ICT-enabled public sector innovation / eGovernment Work Programme HORIZON 2020 Training of the ICT and FET NCPs Brussels, 06 October 2015 Jean-François Junger European Commission, DG CONNECT Unit "Public Services"
Outline eGovernment policy context H2020 supporting eGovernment CO-CREATION : Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle CULT-COOP : Understanding the transformation of European public administrations SMEInst : New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
eGovernment Action Plan Empowering Citizens and Businesses User Centric services Collaborative production Re-use of information Transparency Involvement of Citizens Organisation process Administrative burden Green Government Open Specifications and Interoperability Key enablers Innovative eGovernment Seamless Services Personal Mobility Cross Border Services Strengthening the Internal Market Efficiency & Effectiveness eGovernment Action Plan Pre-conditions
Open, Innovative and Collaborative Government Open Data Open Data Open Process Open Process Open Service Open Service Joined-up government Transparency Collaboration Participation Source of diagram: 'Vision for Public Services': Open governance framework Users Civil society Private sector Social partners Citizens Businesses Open government
Public services in Europe have embraced new technologies to varying degrees but more can be done to modernise public administration, achieve cross-border interoperability and facilitate easy interaction with citizens. The Commission will present a new e-Government Action Plan Planned eGovernment Action Plan in the DSM
H2020 supporting eGovernment Excellent Science Excellent Science Industrial Leadership (LEIT) Industrial Leadership (LEIT) Societal Challenges (SC) Societal Challenges (SC) eGovernment in SC6 calls for proposals: CO-CREATION : Applied co- creation to deliver public services CO-CREATION : Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle CO-CREATION : Policy- development in the age of big data: data- driven policy-making, policy-modelling and policy-implementation CULT-COOP /2017: Understanding the transformation of European public administrations SMEInst : New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Warning: Currently the Work Programme is a draft. Only the adopted Work Programme will have legal value; the adoption is expected in mid-October Societal Challenges (SC) 1. Health, demographic change and wellbeing 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy 4. Smart, green and integrated transport 5. Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials 6. Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 7. Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
Projects from WP INSO : ICT-enabled open government A new concept of public administration based on citizen co-created mobile urban services, using open data and open services Platform that helps make sense of open and social data, enhancing the transparency of public finances and the conduct of public administrations Developing a Social Platform for Open Data and a Transparency-Enhancing Toolset for open data publishers to achieve higher quality transparency through open data The Digital Whistleblower; empowering society to combat public sector corruption Analysing public budget and spending data through visualisation, data mining and comparative analysis tools
CO-CREATION Co-creation between PAs: once-only principle (IA) – 1/3 Specific challenge A challenge for co-creation is organising the collaboration between the different actors, including between public administrations themselves, in order to share information, knowledge and resources. Applied on a wide scale it can lead to a smart, inclusive and effective public administration at European level. In order to preserve privacy of citizens and business confidentiality, administrations would open up their information to another administration under the control and the consent of the citizen or business, in line with the EU's Data Protection legislation. Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle (CO-CREATION ) The "once-only" principle in the context of public sector can be defined as that citizens and businesses should supply certain standard information only once to a public administration. Public administration offices take action to internally share this data, respecting data protection rules.
Scope: Large scale pilot with a minimum of six relevant national administrations from at least six different EU Member States or Associated Countries Piloting the application of the 'once only principle' (i.e. providing key data only once to public administrations) at EU level Enabling the exchange of information or documents of businesses between public administrations. Sharing such data in a secure and user-friendly manner, respecting data protection and privacy and the sensitive nature of some of this data. a) Innovation Actions Public administrations collaboratively elaborating a common architecture based on the existing national systems, and re-using existing cross-border services Piloting the system for at least 12 months in real conditions Free access to foreground must be guaranteed to enable access by any Member State to the results Identifying the drivers, barriers, potential vulnerabilities and legal issues for the implementation of the once-only principle for businesses across borders in Europe. Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle (CO-CREATION ) CO-CREATION Co-creation between PAs: once-only principle (IA) – 2/3
b) Coordination and Support Action To support networking, discussion, exchange of experience and planning for the implementation of the cross-border application of the once-only principle for citizens, taking into account data protection aspects and the control and consent of citizens. The proposals will need to develop a strategic stakeholder engagement plan and roadmap for future areas of action. The Commission expects to finance only one Coordination and Support Action Expected Impact: Proposals need to demonstrate that they can achieve impact (e.g. time savings, administrative burden and cost reduction for businesses, improved service quality and administrative efficiency, etc.) Additional impact may be a step towards the 'whole-of-government' approach Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle (CO-CREATION ) IA 2016: EUR 8 million CSA 2016: EUR 1 million CO-CREATION Co-creation between PAs: once-only principle (IA) – 3/3
CULT-COOP : Understanding the transformation of European PAs – 1/6 There is a need to find ways that more effectively create public value Addressing today's complex issues requires holistic responses, calling for the transformation of public administrations and their role in society. There is a need for effective collaboration across government departments and with societal actors in public service delivery and policy-making This calls for innovative and collaborative mechanisms with new institutional arrangements, leadership and human resources’ capacities and structures for greater collaboration among government agencies and departments and with other actors. It requires reflecting upon people’s expectations about their relationships with governments government's role and ability to deliver public value governance approaches and strategies legal, political and cultural aspects of this transformation necessary organisational, administrative, technical human resource and legal changes Understanding the transformation of European PAs (CULT-COOP /2017)
CULT-COOP : Understanding the transformation of European PAs – 2/6 How can governments organise themselves around user expectations, needs and associated requirements, rather than their own internal logic and needs? How can they create an open environment and ecosystem for collaboration? How can governments still they remain accountable for public value generation? How can co-creation and collaboration transform the way public and collective issues are explored and how services and policies are designed, produced and delivered? Which role can professional communicators, e.g. journalists, play in this process? What is the impact of different country contexts? What sectors of public policy are potentially the most concerned by this transformation? What new rules and standards, organisations, resource allocation, institutional capacities are needed? What are the underlying conditions, enablers, risks and barriers for the open and collaborative government 'environment'?
