Pathways at KS4 for Year 10 GCSE Science GCSE Additional Science BTEC certificate (x1 GCSE) BTEC extended certificate (x2 GCSE’s) Separate Science (GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Physics)
Pathways at KS4 for Year 9 GCSE Science GCSE Additional Science
GCSE Science Summary: The GCSE in Science is made up of three externally assessed units, including one Biology, one Chemistry and one Physics unit, as well as a controlled assessment unit.
Biology = 25% – Influences on life Key topics: Classifications, variation and inheritance. Responses to a changing environment. Problems of, and solutions to, a changing environment. Exam: 1 hour (60 mark, tiered) November, March or May/June – All year 10, Only May/June – year 9.
Chemistry = 25% - Chemistry in our world Key topics: The Earth’s sea and atmosphere. Materials for the Earth. Acids. Obtaining and using metals. Fuels. Exam:1 hour (60 mark, tiered) November, March or May/June – All year 10, Only May/June – year 9.
Physics = 25% Universal physics Key topics: Visible light and the Solar System The electromagnetic spectrum Waves and the Universe Waves and the Earth Generation and transmission of electricity Energy and the future Exam:1 hour (60 mark, tiered) November, March or May/June – All year 10, Only May/June – year 9.
Controlled assessment - 25% Tasks: 1. Planning. 2. Observations. 3. Conclusions. Assessment: Completed in the classroom, marked by class teachers (internally) and moderated externally.
GCSE Additional Science Summary: The GCSE in Additional Science is made up of three externally assessed units, including one Biology, one Chemistry and one Physics unit, as well as a controlled assessment unit.
Biology % – The components of life Key topics: The building blocks of cells. Organisms and energy. Common systems. Exam: 1 hour (60 mark, tiered). May/June only (both year 10 and 9).
Chemistry - 25% Discovering chemistry Key topics: Atomic structure and the periodic table. Ionic compounds and analysis. Covalent compounds and separation techniques. Groups in the periodic table. Chemical reactions. Quantitative chemistry. Exam: 1 hour (60 mark, tiered). May/June only (both year 10 and 9).
Physics - 25% Physics for your future Key topics: Static and current electricity. Controlling and using electric current. Motion and forces. Momentum, energy, work and power. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Advantages and disadvantages of using radioactive materials. Exam: 1 hour (60 mark, tiered). May/June only (both year 10 and 9).
Controlled assessment - 25% Tasks: 1. Planning. 2. Observations. 3. Conclusions. Assessment: Completed in the classroom, marked by class teachers (internally) and moderated externally.
BTEC – Certificate Mandatory units Chemistry and Our Earth Energy and Our Universe Biology and Our Environment
BTEC Extended Certificate Investigating a Crime Scene Applications of Physical Science Health Applications of Life Sciences
The Importance of Science GCSE’s in Science are required for a large number of post-16 courses from AS / A Levels to Vocational courses and Apprenticeships.
Some careers that require Science qualifications are: Agricultural BiologistAnimal Technician Bacteriologist Botanist Biochemist Brewer ConservationistDental Technician Environmental Health officerDoctor Environmental BiologistDentist Farm ManagerForensic Scientist ForesterHorticulturalist Scientific JournalistMarine Biologist MicrobiologistNurse OpticianPathologist PharmacistPhysiotherapist Sports ScientistScience Teacher Veterinary Surgeon/AssistantZoologist Air Traffic ControllerArchitect AstronomerAutomobile Engineer Civil EngineerComputer Programmer