OUTLINE 1.Purpose 2.Legislative Mandate 3.Size and Scope of Registered NPOs in the Province 4.Registration Growth Rate 5.Registration Distribution by Sector 6.Registered NPOs in Social Services 7.Registered NPOs by Region/District 8.Funded NPOs 9.Regional Dialogues 10.Highlights on issues raised (Districts & Province Dialogues) 10. Highlights of recommendations 2
1. Purpose To present to the Minister and Deputy Minister for Social Development and the National NPO Summit the outcomes of the Provincial NPO Dialogue held in the North West Province 3
2. Legislative mandate 4 Definition of an NPO: An organisation established for public purpose Prohibited from distributing income and property amongst its members or Office Bearers. Section 24 requires a register of all registered NPOs
By end of March 2012, a total of non- profit organizations were registered country- wide. North West had (4 581) This is 5% of the total NPOs registered nationally Size and scope of registered NPOs
4. Registration Growth The North West experienced an average growth of about 15% over the years 6
5. Registration distribution by Sector Registered NPOs are grouped accordingly to the International Classification of Non-profit Organisations (ICNPO). 7
6. Registered NPOs in Social Services… ThemeDescription Number of registered NPOs Child welfare, child services, day care Services to children, adoption services, child development centers, foster care, includes infant care centers and nurseries 1033 Youth services and youth welfare Services to youth, includes delinquency prevention services, teen pregnancy prevention, drop-out prevention, youth centers and clubs, job programs for youth, includes YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers/Big Sisters 301 Services for the elderly Organisations providing geriatric care, includes in-home services, homemaker services, transport facilities, recreation, meal programs and other services geared towards senior citizens. (Does not include residential nursing homes) 191 Services for the handicapped Services for the handicapped; includes homes, other nursing homes; transport facilities, recreation and other specialized services. 104 Material assistanceOrganisations providing food, clothing, transport and other forms of assistance, includes food banks and clothing distribution centers 57 8
Registered NPOs in Social Services…. ThemeDescription Number of registered NPOs Self-help and other personal social services Programs and services for self-help and development, includes support groups, personal counselling, credit counselling/money management services 46 Family services Services to families, includes family life/parent education, single parent agencies and services, family violence shelters and services 53 Income support and maintenance Organisations providing cash assistance and other forms of direct services to persons unable to maintain a livelihood 5 Refugee assistance Organisations providing food, clothing, shelter and services to refugees and immigrants 3 Temporary shelters Organisations providing temporary shelters to the homeless, includes travellers aid, and temporary housing 9 Disaster/emergency prevention and control Organisations that work to prevent, predict control and alleviate the effects of disasters, to educate or otherwise prepare individuals to cope with the effects of disasters, or provide relief to disaster victims, includes volunteer fire departments, life 2 9
7. Registered NPOs by Region 10
8. Funded NPOs 11 Funding is spread across the districts classified according to urban-rural dimension and the poverty matrix in the province. Total funding for 2011/12 was R The highest percentage of funding is prioritised for rural districts and the lowest for urban districts. District MunicipalityClassificationFunding AmountPercentage of funding Bojanala District Municipality Peri-UrbanR % Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality RuralR % Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality RuralR % Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality Peri-UrbanR %
Funded NPOs 12 Sector 2011/12 Transfers Number of NPOs funded in 2011/ /13 Transfers Early Childhood DevelopmentR R Child Care and Protection ServicesR R Services to Older PersonsR R Substance Abuse Prevention and Rehabilitation Services R R Services to Persons with disabilityR R Crime Prevention and Support ServiceR R HIV and AIDS ProgrammesR R Victim Empowerment and Family Support Services R R Sustainable LivelihoodsR R Youth DevelopmentR R
9. REGIONAL DIALOGUES Four district build ups were held: 13 DistrictDateNo of Participants Bojanala13 June Ngaka Modiri Molema13 June Dr Kenneth Kaunda14 June Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati14 June Provincial13 July
10. Key issues raised (Districts & Province Dialogues) Legislative Framework Centralized NPO registration frustrates applying organizations Language used on the application forms not user friendly Too many pieces of legislation for NPOs to comply with e.g Tax laws Registration takes longer than 60 days stipulated in the NPO Act. Poor administration of NPO registration process The Ten Point Plan Limited number of CBOs rendering family services Rural communities still affected by poverty – little or no funding in rural areas Misuse of social grants Insufficient shelters for victims of violence (women and children) Statutory rape cases take too long to be investigated and finalized Trained youth workers from learnerships are abandoned after completion of programmes Late transfers of funds demoralize youth NPOs 14
Key issues raised (Districts & Province Dialogues)….. Funding and Resource Mobilization Skewed NPO funding Late transfers of funds Most emerging NPOs unable to access funding Business plans required by the Department too complex for emerging NPOs Small NPOs unable to meet the costs of Auditors as required Double dipping by some NPOs Poor monitoring of funded organizations Welfare Services and Transformation Most facilities and NPOs that are well resourced are dominated by the white population Emerging NPOs are in rural areas and because they are less capacitated, they are seen as risks by funders 15
11. Key Recommendations The Province and the NPO Sector hopes that the National Summit will come up with: Identified opportunities for supporting the NPO sector to ensure their sustainability. A greater consistency across all funding agencies, including a funding code for funders and fund-raisers. 16
Key recommendations….. Clear directives on the review of the legal framework for the non profit sector and the nature of the envisaged dispensation An improved commitment and Revised action points on transforming the welfare system 17