Unit 6: Islam & the Muslim Empire
Priority Objectives 6.H.2.1 Explain how invasions, conquests, and migrations affected various civilizations, societies, and regions. 6.H.2.3 Explain how innovation and/or technology transformed civilizations, societies and regions over time. 6.C&G.1.2 Summarize the ideas that shaped political thought in various civilizations, societies, and regions. 6.C.1.1 Analyze how cultural expressions reflected the values of civilizations, societies and regions. 6.C.1.2 Explain how religion transformed various societies, civilizations and regions.
Supporting Objectives 6.H.2.4 Explain the role that key historical figures and cultural groups had in transforming society. 6.G.1.4 Explain how and why civilizations, societies and regions have used, modified and adapted to their environments. 6.E.1.2 Explain how quality of life is impacted by economic choices of civilizations, societies and regions. 6.C&G.1.4 Compare the role and evolution of laws and legal systems in various civilizations, societies and regions.
1. GEOGRAPHY What are the major physical features of the Arabian Peninsula and what challenges do they create for people living there? How have people adapted to the conditions of the Arabian Peninsula in order to live there?
Major Physical Features Red Sea Persian Gulf Arabian Sea Deserts Mountain Ranges Oases Characterized by isolation, a lack of water/irrigation, & difficult transportation
How People Adapted In the desert small groups of nomads called bedouins moved their herds between oases. Camels were used for travel & trade. People were organized into tribes so there was always a support system Merchants settled near oases b/c they were the centers of trade. Caravans often stopped at oases & they provided water for irrigation.
2. THE STORY OF ISLAM Who was Muhammad & what is his importance to Islam? What are the main tenets of Islam? How did the religion of Islam change the culture of Mecca?
Who was Muhammad? Born in AD 570 His parents died & he was raised by his uncle Grew up & became a successful merchant in Mecca; always a reflective, religious man In AD 610 he had a visit from an angel (Gabriel)-he was commanded to speak about the one God (Allah) The undisputed leader of Islam during his life Couldn’t read/write…recited all of his revelations
Muhammad’s Revelations Allah was the one & only true God Instructions on how people should live Only told his wife first-after a few years he began to preach in public Was disliked for his criticism of the traditional polytheism Moved from Mecca to Medina for protection after his uncle’s death in AD622-Came back to Mecca in AD630
Islam Quick Facts Islam: Means “Achieving peace through submission to God.” Muslims: Followers of Islam Mosque: Place of worship Judgment Day: Final judgment of humanity by Allah Kaaba: Built at the sacred spot where Hagar (Ishmael’s mom) prayed for water
The Five Pillars of Islam These 5 acts of worship are central to Islam: Profession of Faith Five daily prayers Giving of alms (being charitable) Fasting Make the pilgrimage to Mecca(if possible)
More Guidelines for Behavior No pork No alcohol No murder, lying, or stealing Jihad: Can refer to a “struggle for faith,” to converting people, or to holy war.
Sacred Texts and Practices The Sunna is the body of traditional social and legal custom and practice of the Islamic community. The Hadith is a collection of recorded sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. The Qur’an is the sacred text of Islam; a collection of the revelations of Muhammad Sharia is the legal system that reflects the various rules that Muslims are supposed to live by.
People of the Book Jews, Muslims, & Christians are all, “people of the book” & technically all worship the same God Prophets of other faiths are recognized as messengers too
Changing the Culture of Mecca The polytheistic culture was based on idols housed in the Kaaba Muhammad & his followers took over Mecca & dedicated the Kaaba to Allah
3. EXPANSION OF ISLAM In what ways did Islam shape politics & the economy in Mecca & beyond? How did a disagreement over leadership following Muhammad’s death affect Islam? How did religious tolerance facilitate the expansion of the Muslim Empire? How did trade play a role in the expansion of Islam & Muslim Empire?
Islam & Politics Sharia-legal system, never has become standardized, not recorded in a single book, made up of opinions & writings over several centuries, Muslims over the world interpret the law differently There is NO separation of church & state under Sharia
Islam After Muhammad Muhammad died in 632 After his death there was a question of who would lead the religion The title of caliph was given to those who led after Muhammad (literally means “successor”) Abu Bakr (FIL) chosen to be 1st caliph Then! The Umayyad clan; Sunnis; had converted reluctantly; built the Dome of the Rock Then! Ali; began the Shia (party of Ali); Muhammad’s SIL; believed by some to be the “true heirs;” Ali’s heirs called “imam” (leader) Then! The Abbasid clan; descendants of Muhammad’s uncle; also Sunni
Religious Tolerance & Islam The religious intolerance, & weakness, of the Byzantine & Persian Empires caused people living under their rule to support Muslim invaders Muslims were known to allow non-believers to continue their own practices & beliefs as long as they paid taxes
Trade & Islam Religious tolerance of Muslims caused an increase in trade Trade led to further expansion & increased wealth & the spread of Islam
4. CULTURAL ACHIEVEMENTS What are the cultural achievements of the Islamic Empire & how did they reflect Islamic beliefs?
Fields of Achievement Astronomy-Observatories for watching the sky were built, created a revised catalog of stars & a new calendar, created astrolabe Cartography-Accurately measured earth’s circumference Medicine-Many highly skilled doctors Literature-Ibn Khaldun wrote a history of the world. Architecture-Distinctive patterns (minarets) developed Calligraphy-Beautifully styled writing
Reflection of Beliefs Islamic texts governed virtually every aspect of life (marriage, divorce, property ownership, etc.) Advancements in many scientific fields illustrate the value placed on education/study of these disciplines from the earliest of times