Introduction to Islam
The word “Islam” means “peaceful submission to God” (Allah)
Muslim means “one who submits to God”
Crescent Moon is a Symbol of Islam
Facts about Islam There are 1 billion Muslims in the world Islam is the world's 2 nd largest religion Islam is only 1400 years old which makes it the world's newest major religion Islam has much in common with Christianity (God, Adam and Eve, Moses, Jesus etc.)
The beginning of Islam In 610 AD Muslims believe that God (Allah) spoke with a man named Muhammed and told him that he was God's “final prophet.” Muhammed memorized the words of God and began preaching to the Arabs living in what is now Saudi Arabia By the time of Muhammed's death, the new religion had spread over much of the Middle East
Old mosques and newer ones are built around a similar plan, but there are many differences in style, materials and size
Just like all places of worship, mosques vary greatly in size and location. Mosques are found wherever there are Muslims: mountains, deserts, rainforests, city streets etc.
Mosque in Detroit, Michigan
The Call to Prayer (“adhan”)samplesample
1 Allah u Akbar, Allah u Akbar -- Allah is Great, Allah is Great 2-Ash-hadu al-la Ilaha ill Allah - Ash-hadu al-la Ilaha ill Allah -- I bear witness that there is no divinty but Allah 3 Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullaah -- I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullaah. -- I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger 4 Hayya la-s-saleah - Hayya la-s-saleah -- Hasten to the prayer, Hasten to the prayer 5 Hayya la-l-faleah - Hayya la-l-faleah -- Hasten to real success, Hasten to real success, 6 Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar -- Allah is Great, Allah is Great 7 La Ilaha ill Allah -- There is no divinity but Allah
Mosque interiors are very similar to those of churches. Many mosques were in fact once used by Christianity Calligraphy and geometric design replaces images, statues, stained glass pictures etc.
Mosques don’t have benches or pews, instead they have layer upon layer of ornate carpeting. Mosques are also less formal than Christian churches, more like a community center where children can play and the tired can rest. At formal prayer times, the faithful face in the direction of Mecca and are led in prayer by an Imam.
Mosques are places of quiet, of peace, of prayer and of studying the Koran or Qu’ran. The Koran is the holy book of Islam and has much in common with the Christian Bible. Unlike the Bible, the Koran is considered the literal word of God and therefore the book itself must be greatly respected.
The First Pillar of Islam Shahadah: the statement that “There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet.”
The Second Pillar of Islam Salah: All Muslims must pray 5 times a day
The Third Pillar of Islam Zakah: Muslims must give a certain percentage of their wealth to charity (2.5%)
The Fourth Pillar of Islam Sawm All Muslims must fast during the month of Ramadan No food or drink between sunrise and sunset for one month of the year The Ramadan fast is supposed to put your mind on God and to make you compassionate towards the poor
The Fifth Pillar of Islam Hajj: All Muslims should go on a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia at least once in their lifetime
2 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year It is considered the duty of every Muslim to try and make the pilgrimage once in their lifetime One who makes the pilgrimage or “Haj” is greatly respected as a “Haji” for the rest of their life
Only Muslims are allowed into Mecca for the pilgrimage. Once in Mecca there is a set pattern that all pilgrims take. One of the main points of the pilgrimage is to erase all signs of class, wealth or nationality.
Clash of Cultures: Islam vs. Christianity or…East vs. West part I
East vs. West part II?
The “West” (U.S. and Christians)
The “East” (Arabs and Muslims)
Can “East” and “West” live in peace?