R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 1© Nokia Solutions and Networks 2016 FCC-Small Cell and DAS Workshop Nokia Small Cell Perspective May 3, 2016 Joe Pedziwiatr Nokia: Head of Small Cell Architecture and Technology
06/06/20162© Nokia 2016 Confidential Nokia Small Cell Solutions Deployed over Diverse Use Cases-Outdoor and Indoor
Open Captions would appear in this area Single Rack China Formula Small cells Solutions Improving User Data Experience Mobile Edge Computing- Enhancing User Experience
R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 4 Small Cell Deployment Consideration Requires a Holistic View to Ensure Efficient Small Cell Deployments Backhaul/Interconnect LOS and NLOS Wireless BH Delay tolerant & secure BH designs (shared IP Ntwks > 5ms latencies) UE relay w/ switch beam ant Macro 5 RF Performance & Design Adv. Interference Mitigation via. Macro Reuse Multi Vendor Validation (F1/F2) Ind. Intuitive Planning & Adaptation Deployment/Operation Form Factor / Stealth designs Site Value Index (ROI based) Advanced SON for No-Touch POE & standard E-Net Cabling Challenges
06/06/20165© Nokia 2016 Confidential User Experience Driving Demand for Small Cells Small Cell Designs need to Meet and Exceed Experience Offered by Macro (Wide Area) Spectrum w/CA Modulation MIMO Licensed (20MHz) 64QAM 256 QAM >256QAM (5G) 2x2 MIMO 4x4 MIMO 8X8 MIMO >32 Ant Arrays (5G) User Density 16-32(Femto) >100 (Pico) >500 (Venues IoT) Drive Needs For High Capacity Small Cells Multi-Band >2 Unl+Shared Spectrum +60MHz Increase Processing Maintaining Low Size Volume Now 125 Peak Next >300-1Gbps (4G) Licensed >20MHz Unl./Shared >60MHz, ~800MHz (5G)
06/06/20166© Nokia 2016 Confidential User Experience Driving Demand for Small Cells-Spectrum Small Cell Designs need to Meet and Exceed Experience Offered by Macro (Wide Area) Spectrum w/CA Modulation MIMO Licensed (20MHz) 64QAM 256 QAM >256QAM (5G) 2x2 MIMO 4x4 MIMO 8X8 MIMO >32 Ant Arrays (5G) User Density 16-32(Femto) >100 (Pico) >500 (Venues IoT) Drive Needs For High Capacity Small Cells Multi-Band >2 Unl+Shared Spectrum +60MHz Increase Processing Maintaining Low Size Volume Now 125 Peak Next >300-1Gbps (4G) Licensed >20MHz Unl./Shared >60MHz, ~800MHz (5G)
7© Nokia 2016 Extending the Small Cell with Unlicensed spectrum Licensed Anchor and Stand-Alone Operation DL Up to 600 Mbps 20MHz MHz DL Lic LTE Unlicensed LTE 20MHz 40+ MHz DL With ac >300 Mbps Co-Located Non co-located LTE Wi-Fi DL Up to 600 Mbps +60MHz LTE Unlicensed LTE 20MHz Licensed Access AssistLTE WiFi AggragationMulteFire TM Licensed AnchorStand-Alone Unl-LTE BasedUnl-WiFi BasedUnl-LTE Based Co-Existence Fairness Designs Mobile Operator Core Network (MOCN)Neutral Hosting
8© Nokia 2016 Expanding Small Cells with Shared Spectrum Small Cells and Framework being defined, Ready for Shared Spectrum Extenstions PAL 10MHz DL Up to 600 Mbps 20MHz 60Mz 10MHz Lic LTE SA S GAA PAL GAA PAL=Priority Access Licensed GAA=General Authorized Access Citizen Band Radio Service Licensed Anchor(MNO) or Stand-Alone (MNO and New Entrants) LTE Based Priority Access and General Access Mobile Operator Core Network (MOCN) or Neutral Hosting MHz MHz MHz MHz Above 3GHz MHz MHz MHz MHz Below 3GHz MHz MHz Wireless Innovation Forum Specification Current FCC’s 3.5GHz framework Product Framework Spectrum New Bands For FCC Consideratio n
06/06/20169© Nokia 2016 Confidential Here and Now! Thank You