MERSEA Integrated System Exeter Nov 2005 IGST (F. Blanc) Ocean Data Portal
Mersea Ocean Data Portal Content Utility Information on TEPs & products Coherent information From Observations to Forecasts From Products to Services Services online (standalone / federated)
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 1- Utility The Mersea Ocean data portal is essential to facilitate the visibility and exchange of the data, in a reliable and coherent manner (- information, catalogue, demonstration products, data availability status -) relaying to the different independent data centers. –Mission and products documented, similarly for V1, list of products, discovery metadata, and other contextual information, for V2, user guides, tutorials –Services connected for V1, easy access to the data sets through a link to the relevant data distribution servers and basic standalone viewing tools, for V2, access to user friendly searching and navigation tools that lead to the data and federating visualisation and manipulation tools on gridded data –Operationnality shown for Mersea V1 system wrt to current existing systems for V1, cf. the data availability status, a Live Access Server federating individual Opendap data servers, for V2 an ocean bulletin web site (the front window), an improved intercomparison bulletin
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 2- Information on TEP & Products Access to TEP (Observing Systems)
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 2- Information on TEP & Products Access to TEP (Forecasting Systems)
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 2- Information on TEP & Products 1. Access to Products Access to TEP
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 3- Coherent information Coherent information For each IN SITU network oOverview oProducts oR&D oFor more information For each R/S network oOverview oSatellites oProducts oR&D oFor more information For each Forecasting system oModel overview oID card oInput data oOperational oMetrics oR&D oProducts oUseful links oContact
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 3- Coherent information
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 4- From Observations to Forecasts Input dataOuput data
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 5- From Products to Services Mission 1
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 4- From Products to Services 2 Products
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 4- From Products to Services 3 Catalogue
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 4- From Products to Services 4 Services Access to TEP Access to Operator Standalone Viewing Services Distribution Services Standalone Operational Indicators
Mersea Ocean Data Portal 6- Services online Standalone Services Federating LAS Delivery status (Strand-1) Intercomparison plots Ocean bulletins (maps’ generator => continuity of Strand-1)