WEEK 3 The Muslim Civilization Day 1: Work Hard! Vocab Cornell Notes Guided Reading
Create a Vocab Chart that looks like this on page 15 of your Interactive Notebook The Muslim Civilization: Vocab Word Part of Sp Definition Sentence Picture Mosque Caliph Jihad *fill the entire page with your chart. Leave plenty of space between each row. 12min
Next, create a page for Cornell Notes on page 17 of your Interactive Notebook. It should look like this: The Muslim Civilization: The Rise of Islam Today’s Date Essential Question: What developments occurred in the history of Islam? Summary:
Let’s Read Go to page FL25 in your textbooks We will read, “Spotlight on Asia” as a class 5min
The Muslim Civilization: The Rise of Islam The Arabian Peninsula A crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe Home of the religious city of Mecca People of different religions from all over come to make pilgrimages Christians/Jews practice monotheism here 15min
The Muslim Civilization: The Rise of Islam Muhammad, Prophet of Islam Began preaching that Allah was the only God: basic principle of Islam His followers were called Muslims Becomes a political, religious, and military leader in Medina Marched 10,000 followers back to Mecca Mecca surrenders Many become followers of Islam uniting the Arabian Peninsula under one religion
The Muslim Civilization: The Rise of Islam Islam Spreads After Muhammad’s death, Islam splinters into different groups lead by caliphs Sunnis Shi’ites
The Muslim Civilization: The Rise of Islam The 5 Pillars of Islam 1. Faith: Muhammad is Messenger of Allah- the one God 2. Prayer: 5 times a day facing toward Mecca 3. Alms: a religious tax for the poor 4. Fasting: During the holy month of Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage: to Mecca at least once
Cornell Notes: Left Side Take the next 5 minutes to share what you have with your shoulder partner so that you are positive you have a complete set of notes! Then, write the following “headings” in the left column of your notes. Leave space (about 5-6 lines) between each heading Reaction Inferences Significance 5min
Go back and add to the Vocab Chart on page 15 of your Interactive Notebook The Muslim Civilization: Vocab Word Part of Sp Definition Sentence Picture Mosque Sunni Jihad Shah Sultan Janissary 10min
Next Section: Create a new section of Cornell Notes on page 19 of your Interactive Notebook The Muslim Civilization: The Ottomans & the Mughals Today’s Date Essential Question: How did the Ottoman Empire arise and grow? Summary:
The Muslim Civilization: The Ottomans & Mughals Nomadic Turks invade areas between the Byzantine Empire and Muslim lands Osman, a successful ghazi, sets up a city in Anatolia between 1300 and 1326 Used gunpowder His followers are called Ottomans 15min
The Muslim Civilization: The Ottomans & Mughals The Ottomans conquer Adrianople It was the 2 nd most important city in the Byzantine Empire They acted kindly towards the people they conquered Based on Muslim Principles Mehmed II conquers Constantinople Made trade easier for the Ottoman Empire
The Muslim Civilization: The Ottomans & Mughals Suleyman the Lawgiver Awesome military leader who spread the Empire into Central Europe and Asia Controlled major trade routes Became most powerful Empire/Ruler in the world Created a law code for criminal/civil disputes Invented the Devshirme system and drafted approx. 30,000 janissaries
The Muslim Civilization: The Ottomans & Mughals Suleyman’s Legacy Art and literature flourish Works demonstrate cultural blending Suleyman “the Paranoid” kills his son After, a pattern of week leaders emerges
The Muslim Civilization: The Ottomans & Mughals Babur Unites the Mughals With gunpowder, conquers the area of India and builds the Mughal Empire Akbar’s Golden Age Believed in military power and political wisdom Appointed rich landowners(rajputs) as officers Grew the Empire with a heavily armed military Shah Jahan Built the Taj Mahal as a memorial to his wife Mumtaz Mahal
Cornell Notes: Left Side Take the next 5 minutes to share what you have with your shoulder partner so that you are positive you have a complete set of notes! Then, write the following “headings” in the left column of your notes. Leave space (about 5-6 lines) between each heading Reaction Inferences Significance 10min
Guided Reading The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire: Guided Reading Read Chapter 2, Section 1 in the textbook. As you read, fill in the charts below on page 18 of your ISNs. What role did each ruler play in the building and expansion of the Ottoman Empire? Osman was a successful ghazi raider, replaced archers with muskets, used cannons to attack cities, formed alliances with emirs (chiefs), built a Muslim state in Anatolia Murad II Mehmed II Selim the Grim Suleyman
Homework Write summaries for your Cornell Notes Your summaries should answer the Essential Question at the top of the notes Your summaries should be 2-4 sentences in length
WEEK 1 The Muslim Civilization Day 2: Think Hard! Vocab follow-up Summarize Mark the Text Quiz
Go back and complete the Vocab Chart on page 15 of your Interactive Notebook The Muslim Civilization: Vocab Word Part of Sp Definition Sentence Picture Mosque Sunni Jihad Shah Sultan Janissary 15min
The Muslim World: Map Activity Use your textbooks and notes to complete this activity 1. Glue the world map to page 14 of your interactive notebooks 2. Title map: Muslim World and Surrounding Areas 3. Use a marker to outline the Arabian Peninsula 4. Use a crayon to color in the Byzantine Empire 5. Use a different colored crayon to color the Ottoman Empire at its height 6. Use a different colored crayon to color the Mughal Empire at its height 7. Create a key showing steps 3-6 in the bottom left hand corner of your map 20 min
Summarize: Crisis in the Holy Land With your shoulder partner, read and summarize “Crisis in the Holy Land” on page 16 of your interactive notebooks One partner will read the paragraph out loud The other partner will summarize the paragraph in one sentence Both partners write the summary in their notebooks Then, switch 25min
Quiz Time! Clear your desks of everything except something to write with When you have finished taking your quiz, please turn it in at the front of the room. Then, finish any incomplete activities in your ISN