April 14, 2016 Entry Task Read the example conclusion paragraph below. Then, in your English Notebook, make a bulleted list of the things wrong. So in conclution we that Okonkwo wants to think something and needs to do something else a lot of the time in the book and that makes him die. We see that other characters in the book who accept themselves don’t end up aren’t dead liek him. At the end of the book we the readers learns that blancing the thought with actions is important otherwise we die. I feel relieved when I get to the end We’re probably just rehashing what’s already in the paper It’s sloppy with lots of mistakes Don’t repeat yourself, instead, reflect on what your paper proved. Wrap up in a way that leaves the reader empowered, or hungry for more. Make it technically perfect. Leave the reader feeling impressed and positive.
What do you want to emulate from this conclusion? Despite the fact that Okonkwo’s conflict between his inner thoughts and outer actions ultimately destroy him, the glimmer of hope it offers readers makes this tragedy continually relevant. The balance we find in our own lives allows us to persevere where Okonkwo failed. We do get up for that early- morning test instead of sleeping in, and we don’t hit our siblings whenever we feel like it because we know the long-term benefits of harmonizing our internal and external conflicts. Characters like Okonkwo, while frustratingly flawed, ultimately serve as grave reminders of the responsibilities we must take upon ourselves, and this allows us to flourish where they would have failed.
Class Points Yesterday & Today *All class members are meaningfully engaged in relevant work on this paper for the entire period. *Any discussion and electronic device use is mainly for the purpose of assisting with work on the project. *Students work without redirection from teacher. *Most class members are working most of the time. *Discussion and electronic device use happens, but is largely relevant to work, with a few exceptions. *Teacher rarely has to redirect student work. *Class shows ability to work, but several people are observed being distracted or not working. *Noise levels and electronic device use indicate that time is not consistently being used advantageously. *On-task behavior resumes when mentioned by teacher. *Class shows little ability to work. Distractions are frequent. *Noise and electronic device use become obvious, persistent distractions. *Teacher spends large amounts of time redirecting students, and often needs to revisit the same students multiple times. +10 Point Bonus To the class that shows the most progress on their essays this period. +10 Point Bonus To the class that shows the most progress on their essays this period.
Today’s GoalsToday’s Goals You will be able to: Plan and write an effective essay. You will show this by: Planning and writing your essay. Rough Drafts Due Friday
Work TimeWork Time Finish your dialectical journals. Use dialectical journals to help you answer the 3 questions that you copied under the prompt. Use your responses to the 3 questions to help you write a thesis. Get your questions & thesis approved by Mr. Lessard. Outline body paragraphs Write your rough draft, including a strong introduction and conclusion.
Tomorrow Rough drafts complete (+10 points) Time to work on rough drafts (Can show Monday for reduced points) Vocabulary Assigned (Due Monday) Weighing Costs & Benefits: Taking the weekend to work on rough draft, gives you extra time, but you also have vocabulary to complete.