Year 9 Revision 2015 Marriage and the family Unit 3 of 4.


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Presentation transcript:

Year 9 Revision 2015 Marriage and the family Unit 3 of 4

Key words Promiscuity - Having sex with a number of partners without commitment. Contraception – Intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring. Examples – The pill, condom, IUD – the coil, morning after pill. Natural Evil – Things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans. Examples – Volcanos, earthquakes

Key words Reincarnation - The belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body. Non-Voluntary Euthanasia – Ending someone's life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have good reason for thinking they would want you to do so. Example – Turning off a life support machine. Conversion – When your life is changed by giving yourself to God. Examples – St Paul on the road to Damascus; Cat Stevens became Yusuf Islam

Give reasons why all Christian should accept sex outside marriage? Give reasons why Christian should not accept sex outside marriage? Christian Teaching: Some Christians believe that the Church should keep up with modern times. Why would this allow sex outside marriage? It is acceptable if the couple intend to marry because society has changed and the Church should fit in with modern society. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: They may accept a couple living together before marriage. Why would this allow sex outside marriage? They would expect the couple to marry before they had a baby. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: Cohabiting couples should be welcomed and supported by the Church ‘recognising that for many this is a step along the way to the fuller commitment of marriage. Why would this allow sex outside marriage? Christians will only accept a sexual relationship between two people committed to a long-term relationship. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: Do not commit adultery Why would this be against sex outside marriage? Adultery with is condemned in the Ten Commandments. It breaks the wedding vows, and damages the family. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: Sex given by God for procreation Why would this be against sex outside marriage? Children should be brought up in a Christian family so sex should only take place within marriage. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: The Bible says fornication (pre-marital sex and promiscuity) is sinful Why would this be against sex outside marriage? Allowing sex before marriage encourages promiscuity which is sinful. ______________________________________________

Give reasons why a Christian would accept homosexuality? Give reasons why a Christian would not accept homosexuality? Christian Teaching: It is the most loving thing to do. Why would this allow homosexuality? Christians should be open and honest and refusing rights to gay Christians encourages them to be dishonest and lie about their nature and life. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: Teachings in the Bible need to be interpreted in the light of modern knowledge and that the anti-homosexual texts are a reflection of the Jewish culture at the time rather than the word of God. Why would this allow homosexuality? Homosexuality is legal, and the Church should accept this. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: God made man in his image. Why would this allow homosexuality? If God made all people on the earth, then he must have intended some to be homosexual. Homosexuality has been shown by science to be natural. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: Sex is for procreation (having children). Why would this be against homosexuality? homosexual sex is not procreative ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: The Bible condemns homosexuality in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Why would this be against homosexuality? Homosexuals cannot marry in church. All Churches have taught that homosexuality is wrong, even if some accept it now. ______________________________________________ Christian Teaching: God created man and woman to be together. Why would this be against homosexuality? Evangelical Christians believe that the salvation of Christ (the Holy Spirit) can remove all sins, including homosexuality. Only men and women were created to be together.

Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain its views on homosexuality. Islamic Teaching The Prophet Muhammad condemned homosexuality in several hadith. Explain why this is against homosexuality? Muslims should follow the teachings of Muhammad. Homosexuality is also condemned by the Qur’an. ‘If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, leave them alone; for God is... Most Merciful.’ __________________________________ Islamic Teaching The family is at the heart of Islam. Explain why this is against homosexuality? Homosexuality denies the possibility of family life so it must be wrong. Islamic Teaching God said in the Qur’an that marriage between a man and a woman is the only form of lawful sex. Explain why this is against homosexuality? Islam teaches that the primary aim of having sex is to have children. __________________________________ Islamic Teaching Some Muslims believe that homosexuality is acceptable because Islam is a religion of tolerance and not hate, and therefore Muslims should be tolerant of those of a different sexual orientation. Explain why this allows homosexuality? They believe that God created all people and loves them as he created them. They believe the scientific evidence about homosexuality.

Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why it teaches that family life is important. Islamic Teaching The family is created by Allah. Explain how this shows that family life is important in Islam? Children are a gift from God. On the Last Day Muslim parents will be judged by God on how well they have brought up their children. __________________________________ Islamic Teaching It is where children learn about their faith. Explain how this shows that family life is important in Islam? The family was created by God as the perfect unit of society and the only place in which children should be brought up. The family is also where children learn the difference between right and wrong. Islamic Teaching Muhammad had a family. Hadith show family is important. Explain how this shows that family life is important in Islam? Muhammad is the perfect example for them to follow, so they must also marry and raise a family. __________________________________ Islamic Teaching The Qur’an states ‘show kindness to your parents’. Explain how this shows that family life is important in Islam? All children must respect their parents and learn about prayer, fasting and Muslim festivals in order to carry on the faith.

“Religious people should never divorce.” ForAgainst 1. It is against many religious teachings. Muhammad said that divorce is the most hated of lawful things. All Muslims should try to make their marriage work. __________________________________ 2. Christians make their vows in front of God and therefore these vows should not be broken. In the Roman Catholic Church marriage is a sacrament and cannot be broken by any earthly power. __________________________________ 3. Jesus taught that if anyone divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. So remarriage is also wrong. 1. It allows people to be happy. Christians are allowed forgiveness and a new chance if they confess their sins and are truly repentant. __________________________________ 2. It reduces suffering. It is the teaching of most non-Catholic Churches that it is better to divorce than to live in hatred and quarrel all the time. __________________________________ 3. It might be the lesser of two evils. If a marriage has really broken down then the effects of the couple not divorcing would be a greater evil than the evil of divorce itself.

“Pre-marital sex is always wrong.” ForAgainst 1. The Bible teaches against fornication. Pre-marital sex and promiscuity is sinful and Christians should always follow the teachings of the Bible. __________________________________ 2. Marriage is the secure place for intercourse. Christians teach that sex was given to humans by God for the procreation of children. __________________________________ 3. It can lead to abuse/unhappiness. Sex without commitment can hurt people emotionally and lead to difficult and damaging relationships. __________________________________ 1. It is now socially acceptable. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 2. It an opportunity to find out more about your partner. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 3. A person can use their conscience to decide. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________