Promotions Criteria Please note, these slides only contain a summary of the promotions information – full details can be found on the website at procedures/other/academicpromsprocedure/ procedures/other/academicpromsprocedure/ External Engagement (exceptionally) Learning & Teaching Research Citizenship
General Principles Excellence - Regardless of the level of promotion, staff should normally be able to demonstrate excellence in one of the three criteria and at least ability and effectiveness in the other two. Citizenship - good School and University citizenship is a prerequisite for consideration of applications for promotion at any level regardless of area of excellence claimed. Here, citizenship is defined as a willingness to contribute to and be involved in the activities of the School and/or University, and a commitment to Aston Values. Contribution - Staff should expect that activities and achievements which contribute primarily to the development and success of the University and its aims and objectives (as opposed to those which contribute primarily to the standing of the individual) will be viewed particularly positively. Critical Reflection – regardless of level of promotion or area of excellence, all staff will be expected to give evidence of critical reflection on student feedback. This should be more than just descriptive e.g. what went well, what did not go well and what was done to address the issues.
Indicators of Achievement External Engagement Learning & Teaching Formal teaching qualifications Engagement with student feedback processes (required) Innovations in learning & teaching Leadership in learning & teaching Dissemination External recognition and collaborations Positive impact on the student experience External funding Leadership and senior level management roles in externally funded projects Contribution to businesses, public sector and the community Enhancing the University’s reputation/profile through leadership roles with professional/scholarly bodies Contribution to the development of Government policy and standards Evidence of impact Research Publications External grants Research students Patents and/or other evidence Invitations to join conference committees, chair sessions etc International research collaborations Awards, prizes and other markers of esteem
Assessment of Ability & Effectiveness in Research An established publication record with continuing scholarly activity, typically including the equivalent of 1 publication per year in a good quality international journal Publications in other journals, refereed conferences, scholarly articles and textbooks Examples of research impact Professor A good publication record with continuing scholarly activity, typically including the equivalent of 1 publication per year in a good quality international journal Publications in other journals, refereed conferences, scholarly articles and textbooks Reader A developing publication record typically including the equivalent of 1 publication per year in a good quality international journal Publications in other journals, refereed conferences, scholarly articles and textbooks Senior Lecturer
Assessment of Ability & Effectiveness in Learning & Teaching Independently assessed ability to communicate the discipline effectively in a learning & teaching context Evidence of the ongoing analysis and use of good student feedback and critical reflective practice to improve personal performance (required) Evidence of quality and innovation in learning and teaching Advice and mentoring of junior staff Professor Independently assessed ability to communicate the discipline effectively in a learning & teaching context Evidence of the ongoing analysis and use of good student feedback and critical reflective practice to improve personal performance (required) Evidence of quality and innovation in learning and teaching Reader Independently assessed ability to communicate the discipline effectively in a learning & teaching context Evidence of quality and innovation in learning and teaching Evidence of good student feedback and critical reflective practice (required) PG Cert/HEA Fellowship Senior Lecturer
Assessment of Ability & Effectiveness in External Engagement Evidence of leadership across more than one of the indicators of achievement or other relevant indicators(indicators are detailed within the Promotions Guidance Appendix B). Professor Evidence of significant active participation across more than one of the indicators of achievement or other relevant indicators. Reader Evidence of active participation in at least one of the indicators of achievement or other relevant indicators. Senior Lecturer
Assessment of Excellence in Research Established international research profile with internationally excellent and leading publications (3*/4*) demonstrating impact on subject area Invited keynote conference presentations and prestige lectures and/or other evidence of research impact and esteem Well established record of research student supervision and successful completion Strong leadership and team building in research with a track record of recent grant income and successful completion of research projects Successful international research collaborations Professor Rapidly developing international profile with a strong publication record of internationally excellent and leading publications (3*/4*) Invited keynote conference presentations and prestige lectures and/or other evidence of research impact and esteem Established record of research student supervision and successful completion Research leadership including grant income Reader Established national profile with a growing body of recent internationally excellent and leading publications (3*/4*) Invited conference presentations and/or other evidence of research impact and esteem REF submissibility Record of research student supervision and successful completion Developing research leadership including grant income Senior Lecturer
