Introduction to Talk for Writing Years 3 and 4 Crosshill 6th July
Aims of the session To recognise the vital role of Speaking and Listening in the learning process To introduce the Talk for Writing materials and strategies To develop an understanding of how these can be integrated into the teaching sequence for Literacy across the curriculum
What is Talk for Writing? Writing improves when children have an opportunity to talk about it. They have the chance to collect vocabulary, rehearse the structure of sentences and refine ideas before they start the writing process. Structured ‘Talk for Writing’ allows children to ‘hear’ the writing aloud, until the ‘Talk’ becomes the writing. The TfW materials support teachers in further developing children’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through the teaching sequence, combined with a personalised approach to planning based on effective AfL.
The Teaching Sequence for Writing Talk For Writing Sequential learning objectives appropriate to unit outcome WoW factor – familiarisation of vocabulary/ideas Familiarisation with the genre / text – Shared Reading Capturing Ideas Oral rehearsal Teacher Demonstration Teacher scribing Supported writing Guided writing Independent Writing Edit, review and improve Final outcome : T.A.P. Differentiated 4
Talk for Writing should happen at three levels .... Teacher talk: the verbalisation of the thought processes involved, as the teacher is demonstrating and modelling various stages or aspects of the writing process. Guiding children’s talk: structured and scaffolded opportunities for children to develop and practise all the different aspects of talk for writing e.g. past tense, description, using connectives - through class and group conversations and activities. Independent children’s talk: opportunities for children to develop and practise talk for writing in pairs and small groups, independent of the teacher.
To be productive, Talk for Writing needs to be embedded in every phase of the teaching sequence During reading: when familiarising with the genre/text type and it’s key features Before writing: when generating ideas, preparing for and planning writing. During all stages of writing: when making choices involved in creating, developing and improving texts. After writing: when reflecting on and learning from a writing experience.
Talk for Writing Reading and writing float on a sea of talk. James Britton
What does Talk for Writing look like? Talk for Writing can be developed around these key strategies Word and language games Book Talk - open-ended discussion Writer Talk - ‘reading as a writer’ Storytelling and Story making Role play and drama
A short writing opportunity Creating the ‘WOW’ A short writing opportunity You tube clip Papier maché island Show the egg – if you’ve had chance to make one – otherwise just use the picture on the slide. Ask groups to generate questions about the egg using the question hands. List some of the questions on the whiteboard and take ideas for answers. Encourage teachers to look for short writing opportunities. Contextualise new topic first Introduce / familiarise with new vocabulary 9
Phase 1/2 - Gathering ideas and language Role play area
Word and language games Generating vocabulary and imaginative thought Pirate alphabet : - Pirates - adventurous pirates, bold, brave pirates, cunning, cool and crafty pirates, fearless, frightening............etc Word banking : - words to describe island setting (see Writer’s toolkit) Tell me game : - model – e.g.pirate ship, pirate Tell me – ‘What is it?’ ‘Who is it?’ ‘Where is it going?’ ‘What is he carrying?’ ‘Who’s on board?’ ‘How is he feeling?’
Progression in sentence writing from ‘Tell me’ game Simple sentence - present tense This is an old pirate ship. The ship is sailing to an island. Compound sentence The pirates are looking for an island because they have some treasure to bury. The pirate carries a cutlass so he can cut the rope. Complex sentence On board the ship, the Captain and his crew are hoisting the sails. When the ship anchors in the bay, the pirates will disembark and bury their treasure on the island.
It is an open-ended discussion with no wrong answers! ‘Book Talk’ The purpose is to give children the opportunity to explore and respond to a text at their own level, through talk. It is an open-ended discussion with no wrong answers! Children should be encouraged to build/elaborate on previous contributions, until a good range of key aspects of the text (ideas, language, pictures, structure, layout etc) has been fully explored.
(prior experiences -another book read, a TV character, visit etc) Book Talk – ‘Tell me’ Likes Dislikes Connections (prior experiences -another book read, a TV character, visit etc) Things that puzzle me 15
Book Talk: Scaffolded response prompts I enjoyed the part where… I thought it was funny when.. I didn’t like it when…..…………. because……………….. My favourite book was…because… Use the speaking frames in pairs to form opinions – see further speaking frames in the Film Resources pack Differentiated activities
Activity TALK ! Open-ended Picture Talk Using the pictures on table, To promote and embed use of key vocabulary generated from Book Talk, stories, language games, discussions etc
Picture Talk Where is the parrot? How did the pirate reach the island ? Why does he have a wooden leg? What is the pirate doing? How is the pirate feeling? Why do you think he’s left the ship? What can the pirate see on the map ? 18
Comprehension - Think/ Say/ Feel bubbles – link to AF’s Complete a Think/Say/Feel bubble for each character at key points of the text Link to Session 8 Link to sentence writing.....
feel think say 20
Short writing opportunities Fact box Poster Advert Character profile Think, say feel bubbles Post it notes Story map Wow words Sentence Letter Poem Email or text message Refer back to the planning circles – these go hand-in-hand with the speaking and listening and drama activities. These are useful ways to maximise writing opportunities throughout a unit of work not just at the end! Children respond enthusiastically to these types of writing activities as they appear incidental and non-threatening. They can often arise spontaneously as well as being planned for. 21 21
Storytelling and story making You can’t write a story unless you can tell a story. You can’t tell a story unless you have heard a story.
