Religion in the Arab World Teacher’s Edition Unit Two – The Arab World
Today’s Main Idea The Arab world is very diverse – both in ethnicity and religiously. The religious variation adds to the richness of culture and history, but also has been a source of conflict for centuries. The conflict today is worsening.
Christianity: Belief in Jesus Christ is central to all Christian denominations The birth place Jesus is in the Middle East and he had his ministry there as well – specifically, in Palestine. Christians view part of this region this as a Holy Land to their religion Ex: Jerusalem (site of the crucifixion) & Bethlehem (site of his birth) Many Christian pilgrims (travelers on a religious voyage) visit the Holy Lands
Judaism: A Monotheistic Religion A religion centered on the belief in one God and they are awaiting the coming of a Messiah. Don’t believe that Jesus was the messiah. The Jewish homeland is in Israel – you heard a great deal about that in the video you watched after the test. Orthodox Jewish followers observe a diet regulated by Kashrut (strict rules) Especially in regards to meat: This means the animal was killed in a way that it felt no pain They do not eat pork or shell fish They do not mix meats and dairy
Judaism cont. Major Holidays: Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year – Sept 25 Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement – Oct 4 Passover – When the angel passed over the houses with lambs blood over the door – April 3-8, 2015 Hanukah – the Festival of Light – December 16-24, 2014
Islam: Muhammad was the founder of Islam One night in a dream he described seeing the angel Gabriel who told him about the belief in one God He was frightened by this message Many people did not like Muhammad's message especially merchants in Mecca Mecca was a holy city for the polytheistic religions that existed in the region
After his wife died he moved to Medina and began to gather followers This was journey is known as the Hejira This is when Islam began to expand
Islam – The Teachings: There is only one God ( Muslims believe that this is the same God that Christians and Jewish people worship, but they refer to him as Allah) Muhammad is the prophet of God and should not be worshiped This is why Muslims don’t show the image of Muhammad Ramadan observes the month in which Gabriel came to Muhammad The end of Ramadan is celebrated with Eid During Ramadan Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset
Islam – The Five Pillars: Proclaim their belief in God Pray 5 times a day Give charity to the aged and the poor Daytime fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) if finances allow - Some say there is 6 th pillar which is jihad (this has meant a struggle between sin and God. However the term has come to mean physical war on “infidels”)
Islam: Their sacred book is called the Koran Believe that one should always honor their parents All people are equal Respecting the people of the Book – Jews and Christians