Assessment of Excellence in Learning & Teaching As for Reader but additionally: International profile with evidence of leadership in learning and teaching, innovation and positive impact on student experience National Teaching Fellowship/Principal Fellowship of HEA or equivalent accreditation A leading role in the support and mentoring of staff new to University learning and teaching Acquisition of external funding for research and/or developments in learning and teaching Professor As for SL but additionally: Obtaining funding and awards for learning and teaching At least Senior Fellowship of HEA Established national and developing international profile in learning and teaching A leading role in the support and mentoring of staff new to University learning and teaching Acquisition of external funding for research and/or developments in learning and teaching External examining Reader Excellent and innovative personal performance in l&t based on student feedback and critical reflection with positive effect on student experience Senior Fellowship of the HEA Significant participation in l&t, impact on curriculum development and the enhancement of the subject area Role-modelling teaching e.g. engagement at national level, peer mentoring, sharing best practice, acquisition of external funding for research and/or developments in learning and teaching Senior Lecturer
Assessment of Excellence in External Engagement Evidence of excellent leadership across at least three indicators of achievement An exceptional level of demonstrable impact of the activities on the University’s profile and recognition National or international level external personal recognition/acclaim in at least one of the areas of activity Professor Evidence of emerging leadership/significant management roles across at least three indicators of achievement An exceptional level of demonstrable impact of the activities on the University’s profile and recognition National level external personal recognition/acclaim in at least one of the areas of activity Reader Evidence of emerging leadership/significant active participation across at least three indicators of achievement An exceptional level of demonstrable impact of the activities on the University’s profile and recognition External personal recognition/acclaim in one or more of the areas of activity Senior Lecturer
Teaching-focussed roles (Other Related staff) Teaching quality e.g via excellent student feedback Meeting relevant UKPSF level Pedagogical research e.g. text books Teaching & Scholarship Mentoring inexperienced colleagues Taking on leadership roles e.g. PD/CD Demonstrating Aston Values leadership expectations Leadership Proactively contributing to School/University activities beyond normal role expectations Contributing to Aston Values: trust, empowerment, engagement, innovation, ambition, learning and scholarship Citizenship
The application form - making your case For each of the areas (L&T; Research, External Engagement; Citizenship) state your case for promotion and give a brief summary of your plans in the relevant boxes (max 5 pages) Indicate the level and area of excellence claimed (not applicable to Grade 8 to 9 or Other Related promotions) Attach your CV with full publication list as an appendix Include links to strongest 3 publications within Aston Research Explorer (where relevant) Include a link to personal web pages within CV Give details of referees Attach summary of teaching feedback as an appendix to the case for promotion Attach module reflection forms as an appendix
Further Support Available Annual process to review all academics for promotion every year Promotions mentors either line manager or specific promotion mentors Staff to contact HR for referral to mentor e.g. female academic to be mentored by a senior female academic from outside own subject area or for mentoring on area of excellence
Referees Should be sufficiently familiar to comment meaningfully on the application Should be professors, or people of professorial standing Should be familiar with the standards for promotion within UK research-led universities Should be from reputable institutions Should be a balance of UK and international referees where international reputation is being claimed Should not normally be internal Should be contacted prior to being nominated
Timeline and process Key dates for applicants: Closing date 21 January 2016 School Promotions Boards 1-19 February 2016 Outcome of School Boards w/c 29 February March deadline for applications to University Committee University Promotions Committee 4 May May - June candidates will be notified (N.B. some candidates will be interviewed so final outcome will be later) Interviews held June/July Effective dates: 1 August 2016 (1 April for Grade 8-9)