The Patient Choice Technical Project Pilots Working Group May 20, 2016
Call Logistics If you are not speaking, please keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold – if you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call This meeting is being recorded Feel free to use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments or any items you would like the moderator or participants to know 2
Agenda Announcements Pilots Working Group »Department of Veteran Affairs Pilots Introductions Questions and Discussion 3
Announcements The Pilots Working Group meeting time/day will continue to be held bi- weekly on Fridays at 11am ET »The next meeting will be held Friday June 3 rd, 2016 The final Phase 1: Basic Choice Use Case has been posted to the project confluence » 4
Move Health Data Forward Challenge The Move Health Data Forward Challenge encourages participants to create an application programming interface (API) solution that uses the implementation specifications created by the HEART Workgroup (Heart WG) to allow people to securely authorize the movement of their health data to destinations they choose. The Challenge will have three phases and two finalists each winning $75,000. »Phase 1 will award $5,000 for up 10 finalists each based on the proposals they submit to the Challenge. »Phase 1 winners will move to Phase 2, which will award $20,000 for up to 5 finalists each based on the prototype of their Solution. »Phase 2 winners will move to Phase 3, which will award $50,000 for up to two winners each based on the participant’s ability to implement their Solution. Submission Dates: 12 a.m. ET, May 10, :59 p.m. ET, Sep 08, 2016 For more information visit data-forward-challenge/ data-forward-challenge/ 5
The High Impact Pilots (HIP) ONC is excited to announce a new cooperative agreement program called the High Impact Pilots (HIP). This new approach implements HIT Standards Committee recommendations, continues ONC’s investment toward implementing the Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap, and fits within the ONC Tech Lab’s focus on pilots for standards and technology. The program is intended to catalyze the implementation of standards and technology that can be used to: »Improve the sharing of health information among health care stakeholders »Improve care delivery »Demonstrate how health IT can positively impact patient experience. The total funding available for HIP awards is $1.25 million (no less than 3 awards and no more than 7 awards are expected). The award period is expected to be a 12-month period of performance. Interested applicants are encouraged to attend the Information Session from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET on May 23 (HIP). The FOA is open now until July 8, 2016.Information Session For more information visit 6
Phase 1 - Timeline 7 Nov Dec Jan FebMar AprMayJunJulyAugSeptOctNov (Today) Begin Pilot Work Kick Off Pilot Activities Use Case Working Group Kick Off Session Conduct Pilots Needs Assessment Review and development of formal use cases Develop Best Practices IG Draft Basic Choice Standard
Pilots Working Group 8
Pilots Updates The Department of Veteran Affairs will be joining us as a piloting organization »Specific details will be discussed on their pilots introduction presentation 9
Department of Veteran Affairs Presentation 10
Department of Veteran Affairs May 20, 2016
DVA: Introduction Participating Organization(s) »DVA, EPIC Point of contact(s) »Mike Davis, VHA Security Architect, »Joseph Kevin, Background »VA currently operates under 38USC7332 restrictions which requires patient consent prior to sending information regarding HIV, Sickle Cell Anemia or Drug/Alcohol Abuse. 12
DVA: Business Drivers & Use Case What is the real world problem/challenge this pilot will help solve? »Solving obtaining patient authorizations from external partners as an obstacle to care. How does this challenge align with The Patient Choice Technical Project Use Case scenarios? »Scenario 1: Provider pushes Consent Directive to Consent Directive Repository (PUSH) Are there alternative scenarios that you would intend to pilot? TBD 13
DVA: Scenario 1: Provider pushes Consent Directive to Consent Directive Repository (PUSH) What is your high-level information flow? »Per Patient Choice sequence diagram »What components of the information flow currently exist and which will be new for the pilot? –Veteran Authorization Preferences Repository –Enterprise Access Control Service Describe your technical solution and implementation plan? »Architecture-Integrate CD received from external source into current automated CD system upgrade program. »Standards used - 14
DVA: Timeline & Resources Timeline »Projected Start Date: June 2016 »Projected End Date: September 2016 Dependencies/Major Milestones: »Project approval June 2016 »Contract TO award June 2016 »Receive and Store CD Jul 2016 »Deprecate existing CD as needed Jul 2016 »Go-live Aug 2016 Resources »Available resources »VHA Architecture Emerging Health Technologies Advancement Center Lab »VAP Developer Team »VHA ROI, Privacy Staff »EPIC Development Team Resource constraints »All resources have multiple commitments. Risks »Failure to execute new Contract TO 15
[Insert Organization Name]: Introduction Participating Organization(s) »[insert] Point of contact(s) »[Insert Name + Title], [Insert ] Background »[Any information relevant to patient choice and piloting] 17
[Insert Organization Name]: Business Drivers & Use Case What is the real world problem/challenge this pilot will help solve? How does this challenge align with The Patient Choice Technical Project Use Case scenarios? »Scenario 1: Provider pushes Consent Directive to Consent Directive Repository (PUSH) »Scenario 2: Provider pushes Consent Directive to HIE and Immunization Registry (PUSH) »Scenario 3: HIE Consent Directive Repository (PULL) »Scenario 4: HIE/Immunization Registry Consent Directive Repository (PULL) »Scenario 5: Hospital Consent Directive Repository (PULL) Are there alternative scenarios that you would intend to pilot? 18
[Insert Organization Name]: [Insert relevant use case scenario title] What is your high-level information flow? »Block diagram, sequence diagrams etc. »What components of the information flow currently exist and which will be new for the pilot? Describe your technical solution and implementation plan? »Architecture »Standards used 19
[Insert Organization Name]: Timeline & Resources Timeline »Projected Start Date: [Insert date] »Projected End Date: September 2016 »Dependencies/Major Milestones: [Insert date(s)] Resources »Available resources –staff, partnerships(business agreements) etc. »Resource constraints –Include possible solution/work-around Risks 20
Questions? 21
Next Steps The Pilots Working Group meeting time/day will continue to be held bi- weekly on Fridays at 11am ET »The next meeting will be held Friday June 3 rd, 2016 Continue to coordinate and support development of introductory slides 22
Project Links Project Homepage hnical+Project+Homepage hnical+Project+Homepage Use Case Development Pilots Homepage Project Materials and References 23
Project Contact Information OCPO-ONC LeadJeremy Project CoordinatorJohnathan Project ManagerAli Project SupportTaima Staff SMEKathleen Staff SMEDavid 24
Thank you!