Storytelling and story-making Through oral storytelling, children internalise: ‘Big’ patterns – plots act as blueprints e.g. warning, quest or problem/resolution story, cumulative tales Building blocks of narrative and pacing – common characters, settings, events etc Flow of sentences – syntactical patterns Vocabulary – connectives e.g. one day, so, next Images in the mind to draw upon 23
The Story-making Process Imitation - straight retelling of stories using story map, actions Innovation - developing, extending and changing elements of story making it your own Invention - creating a ‘new’ story 24
Peg leg Pirate Imitation Once upon a time there was a bold pirate called Peg-leg, who set sail to find buried treasure. He sailed this way and that, until he reached a little green island. First he discovered a deep dark cave and started to look for treasure. He dug inside the deep dark cave, but no treasure could be found. And he sang to himself – “Yo Ho Ho And a bottle of pop I’ll search for the treasure until I drop” Imitation 25
A parallel text based on an Innovation of - A Home on Wheels A parallel text based on an Innovation of - ‘A New Home for a Pirate’ Supportive context for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children
Shared Writing -‘Reading as a writer’ Spot good bits and techniques used Magpie : story openings plot patterns settings character types ideas you are reading sentence openings/structure connectives effective words and phrases – ‘WOW’ Then move to ‘Writing as a Reader’, applying the ideas to your own writing. ‘Magpie’ for working wall, Writer’s Toolkit
Mapping the story and oral re-telling Differentiated challenges 28
Guided talk Using the story picture cards, sequence the events in the story. Use this scaffold to discuss elements of story e.g. Opening, What happened? Model a story opening and ask child to retell same part (repeat for other sections) Take turns to retell story around the group Develop this into more independent retelling using story sticks, puppets, story map or drama 29
Innovation Only innovate when text is in long-term working memory Substitution – change names, places, objects Addition – extra characters, more detail, extra adjectives, more dialogue Alteration – e.g. good character becomes greedy Change of viewpoint/genre – retelling from different character’s view , or in different form e.g. letter, diary Using the boxed up plot structure/ patterns substitute new characters, setting and events Think about writing levels e.g. Level 3 –noun phrases Model each stage in SHARED WRITING 30
Invention Who – where – what ? Use a theme, plot pattern or simple story idea e.g. warning, quest Draw and decide Tell and retell Work on aspects over a few days using scaffolds- story grids for characterization, description etc Shared – independent writing – edit - improve 31
Phase 1/2 Box up the plot Storytelling and Story making Opening Past tense What happened? What happened next? Ending 32
Storehouse of stories Reception 10 stories Year 1 6 Year 2 6 stories/text types Year 3 6 Year 4 6 Year 5 6 Year 6 6
Role Play and Drama Telephone call Hot seating Freeze frames Thought tracking Magic microphone Puppets and props See booklet
Role on the Wall eye patch spotty bandana brave striped shirt wicked cutlass buckle shoes angry fearless unhappy parrot on shoulder wooden leg At the beginning of the story the pirate looked......................................................
Scaffolding Language and Learning at KS2 Talk across the curriculum Talk for Writing Scaffolding Language and Learning at KS2
Graphic organisers Graphic organisers are visual representations and organisational tools for use during guided sessions or during independent collaborative activities, where talk is exploratory and there is a requirement to report back.
Graphic organisers More graphic organisers to support description/use of present tense Ways in which they are the same Ways in which they are different Compare – contrast In order to compare, children will need to develop and use language such as: ‘both X and Y do/have/are but X is …’ ‘whilst …, however …’ ‘same’, ‘different’, ‘similar’, etc. ‘New Home for a Pirate’ ‘A Home on Wheels’
Integrating TALK FOR WRITING into your literacy planning Word and Language games Storytelling - Imitation Book Talk Reading as a writer PHASE 1 Word and Language games Role play, drama, storytelling, story-making PHASE 2 PHASE 3 Writing as a reader Story-making prompts Innovation - Invention 39 39
Reflection Integrate strategies into planning a unit of work Scaffold for differentiation and inclusion Reinforce Talk for Writing across the curriculum