A. General Information 1.Islam is a monotheistic religion. The word itself means “____________________.” 2.A follower of this religion is called a Muslim. This means “____________________.” 3.The language of Islam is ____________________. 4.The Arabic word for God is “____________.” 5.__________, ___________ & ___________ are all considered to be great prophets of Islam. Muslims trace their heritage back to Abraham through his son Ishmael. 6.There are at least ______ billion Muslims worldwide. 7.There are at least ______ million Muslims in U.S.
B. Where Islam comes from 1. Islam began on the ____________________. 2. Muhammad was an _____________________ born in Mecca (in modern Saudi Arabia) in about the year 570. God chose him because his earlier prophets had been ignored (like the three prophets that we mentioned on the previous slide). 3. In the year 610 AD he is said to have encountered the ___________________ on a mountainside as he prayed.
C. Ramadan & Mecca 1.Muslims celebrate the month that the Angel Gabriel came as _______________. They fast from sunrise to sunset during this month. 2.Muhammad's hometown of Mecca is the most holy city in Islam. – Muhammad became very influential – This angered others in his hometown. – He fled to the town of __________. – He returned with an army, but the town submitted without any _______________. – The Muslims revere the _______________ which is said to be the house of God built by Abraham.
D. The Five Pillars of Islam 1.“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” 2.Prayer 5 times a day facing Mecca 3.Charity to those in need (i.e. poor, elderly) 4.Fasting during Ramadan (Muslim holy month) 5.Pilgrimage (a.k.a. hajj) to Mecca once in your life **these are religious duties that Muslims are expected to follow
E. The Spread of Islam 1. _______________ (desert nomads) inhabited the Middle East. 2. Muslim armies made up of Bedouins spread Islam throughout the Middle East. 3. They set up theocracies based on Sharia law. – 4. Colonization by __________, __________, etc. established most of the modern borders in the Middle East.
F. Two types of Muslims 1. __________-Believed that a well- educated Muslim should be the successor. 2. __________-Believe that Muhammad’s son-in-law should be his successor.
G. Islam in the news 1. Muslim Extremists (minority) 2. Media controversies