To identify community, business, SAC, PTA, faith-based, and NAACP members to review “What Matters Most” to support academic achievement in the school. PURPOSE
Needs Assessment Student Academic Needs & Relationship to SIP School Improvement Plan Steps to address academic needs Community Involvement and Engagement Examples of community engagement / involvement Examples of parent engagement / involvement FOCUS ON SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT STEPS
Evaluation of Results How has the committee evaluated the effectiveness of the actions taken? What process has been used, who has been involved, and what specific criteria or indicators of success have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of the action? Next Steps Where do we go from here? CONT.
Overall student 2013 FCAT 2.0 performance in grades 3 rd, 4 th and 5 th decreased ( 60 points). We earned 466 points We earned an “B” STUDENT ACADEMIC NEEDS & SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) Who do we continue to leave behind? Why don’t our classroom practices and student accomplishments transfer to the summative assessment? What is causing our students to decline?
STUDENT ACADEMIC NEEDS AND SIP (READING) Student Sub-groups 2013 AMO Target % 2013 AMO Actual % Target Met? 2014 AMO Target % All Students7471No77 Asian8688Yes87 American IndianNA Black/African-Am.5660Yes60 Hispanic7253No75 White8179No83 English Lang. Learners4837No53 Students with Disabilities 4643No51 Econ. Disadvantaged5851No62
FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT TEST 2.0 (FCAT 2.0)- READING PROFICIENCY2013 Actual #Actual %2014 Target % Students scoring at Achievement Level Students scoring at or above Achievement Level LEARNING GAINS2013 Actual #Actual %2014 Target % Students making learning gains Students in lowest 25% making learning gains
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS- READING Increase the percentage of proficiency (3 or above) on the 2014 Spring FCAT 2.0 Reading Assessment by 5% or more at each grade level. Increase the percent of students scoring at level 4 and above by at least 5% at each grade level..
STUDENT ACADEMIC NEEDS AND SIP (MATH) Student Sub-groups 2013 AMO Target % 2013 AMO Actual % Target Met? 2014 AMO Target % All Students7461No77 Asian89 Yes90 American IndianNA Black/African-Am.6252No66 Hispanic6045No64 White7965No81 English Lang. Learners4832No53 Students with Disabilities 4851Yes53 Econ. Disadvantaged6040No64
FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT TEST 2.0 (FCAT 2.0)- MATH PROFICIENCY2013 Actual #Actual %2014 Target % Students scoring at Achievement Level Students scoring at or above Achievement Level LEARNING GAINS2013 Actual #Actual %2014 Target % Students making learning gains Students in lowest 25% making learning gains
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS- MATH Increase the percentage of proficiency (3 or above) on the 2014 Spring FCAT 2.0 Math Assessment by 5% or more at each grade level. Increase the percent of students scoring at level 4 and above by at least 5% at each grade level..
Reading 2012 / 2013 Math 2012 / 2013 Writing 2012/2013 Science 2012/ rd Gr. 61/ /63-3NANA 4 th Gr. 61/66+565/60-548/59+9NA 5 th Gr. 69/69064/55-9NA53/52 FCAT 2.0 Proficiency (Achievement Level 3 and Above) Grade Level Analysis Trends indicate largest gains in 3 rd grade Reading and 4 th grade Writing.
Tiered Instruction in all K-5 classrooms Implementation of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model with fidelity Increase Teacher content knowledge ~Unpack the standards during common planning and PLC meetings Continuous Learning Cycle with focus on reading and math strategies and best practices District Curriculum Guides/Data Notebooks/Planning for Results Teachers will identify & use Cognitive Complexity Classification and Higher Order Thinking Skills including Bloom’s Taxonomy & Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Teachers will plan and implement differentiated instruction STEPS TO ADDRESS ACADEMIC NEEDS
Teachers develop knowledge of and use technology to support instruction Teachers consistently use research-based strategies to teach number sense, especially focusing on representing numbers, number systems, operations, and estimation Teachers will integrate the use of student math and reading goal sheets (grades 2-5) as part of Student Data Notebooks Teachers will consistently use data to drive instruction (i.e. CGAs, IOWA, i-Ready, Reflex Math, Gizmos) Teachers will actively participate in Data Chats as a means of effectively analyzing data and determining next steps for students STEPS TO ADDRESS ACADEMIC NEEDS
The school-based RTI Leadership Team meets regularly to review universal screening data, diagnostic data, and progress monitoring data. Based on this information, the team identifies the professional development activities needed to create effective learning environments. After determining that effective Tier 1-Core Instruction is in place, the team then identifies students who are not meeting identified academic targets. The identified students are referred to the school-based RTI Leadership Team. The Leadership Team will provide on-site Professional Development to all teachers during monthly Faculty Meetings and quarterly Planning Days. Teachers and students will maintain data notebooks to keep them accountable and monitor student progress in all areas of reading and math. STEPS TO ADDRESS ACADEMIC NEEDS
Meet and Greet (8/16/13) Business Partner Breakfast (9/13/13) Open House (9/12/13 and 9/26/13) Flag Raising Ceremonies (9/6/13, 11/8/13, 2/14/14, and 5/23/14) Fall Festival/Book Fair (10/24/13) Literacy Night (11/21/13) Thanksgiving Family Luncheons (11/25/13 and 11/26/13) Barnes and Noble Book Fair (12/6/13) Polar Express Day (12/18/13) Math/Science Night (1/16/14) Student-led Parent Conferences (4 th quarter) Monthly Evening Performances by student body EXAMPLES OF COMMUNITY & PARENT ENGAGEMENT / INVOLVEMENT
The Leadership Team, Teachers and Principal review student data each week. Data is collected from a variety of sources including: FCAT Assessments, Curriculum Guide Assessments (CGAs), i-Ready, IOWA, Diagnostic Assessment of Reading (DAR),Running Records, School Climate Surveys and End of Unit Assessments. EVALUATION OF RESULTS
Continue monitoring student academic gains Motivate “low participating / non-committal” students Follow Curriculum Guides to ensure all standards covered thoroughly. Increase rigor in classroom instruction. Stronger communication with SAC, PTA and local community members Review of SIP and student performance data quarterly with SAC members WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?