TA Guide (in portal), watch for drop in webinars and make a commitment to participate