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Presentation transcript:

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1. Passing on Your DNA Questions 1-12 advantages of sexual reproduction sperm meiosis –running time 09: _qlg_01.html _qlg_01.html

Reproduction Worksheet: Life’s Greatest Miracle 1.How many human babies are born each day? 2.How many cells are there in the human body? 3.What does the video say is the “fundamental urge” for all life?

4.What is DNA “very good” at? 5.How does the DNA of a bacterium compare to its parent’s? 6.What risk is there for a species that only reproduces by cloning? 7.How does the DNA of sexually produced offspring compare to the DNA of the parents?

8.How many sperm are produced by the average human male each second? 9.What process is used to make sperm cells and egg cells? 10. How many chromosomes are there in a normal human body cell? 11. What happens to the genes when two chromosomes “embrace”? 12. What is the advantage of diversity within a species?

2. The Egg's Journey Questions expectant parents finding a mate intercourse –running time 06:00 ht/qt/2816_qlg_02.html ht/qt/2816_qlg_02.html

13. When does a human female produce her eggs? 14. How many eggs does the average human female release per month? 15. What is an egg missing that it needs to survive? 16. About how many sperm are released into the vagina?

3. The Sperm's Journey Questions obstacles reaching the egg entering the egg –running time 05:41 – _qlg_03.html _qlg_03.html

17. What danger confronts sperm in the vagina 18. What does the sperm need in order to be allowed through the egg’s zona?

4. The First Two Weeks Questions cell division implantation morning sickness –running time 04:58 – _qlg_04.html _qlg_04.html

19. How much time passes between fertilization and the first division of the zygote? 20. What happens if the dividing zygote accidentally separates into two? 21. After fertilization, how long does it take for the blastocyst to arrive in the uterus? 22. What risk does the blastocyst face after it attaches to the uterus?

5. The Embryo Takes Shape Questions gastrulation cells on the move turning genes on –running time 07:47 – _qlg_05.html _qlg_05.html

23. What is gastrulation? 24. What will the lower layer of cells develop into? 25. What will the middle layer of cells develop into? 26. What will the outer layer of cells develop into? 27. How long is the embryo after 41/2 weeks? 28. True or false: All cells have the same genes.

29. What does a gene do when it has been turned on? 30. What do the following proteins do? –a. collagen: –b. crystallin: –c. actin and myosin: –d. hemoglobin: –31. How do cells communicate with each other?

6. Messages in the Genes Question 32 how sex is determined the SRY gene building organs and limbs –running time 04:35 – _qlg_06.html _qlg_06.html

32. How is the Y chromosome different from the X chromosome?

7. Feeding the Growing Fetus Questions the placenta organs begin to function a remarkable transformation –running time 06:39 – _qlg_07.html _qlg_07.html

33. Where specifically does the baby get its nutrients from? 34. Do the baby’s and mother’s blood ever mix? 35. How old is the fetus when it gains the ability to hear sound?

8. The Third Trimester Questions the growing brain pain and danger of human birth a new life –running time 07:07 – _qlg_08.html _qlg_08.html

36. What is the main job of the fetus during the last trimester? 37. What does myolin do? 38. Why is birth more dangerous for humans than for other animals?

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