Understanding the transformation of European PAs (CULT-COOP /2017) CULT-COOP : Understanding the transformation of European PAs – 3/6 Scope: a)Research and Innovation Actions Research to explore and analyse how the public administrations can become open and collaborative, encouraging the engagement and participation public, private and civil society stakeholders for effective and user-friendly public service design, delivery and policy-making. Multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral teams to explore the complexity of public services, enablers for public administrations, identify the necessary changes, risks and barriers to implementation, assess the potential of different policy domains and explore feasibility in different public administration contexts Set of concrete recommendations for policy-makers at local, regional and national level. The actions need to address the transferability and sustainability of their results.
Understanding the transformation of European PAs (CULT-COOP /2017) CULT-COOP : Understanding the transformation of European PAs - 4/6 Proposals need to address several of the below aspects: Exploring what the role of governments in an open and collaborative government setting may be and how this could be embedded in an EU setting Developing methods and approaches to understanding community assets, needs and requirements in order to provide meaningful public services; Understanding the appropriateness of participatory practices and their feasibility for scaling up Analysing the necessary cultural attitudes, roles, skills, expertise, knowledge as well as incentives and drivers of those involved in this process Exploring how innovative processes and mechanisms can be embedded in public administrations to create an open digital government environment Analysing the conditions under which user-knowledge input is fully integrated in the services/policy development/design process Analysing what co-creation in the public sector can learn from the private sector Exploring the suitability of innovative technologies that facilitate co-creation, sharing relevant information between stakeholders, address issues of privacy, data protection and security or improve communication
Understanding the transformation of European PAs (CULT-COOP /2017) Proposals need to address several of the below aspects (cont'd): Analysing the drivers and enabling factors for societal actors to engage in public service or policy co-creation and identifying different sustainability models Exploring, monitoring and measurement approaches, methods and tools to understand the impact of open, innovative and collaborative government for public administrations, for growth and societal well-being and for substantiating the link between innovative public sector service and public sector efficiency. b) Coordination and Support Action Bringing together actors inside and outside public administrations to identify good practice cases, discuss and exchange on the transformation of public administrations in Europe and discuss the future role of government in this context. Proposals will need to develop a strategic stakeholder engagement plan and a roadmap for future research directions. CULT-COOP : Understanding the transformation of European PAs - 5/6
Understanding the transformation of European PAs (CULT-COOP /2017) Expected impact The findings will : help public administrations to rethink their roles give guidance policy makers on how to transform public administrations to become open, innovative and collaborative provide guidance on the cultural, legal or procedural changes needed improve the understanding of the effectiveness of related public policies in different democratic models Taking up the policy recommendations will ultimately lead to improved public service delivery and policy effectiveness, higher quality services, improved societal evidence, improved user experiences and inclusiveness as well as increasing level of civic participation, transparency, trust, social inclusion, accountability of institutions and good governance. RIA 2016: EUR 8 million CSA 2016: EUR 0,5 million CULT-COOP : Understanding the transformation of European PAs - 6/6
New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies (H2020-SMEInst SC6) H2020-SMEInst : New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies The specific challenge addressed by this topic is to enable SMEs to innovate and grow across traditional boundaries, through new business models and organisational change, taking into account new opportunities arising from individual empowerment, from a more collaborative economy, from opening up government data and services and from the pervasive use of new technologies. Relevance for eGovernment / ICT-enabled public sector innovation: Building on the paradigm shift in the relationship between government, citizens and businesses, where societal actors take on a more proactive role in the design and delivery of public services. One of the main challenges is to attract business to use public platforms to create more value as current business models do not adequately exploit the benefits of participation and collaboration with government. News ways of creating innovative public services, using open data and open public services provide new business opportunities. SME 2016 (for all the SME actions under SC6): EUR 10,8 million
Overview CallSocietal challenge Topic CO-CREATION-5: Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle Topic CULT-COOP-11: Understanding the transformation of European public administrations Topic SMEInst-62 : New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 2017 Topic CO-CREATION-4: Applied co-creation to deliver public services Topic CO-CREATION-6: Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policy- making, policy-modelling and policy-implementation Topic CULT-COOP-11 : Understanding the transformation of European public administrations Topic SMEInst-62: New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Research & Innovation Action (100%) Innovation Action (70%) Coordination & Support Action (100%) SME Instrument (70%)
Open government: innovation-through-open-government Vision Paper: Public Consultation (2013): agenda/en/news/results-public-consultation-directions-ict-driven-public- sector-innovation-european-union-levelhttps://ec.europa.eu/digital- agenda/en/news/results-public-consultation-directions-ict-driven-public- sector-innovation-european-union-level H2020: NCP: onal_contact_points.html More info Follow us EU_Public Services