HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 25 Section 1: The Land and the People (p ) Name:__________________ Date:___________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Key Ideas: How has location affected the peoples of the Middle East? What are the main physical regions of the Middle East? What geographic features influence population patterns in the Middle East? Which ethnic and religious groups live in the Middle East Vocabulary: oasis OUTLINENOTES I) Introduction II) Crossroads of the World a) Cultural Diffusion b) Strategic Location III) Major Regions a) Northern Tier b) Arabian Peninsula
OUTLINENOTES c) Fertile Crescent d) Nile Valley e) The Maghreb IV) Climate and Resources a) Adapting to Scarcity b) Oil V) Peoples a) Ethnic Diversity b) Religious Diversity
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 25 Section 2: The Land and the People (p ) Name:__________________ Date:___________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Key Ideas: What civilizations developed in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley? What were the major achievements of ancient Mesopotamian civilizations? How did trade and warfare affect Middle Eastern civilizations? How id the Greek and Roman cultures blend with the culture of the Middle East? Vocabulary: ziggurat, scribe, cuneiform, satrap OUTLINENOTES I) Introduction II) Sumerian Civilization a) City-states b) Religion c) A System of Writing d) Other Achievements III) Warfare and Trade Spread Culture
OUTLINENOTES a) A Code of Law b) The Spread of Iron c) The Phoenician Alphabet IV) The Persian Empire a) Government b) Communicat- ions and Trade V) Up Close: Zoroaster and the Forces of Good and Evil VI) Greek and Roman Influences a) Hellenistic Civilization b) Roman Conquest c) Byzantine Empire
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 25 Section 3: Judaism and Christianity (p ) Name:__________________ Date:___________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Key Ideas: What were the main religious beliefs of the ancient Hebrews? How did Judaism influence Christianity? Why did Christianity attract a large following? Vocabulary: messiah, parable, martyr, pope OUTLINENOTES I) Introduction II) The Kingdom of Israel a) Conquest b) The Diaspora III) Teachings of Judaism a) The Importance of Law
OUTLINENOTES b) Ethical World View IV) Rise of Christianity a) Life of Jesus b) Teachings of Jesus V) Spread of Christianity a) Persecution b) Appeal of Christianity c) The Christian Church d) The Byzantine Church
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 26 Section 1: The World of Islam (p ) Name:__________________ Date:___________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Key Ideas: What are the basic teachings of Islam? Why did Islam spread rapidly? Why did Islam split into different branches? What were some of the achievements of Islamic civilization? Vocabulary: hejira, hajj, caliph OUTLINENOTES I) Introduction II) The Rise of Islam a) The Setting b) The Prophet Muhammad c) The Hejira III) Teachings of Islam a) Five Pillars
OUTLINENOTES b) The Koran c) People of the Book d) Ethical Conduct IV) Expansion of Islam a) Reasons for Success b) Divisions within Islam V) The Arab Empire a) Umayyad Dynasty b) Abbassid Dynasty VI) Golden Age of Muslim Civilization a) Trade and Commerce b) Advances in Learning
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 26 Section 4: Imperialism and Nationalism (p ) Name:__________________ Date:___________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Key Ideas: What challenges did the Ottoman Empire face? How did imperialism spur the growth of nationalism in the Middle East? What reforms did nationalist leaders introduce? Vocabulary: mandate, anti-Semitism OUTLINENOTES I) Introduction II) Challenges to Ottoman Power a) Reform Efforts b) Turkish Nationalism c) World War I III) Republic of Turkey a) Ataturk’s Reforms
OUTLINENOTES IV) Rise of Modern Egypt a) Muhammad Ali b) Growing Foreign Influence V) Struggle for Iran VI) Arab Nationalism VII) Conflict over Palestine a) Zionism b) Arab Response