DART 261 Library Research Melinda Reinhart Visual Arts Librarian September 2014
Library Resources: Outline Using Concordia Libraries & Other Libraries Scholarly & Popular Literature Finding Journal Articles – Databases | Google Scholar Finding Books & Holdings of Journals, etc. – Library Catalogues: CLUES Concordia Library catalogue Preparing your Bibliography Citation guides: APA, Chicago, and MLA RefWorks Check bibliographies in relevant books, articles, etc. for citations to other relevant documents
Using Concordia Libraries Concordia Libraries includes 2 libraries: Webster Library & Vanier Library – Can request books from Vanier library in library catalogue – Also request – Books borrowed by another user – Recently arrived material without call numbers ID card is your library card – Borrow 30 books for 3 weeks (subject to recall)
Reading Reserves Room in Webster Library All undergraduate textbooks are on 3 hour reserve in the Course Reserves room Example: DART 262 Design and art
Using Other Libraries Get BCI card at the Circulation Desk to borrow at other university libraries Use the Interlibrary Loans service to request books, articles, etc. from other libraries
DART your research assignment Use academic research methods Locate and evaluate at least 6 sources of information about your artifact and its place in contemporary culture Find at least one: book from a library scholarly article Popular media source – magazines, websites, advertisements
Scholarly Popular author: university or research centre publisher: university or scholarly evidence of research and analysis; not just opinions bibliographies Author: often journalist often provides descriptions, biographies, opinions highly illustrated with visual content short bibliographies if any
Using bibliographies to find relevant resources scholarly & popular articles Friedman, Daniel. “Conspicuous consumption dynamics.” Games and Economic Behaviour (Sep 2008): Goldber, Michelle. “The Rise of the Crafty Hipster.” Newsweek (2013): 1.
search process using mason jars as cultural artifact Moonshiners 1920s Today: repurposed 19 th century: Food preservation
Find keywords from preliminary readings “Everyone I know who uses Mason jars is ‘foodie’ and ‘green,’” “That's why the hipsters and organic foodies are doing it,” Half a century later, the Mason jar is having another moment…. many people are much more aware of the food that they’re eating The jars are popular enough that a corporation saw an opportunity to kindle brand nostalgia with a reissue of jars
identify key concepts from artifact to broad categories It is unlikely that you will find an entire academic article about your artifact To find resources related to artifact in society, identify relevant key words Mason jars fads or trends Food or foodies diy eco chic recycling or environment health nostalgia or vintage combine with the keywords - culture or social or society or material culture
Use the Library Catalogue to find: books – hard copy and e-books journals subscribed to Concordia Library Catalogue
Google Books find chapters or sections on a highly specific topic check for contents of book
If you are not finding books on cultural or social use a Subject Search in the library catalogue technology social aspects technological innovations social aspects body image social aspects clothing and dress social aspects consumption social aspects design social aspects environment social aspects affluent consumers social status
How to find journals & magazines Use DATABASES Check bibliographies of relevant documents you find AcademicPopular
Databases | tools for identifying articles in journals Interdisciplinary Databases Academic Search Complete – popular magazines & scholarly journals Academic Search Complete JSTOR – mostly scholarly, but sometime latest years are not available SocIndex Art & Design Databases – covers context of art, design and design history Art Full Text DAAI: Design & Applied Arts Index Design Research GuideDesign Research Guide has a list of other databases to consider NOTE: to access databases from home – need netname & password or connect to Concordia’s vpn
Search Features nostalgia and society … searches for both words social or society …… or searches either word consum* searches for consume or consumer or consumption “conspicuous consumption” “ ….” searches exact phrase
How to find the journals From database use Check E-journals page Check to find out if library has online subscription and if so, the date coverage Check CLUES Check to see if date of journal is available Get call no. Articles in paper journals can be requested through Article Delivery ServiceArticle Delivery Service Check other libraries Go to library and photocopy Request via InterLibrary Loans
Google Scholar covers some journal, book and theses literature not as comprehensive as databases but useful for interdisciplinary coverage Set up library links for Concordia Libraries in SETTINGS
Formatting your Bibliography Check HELP & HOW TO – Citation Guides Explain how to format bibliographic references – RefWorks Set up account to create a database of your research references
If you have Questions: ASK a LIBRARIAN Reference Desk Chat Reference Reference
What kinds of publications are these? book or book chapter Gergen, K. “The Challenge of Absent Presence.” Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance. Ed. J. E. Katz & M. Aakhus. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2002: Paper. Standage, T. The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-line Pioneers. New York: Walker & Company, Paper.