Baroque Ilya Ryazantsev MIIGAiK Moscow 2016
Baroque Baroque is a term used to describe a period and style of art. It is used to describe paintings, sculptures, architecture, and music of that period. In general, baroque architecture emphasized massiveness and monumentality, movement, and dramatic spatial and lighting sequences. The interior decoration of baroque buildings utilized contrasting surface textures, vivid colors, and luxurious materials to heighten the structure's prominence and evoke sensual delight.
Baroque-is an architectural style originating in late 16 th -century Italy
Baroque architecture Baroque is an architectural style originating in late 16th- century Italy and lasting in some regions, notably Germany and colonial South America, until the 18th century. It had its origins in the Counter-Reformation, when the Catholic Church launched an overtly emotional and sensory appeal to the faithful through art and architecture. Complex architectural plan shapes, often based on the oval, and the dynamic opposition and interpenetration of spaces were favoured to heighten the feeling of motion and sensuality.
Francesco Borromini
Francesco Borromini Francesco Borromini, original name Francesco Castelli (born September 25, 1599, Bissone, Duchy of Lombardy [Italy]—died August 2, 1667, Rome), Italian architect who was a chief formulator of Baroque architectural style. Borromini (he changed his name from Castelli about 1627) secured a reputation throughout Europe with his striking design for a small church, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane in Rome. He differed from Gian Lorenzo Bernini and other contemporaries in basing his designs on geometric figures (modules) rather than on the proportions of the human body.
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Gian Lorenzo Bernini Gian Lorenzo Bernini, (born December 7, 1598, Naples, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]—died November 28, 1680, Rome, Papal States), Italian artist who was perhaps the greatest sculptor of the 17th century and an outstanding architect as well. Bernini created the Baroque style of sculpture and developed it to such an extent that other artists are of only minor importance in a discussion of that style.
What are the characteristics of Baroque art? The Baroque style started with the Catholic Church. The church wanted its religious paintings to become more emotional and dramatic. This type of style spread to where much of the art of the time became very dramatic, full of life and movement, and emotional.
Ceiling of Saint Ignatius (Andrea Pozzo)
The Entry of St. Ignatius into Heaven (Andrea Pozzo) This example of Baroque art is a fresco painted on the ceiling of the Church of Saint Ignatius. It is full of movement and drama. There are numerous figures of saints floating up to the heavens with Saint Ignatius at the center entering heaven.
Las Meninas (Diego Velazquez)
Las Meninas is a portrait of the Spanish princess Margarita. The title of the painting means "The Maids of Honor". However, this isn't a typical portrait. In keeping with the Baroque style, the painting is full of drama and movement.
Calling of St. Matthew (Caravaggio)
Calling of St. Matthew Caravaggio was one of the true master painters and this may be his greatest painting. In the painting, Jesus is calling St. Matthew to follow him. Movement is shown in the pointing of Jesus' hand as well as the turning of the men at the table towards Jesus. The lighting gives the painting drama and emotion.
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