Department of Defense Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence Development, Validation, Implementation and Enhancement for a Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence (VPP CX) Capability for the Department of Defense Department of Defense Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence Setting and Using Effective Safety and Health Goals and Objectives Development, Validation, Implementation and Enhancement for a Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence (VPP CX) Capability for the Department of Defense
What Does OSHA Say? OSHA CSP , VPP Policies/Procedures Manual Management demonstrates its commitment by: Establishing, documenting, and communicating to employees and contractors clear goals that are attainable and measurable, objectives that are relevant to workplace hazards and trends of injury and illness, and policies and procedures that indicate how to accomplish the objectives and meet the goals. Identifying persons whose safety and health responsibility includes carrying out safety and health goals and objectives, and clearly defining and communicating their responsibilities in their written job descriptions. Conducting an annual evaluation of the safety and health management system in order to... modify goals, policies, and procedures.”
What Does OSHA Say? OSHA CSP , VPP Policies/Procedures Manual The results of trend analysis must be utilized to... determine or modify goals, objectives, and training to address the trends. Participation in the VPP requires each participant to annually evaluate the effectiveness of its safety and health management system... During this process participants should be answering the following... What goal modifications should be made for the upcoming year?
What Does OSHA Say? Federal Register Notice of July 24, 2000 Management’s commitment to safety and health protection includes – Established and communicated goal(s) for the safety and health program and results-oriented objectives for meeting the goal(s), so that all members of the organization understand the results desired and the measures planned for achieving them, especially those factors that directly apply to them. The applicant must have a system for annually evaluating the operation of the safety and health program. This system will judge success in meeting the program’s goal and objectives, and will assist those responsible to determine and implement changes for continually improving worker safety and health protection.
What Does the VPP CX Say? CX Gap Analysis / Action Plan (#19, #20, #21) Written annual S&H goals and objectives that are clear, attainable, measurable, and relevant have been established, promulgated throughout the installation, and all personnel understand their roles and responsibilities regarding their achievement. (#22, #23, #24) A process to annually review and revise S&H goals and objectives is implemented. S&H goals are rountinely considered in the planning of site activities/programs. (#34) Personnel at all levels are held accountable for their S&H responsibilities, to ensure site goals and objectives are met. (#105, #111) Recommendations from annual S&HMS evaluations and trend analysis results are used in setting and revising site goals/objectives.
Goal Characteristics Relevant Short Challenging Achievable Quantified - Measurable Accountability Time Sensitive
Trending - Accidents / Near Misses Conduct Investigations and determine cause codes (multiple cause codes may apply to a single mishap / near miss) – populate data base Crunch data – create Pareto Chart
Trending - Accidents / Near Misses Investigate/analyze thoroughly to reveal reasons for these mishap causes Recommend actions for improvement
Goal = JHA Improvement GOAL All departments and personnel will work to improve employee hazard awareness and hazard control by striving to: develop JHAs for appropriate tasks where JHAs have not been issued, and: review and update previously issued JHAs.
Goal = JHA Improvement GOAL - All departments and personnel will work to improve employee hazard awareness and hazard control by striving to: develop JHAs for appropriate tasks where JHAs have not been issued, and: review and update previously issued JHAs. RelevantYes – shown to be a contributing factor in mishaps ShortNo – Needs a snappy name Challenging/ Achievable Yes – it will require real work, but we can do it. Quantified/ Measurable No AccountabilityNo – if everybody is assigned, nobody is accountable Time SensitiveNo
Goal = JHA Improvement GOAL – 100% JHA coverage by Christmas!” RelevantYes – shown to be a contributing factor in mishaps ShortYes Challenging/ Achievable Yes – it will require real work, but we can do it. Quantified/ Measurable Not quite – must define – 100% of what? AccountabilityNo – if everybody is assigned, nobody is accountable Time SensitiveYes
Goal = JHA Improvement GOAL – 100% JHA coverage by Christmas!” –Goal Leader: J. Jonah Jameson, Operations Department Director –Scope: 2010 JHA Task List RelevantYes – shown to be a contributing factor in mishaps ShortYes Challenging/ Achievable Yes – it will require real work, but we can do it. Quantified/ Measurable Yes – 100% JHA coverage for an approved list of tasks AccountabilityYes – Goal Leader assigned Time SensitiveYes
Basic Goal Management Key Areas to Consider and Resolve Early: Special resource needs Roles of Organizations/Personnel Quality Control – who must agree that a JHA is “complete” Internal Communications - personnel assigned to goal actions External Communications –Goal Awareness, Progress reports Management Communications (Progress Reports) –Frequency/Forum, Goal Leader Visibility “Evidence” needs
Objectives – Getting from Here to There Identify the basic steps needed to reach the goal Make a Plan of Action and Milestones Macro Level Steps of the POA&M = Objectives –Develop JHA Task List for each department –Evaluate alternatives, select standard JHA format –Develop/deploy JHAs For Each Objective –Assign responsibility –Set target date(s) –Establish progress reporting procedures
Why Objectives Are Important Structured Thinking - Face Schedule/Resource Realities –It’s like building a house Motivate action – prevent procrastination Mechanism for assessing progress –Early warning system Broadens Opportunities for Participation – Spread the Load Opportunities for Recognition/Reward/Satisfaction –Bite Sized Achievements = Sense of Accomplishment Evidence –Systematic Improvement –Employee/Management Involvement –Accountability
Example (continued)
Annual Update Must Review/Update Goals at Least Annually Consider –Trends Analysis Results –Annual S&H Program Self Evaluation –Results/Status of Existing Goals Same Basic Approach Include Annual Update in Your S&HMS
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