May 1 st, 2015 Ms. Angela Pacheco Trimble County High School Science Department
Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet SW/APOD New unit: Uranus and Neptune Semester exam: Fri, May 22 nd Saturn makeup test: Tues after school
2 nd Period Chemistry I Starter: come to lab table to pick up lab packet Prelab discussion: Aspirin Synthesis Unit 11 new topic: Limiting Reactant 11-3 practice problems Set 1: 2, 4, 6, 10, 12 Set 2: 20, 22, 24 2 nd chance or make up for LC#1: tomorrow in Ms. Pacheco’s room Final exam: Tues, May 26 th
Unit 11 Chemistry Groups DianeMorganJohnnyBrantleyZhoeEastonLily AutumnAmberBrookeKatChandlerHannahRhiannon SarahAaronCalvinAngelaDavidAnissaJoseph Kalani
Chemistry I aspirin lab partners Group #Partner 1Partner 2 1AutumnDiane 2CalvinBrantley 3EastonJohnny 4MorganSarah 5AngelaZhoe 6DavidRhiannon 7AnissaKat 8ChandlerBrooke 9JosephHannah 10LilyAaron 11Amber
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet SMQ Data analysis: Unit 10 exam 2 nd chance learning check #2: Tuesday after school Final exam: Thur, May 21 st
Advisory Give out Blue/Gold cards ILP work: last names K-W Cranium for the rest?
Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet SW/APOD New unit: Uranus and Neptune Semester exam: Fri, May 22 nd Saturn makeup test: Tues after school
Advanced Physics Starter: end of class if AP students are back Group problems –Set 1: pgs (1-4) –Set 2: pg. 195 (31, 41, 42, 43) Unit 10 Summative 2 nd chance: Tues or Thur – sign up by end of class Tues
Advanced Physics Morgan KTailorAmberMadelynBrennanDanielleMorgan C BradyBretLoganNickEmily TCourtney MilaTanyaCollinSidneyDaltonZachRaven Megan WMichaelKatieEmily ADavidMegan TEli Morgan KCourtneySidneyBradyLoganAlexTailor ZachDaltonMilaMadelynKatieNickAmber Emily TDanielleCollinBretEliTanyaBrennan Emily AMichaelMorgan CRavenMegan WMegan TDavid
AP Chemistry Agenda How did it go????? TBA