Federal Certifications 8(a), HUBZone, WOSB, EDWOSB, SDVOSB and VOSB
Small Business Doing business with the Federal Government Federal Government has a 23% SB goal Federal Government (Agencies) GSA, IRS, Corp of Eng, VA, DOE, 911 etc. Self-Certifying: SBA est. size std per NAICS Set-aside contracts Primes with contracts > $650,000 or $1.5 M must have subcontracting plans that include SB
8(a) Certification Created to help small disadvantaged businesses compete for federal contract opportunities. The Federal Government has a 5% SDB goal Set-aside and sole source contracts Teaming opportunities – MPA & JV 9-year business development program
8(a) Certification Must be small according to firm’s primary NAICS 51% owned/controlled by social and economic disadvantaged individual(s). Faced Discrimination Adjusted net worth below $250,000 2 years in business with good past performance on contracts SBA Certifies: On-line application
HUBZone Certification Historically Underutilized Business Zone Federal Government has a 3% HUBZone goal 10% price evaluation preference in full & open competition SBA certifies: On-line application
HUBZone Certification Requirements Small Business by SBA standards 51% owned/controlled by US Citizen Principal Office in HUBZone 35% of employees live in a HUBZone
WOSB Certification Women Owned Small Business Federal Government has a 5% WOSB goal 373 (6-digit) NAICS designated for WOSB 51% unconditionally & directly owned by women No minimum amount of time in business SBA holds the repository Self certifying (free) or Third-Party certifiers Set-aside contracts
EDWOSB Certification Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business Net worth less than $750,000 Income < $350,000 Assets < $6 million Questions contact: Karan Waigand at x127 or
SDVOSB Certification Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Government has a 3% SDVOSB goal 51% owned by one or more service-disabled veterans Managed daily by one or more service-disabled veterans Self-certifying with the exception to the VA VA requires registration in VetBiz.gov
VOSB Certification Veteran-Owned Small Business DD-214 required Help desk: (202) Monday – Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm
Pittsburgh District Office For more information on SBA’s programs and services Please contact: Judith Kirby or Marisa Fentzel 411 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1450 Pittsburgh, PA Telephone: (412) ext or Or visit our office web site at 11