Origins Islam was started in the year 610 AD. According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad received a vision from the angel Gabriel. It was Muhammad’s task to write down the final word of God. Islam means “submission to God” and this is how Muslims believe their religion differs from Christianity and Judaism
Origins Muslims believe God inspired Christianity and Judaism, but that humans misinterpreted God’s meaning. Islam is, in their view, the perfection of God’s word. Allah is Arabic for God. They are synonyms. Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad, and the most important city in Islamic tradition Muhammad’s writings are collected in the Koran. Some Muslims also value the Hadith, sayings that have been attributed to Muhammad, but weren’t written down by him.
Jerusalem Jerusalem is an important site to Muslims, Christians and Jews. The Dome of the Rock is there, the place where Muslims believe Muhammad ascended to Heaven. Jerusalem is also the location where Jesus spent his final days and was crucified. And of course, modern Jerusalem was the most important city for ancient Jews, and much of their history is in that city. Jerusalem was also the most fought for city during the Crusades in the Middle Ages.
Five Pillars of Islam The Shallah- A testimony of faith. Muslims must say as part of their prayers that they believe that there is only one God, and Muhammad is his prophet. Salah- Prayer. Muslims must pray five times a day at designated times. They must face the city of Mecca when they pray. Some of their prayers take place in mosques, Muslim places of worship.
Five Pillars of Islam Zakat- Charity. Muslims are expected to give some of their wealth to the poor and needy according to their ability to do so. Sawm- Fasting. Muslims are expected to fast from dawn to dusk during the holy month of Ramadan. Hajj- Pilgrimage. Once during their lives, if they are physically able, Muslims are expected to visit Mecca and perform certain rituals there.
Denominations After Muhammad’s death, he did not name anyone to take over Islam. This resulted in the splitting of the religion into two main denominations. Sunni- 75% of Muslims are Sunni. They believe, because Muhammad did not name a successor, the elected caliphs were the rightful leaders. Shi’a- 20% of Muslims are Shi’a. They believe Muhammad’s son-in-law was his rightful heir.