TOPSFIELD ADVANCED ACADEMICS PROGRAM Extended Studies at the Proctor School
NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND DOES NOT MEAN THAT NO CHILD MOVES AHEAD! The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 provides the following definition for advanced learners: Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities. ( Title IX, Part A, Section 9101 (22), p.544)
WHAT THE STATE HAS TO SAY…. The Gifted and Talented Advisory Council in it’s 2013 Annual Report recommended: Project- based interdisciplinary assignments that investigate real world problems. Early and Ongoing Assessment of Skills Flexible Scheduling
TAAP INTO YOUR CHILD’S POTENTIAL! Topsfield Advanced Academics Program
OVERVIEW The Topsfield Extended Studies program will address the needs of our academically advanced learners in fourth through sixth grade. Students will be identified based on their above average ability, task commitment and learner qualities. These traits will be measured through a variety of tools such as teacher, parent and student recommendations, formal testing results, district and state assessment results and an analysis of learner qualities.
SCHEDULE The year will be broken into three learning periods; fall, winter and spring. Each module will be taught in 2 of the 3 learning period. For example: Linguistic/Verbal will be taught in the Fall and Winter. The students will have a direct learning opportunity for at least 75 minutes a week with two additional half hour workshops. Weekly time total per module at least 2hours and 15 minutes.
OUR PROGRAM BUILT ON HOWARD GARDENER The philosophy of the program will be based, in part, on Dr. Howard Gardner’s premise that there are different kinds of talent and ability and different kinds of intelligence. Gardner has identified at least nine distinct intelligences. These multiple intelligences manifest themselves in varying degrees in each of us. We will focus on three modules that are an integration of the multiple intelligences Linguistic/Verbal Math STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematic)
LINGUISTIC/VERBAL MODULE Linguistic/Verbal: high interest and abilities related to the use of language, including vocabulary development, reading, and writing. Students identified as advanced in the linguistic/verbal area: have high interest and abilities related to the use of language, including vocabulary development, reading, and writing contribute meaningful ideas during book discussions and their contributions demonstrate strong critical thinking abilities of analysis and evaluation have advanced vocabulary for grade level. Understand precise meanings; use exact words for what is meant easily go beyond the surface of literal comprehension into the depth of inferential comprehension when interpreting a reading passage possess highly developed writing skills for grade level- clarity, organization, use of advanced vocabulary, description
MATHEMATICAL/LOGICAL REASONING MODULE Mathematics/ Logical Reasoning: high interest and abilities related to mathematics, logic, and sequential organization. Students identified as advanced in the math/ logical reasoning area exhibit specific behaviors and qualities. They… are advanced in math concepts, display a strong number sense, easily organize data or information to solve problems or discover patterns, have strong deductive, sequential, and logical thinking skills reason clearly and precisely, effectively use a variety of strategies for solving problems are at home with mathematics and aren’t afraid to tackle complex problems
STEM: SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY/ENGINEERING/MATHEMATICS Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics (STEM): high interest and ability in flexible and original thinking Students identified as advanced in the science/technology/engineering/mathematics (STEM): area: apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise have high ability in flexible and original thinking are open to new ideas; could be considered the intellectual "risk takers" with a tolerance for unusual ideas demonstrate the ability to synthesize---to generate new products, ideas, constructions, or inventions. have a lot of ideas; often thinking of many ways to solve problems or answer questions think of unusual or innovative responses, solutions, connections, or ideas.
ACADEMICALLY ADVANCED STUDENTS….. -learn quickly without repetition -make connections easily -process information well -are intellectually curious -have long attention spans -can accurately and rapidly retrieve information -show great depth in understanding what is taught -are determined, perseverant, dedicated
IDENTIFYING ADVANCED LEARNERS Parent Nomination Teacher Rating Scale for Academic Talents Self Evaluation Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAt) Divergent Thinking Assessment MCAS scores School Assessments (Math, Reading, and Writing prompts Report Card grades
STEPS TO DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY 1.Recommendations from parents and teachers are reviewed. Self evaluation forms are given to students. 2.Current data is collected and reviewed- MCAS scores, Report Cards, formal and informal assessments. 3.Students are given the Cognitive Abilities Test and Divergent Thinking Assessment. 4.A team gathers to review each candidate and recommends students for the program. 5.Students and families are notified.
MIDDLETON’S ESP ENROLLMENT NUMBERS SCHOOL YEAR GRADE 4 Grade 4 Linguistic/Verbal 4 Mathematical/ Science/Logical reasoning 5 Inventive/Creative 3 Interpersonal/Leadership 4 Grade 4 Number of Applicants 15 Number of Students Accepted 10 Total in Program 10 Percentage of Population 10%
MIDDLETON’S ESP ENROLLMENT NUMBERS SCHOOL YEAR GRADE 5 Grade 5 Linguistic/Verbal 7 Mathematical/ Science/Logical reasoning 3 Inventive/Creative 6 Interpersonal/Leadership 4 Grade 5 Number of Applicants 10 Number of Students Accepted 3 Total in Program 10 Percentage of Population 8%
MIDDLETON’S ESP ENROLLMENT NUMBERS SCHOOL YEAR GRADE 6 Grade 6 Linguistic/Verbal 6 Mathematical/ Science/Logical reasoning 9 Inventive/Creative 7 Interpersonal/Leadership 6 Grade 6 Number of Applicants 2 Number of Students Accepted 0 Total in Program 16 Percentage of Population 13%
ASSESSMENT TIMELINE Parent Nomination Forms due by September 25 Teacher Rating Scale due by September 25 Student Evaluation due by September 30 CogAt testing begins October 1 CogAt tests are scored and analyzed the week of October 7 Team meets to determine eligibility the week of October 14 Families notified by Thursday, October 16 Classes begin Tuesday, October 21