©2014, Region One Education Service Center College Preparatory Courses House Bill 5 Section 10 Overview Region One Education Service Center Division of Instructional Support
©2014, Region One Education Service Center College Preparatory Courses House Bill 5 Section 10
©2014, Region One Education Service Center College Preparatory Courses College preparatory courses will only be designed for mathematics and English language arts (ELA). Each school district will partner with at least one institution of higher education to develop and provide courses for college preparatory mathematics and ELA. These courses are for 12 th grade students who do not meet the college-readiness standards on an EOC assessment, or whose coursework, college entrance exam, or TSI assessment score indicates the student is not ready for entry-level college coursework and to prepare students for success in entry-level college courses. House Bill 5 Section 10
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Course Design 1. Must be for students at the 12th grade level whose performance on: an end-of-course assessment instrument required under Section (c) does not meet college readiness standards; or coursework, a college entrance examination, or an assessment instrument designated under Section (c) indicates that the student is not ready to perform entry-level college coursework; and 2. To prepare students for success in entry-level college courses. Texas Education Code§ (a) (1) (2)
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Parent Notification Each school district shall provide a notice: to each district student to whom subsection (a) applies and the student’s parent or guardian regarding the benefits of enrolling in a course under this section. § (d) Texas Education Code§ (d)
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Regional Approach House Bill 5 requires Local Education Agency’s to partner with Institutions of Higher Education to create locally developed college preparatory courses. In response, Region One ESC is partnering with RGV Focus, Local Institutions of Higher Education and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to support and facilitate the creation of College Prep courses for Mathematics and English.
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Regional Goal To collaboratively create two courses that provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate college readiness in mathematics and/or English language arts while still in high school. Ensure that students are able to begin taking credit bearing courses their first year of college.
March 5th Region I hosted initial meeting for developing the CPC course with IHE/ISD April 10th Region I shared CPC process with Curriculum Advisory Council April 15th IHE Faculty & Administrative Team finalize draft MOU and learning outcomes April 17th Region I shared process with Regional Advisory Council (Superintendents) April 25th RGV FOCUS Leadership Team review the MOU and learning outcomes April 30th IHE Faculty /Administrative Teams present to ISD Advisory Team May 7 th IHE/ISD reviewed student learning outcomes and recommended guidelines. Developed next steps action plan IHE discussing eligibility for course/placement guidelines IHE Finalize MOU for ISD Review May 23 rd (Lyford CISD reviewed) Scope & Sequence/Clarification/ Validation of Learning Objectives June 3 Development of the Assessment (IHE) June 3-16 Development of Syllabi/Homework/ Online Supports June 3-12 MOU sent to IHE Presidents for legal Review June 9 – July 11 IHE Faculty/ISD Teams review Syllabi/Homework/ Assessments June District/Staff/Teacher Work Session/Training August Course Implementation Fall 2014 College Prep Course Timeline 8 Summer Timeline
IHE Faculty Committees
Faculty MemberName of Institution/OrganizationContent Luis SanchezUniversity of Texas BrownsvilleMath Michael MurphyTexas State Technical CollegeMath Enrique ArredondoSouth Texas CollegeMath Pablo CortezSouth Texas CollegeMath Virgil PierceUniversity of Texas Pan AmericanMath Boye SanchezTexas Southmost CollegeMath Abraham JimenezTexas Southmost CollegeMath Jonikka CharltonUniversity of Texas Pan AmericanEnglish Colin CharltonUniversity of Texas Pan AmericanEnglish Howard PriceSouth Texas CollegeEnglish Nicki ConeTexas State Technical CollegeEnglish Mirna GarciaTexas State Technical CollegeEnglish Andrew HollingerUniversity of Texas Pan AmericanEnglish Robert CarlsonUniversity of Texas BrownsvilleEnglish HB 5 IHE Faculty Committee 10
Member’s NameName of Institution/Organization Laura TalbotSouth Texas College Mario MorinSouth Texas College Laura SaenzUniversity of Texas Pan-American Regina Garza-MitchellTexas State Technical College Angelica FuentesTexas Southmost College Ethel CantuUniversity of Texas Brownsville Luzelma CanalesRGV FOCUS Denise DavisEducate Texas Tina AtkinsRegion I Nicole SaenzRegion I Melissa GuevraRegion I David HernandezRegion I HB 5 IHE Administrative Sub-committee 11
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Course Credit for English language arts A student who successfully completes with a 70 in both the English language arts (CP110100) and assessment created by the IHE course developed under this section may use the credit earned in the course toward satisfying the advanced English language arts curriculum requirement for the foundation high school program under Section (b-1) (1). Texas Education Code § (b-1) (1).
ELA Instructional Resources
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Course Credit for Mathematics toward satisfying an advanced mathematics curriculum requirement under Section after completion of the mathematics curriculum requirements for the foundation high school program under Section (b-1) (2).§ (e) A student who successfully completes both the mathematics course (CP111200) and the assessment created by the IHE with a 70 developed under this section may use the credit earned in the course: Texas education Code § (e)
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Additional Information for the Math CPC Target Students Students who have not demonstrated college readiness as defined by HB5 Recommended for students who either did not take Algebra II or those who made an overall grade of less than 75 in Algebra II. Pre-requisites Received credit for Algebra I and Geometry Met the passing standard on the Algebra I EOC
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Online Math Tools UTPA Web Work – Free tool – Compatible with Smart Phones/Tablets – Customer Service supports through UTPA Pearson My Math Lab – Cost – Java Required
Math Instructional Resources Department of Mathematics
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Special Course Consideration Code In order for IHEs to recognize that a student has passed the required assessment on one or both of the HB 5 college prep courses, a Special Course Consideration Code must be included on a student’s transcript. – TEA will not mandate a specific code – There must be made alignment among ISDs – Recommended code will be HB
©2014, Region One Education Service Center Partners Appropriate faculty of each high school offering courses under this section and appropriate faculty of each institution of higher education with which the school district partners shall meet regularly as necessary to ensure that each course is aligned with college readiness expectations. The commissioner of education, in coordination with the commissioner of higher education, may adopt rules to administer this subsection. § (c) Texas Education Code § (a)
One day workshops: August 12, 2014 – University of Texas-Pan American English Language Arts (Workshop # 43505) Mathematics (Workshop# 43507) August 13, 2014 –University Center at TSTC (Lower Valley) English Language Arts (Workshop # 43514) Mathematics (Workshop# 43515) HB 5 College Prep Course Professional Development for Teachers
HB5 College Prep Course Trainings September 26 (8:30-11:30am) Make-Up Session September 26 (1-4pm) Follow-Up Session October 10 (3-5pm) Follow-Up Webinar November 14 (3-5pm) Follow-Up Webinar December 12 (3-5pm) Follow-Up Webinar
RGV FOCUS & Region One would like to invite you to… Signing Ceremony for the HB 5 College Prep Courses Friday, August 22, :00 AM South Texas College Mid-Valley Campus 400 N. Border Weslaco, Texas You’re Invited … Save the Date
MOU Signing Ceremony 23
MOU Signing Ceremony
©2014, Region One Education Service Center References Texas Education Agency (July, 2013). Legislative Briefing Book. 83 rd Texas Legislative Session. Retrieved from: ng_book_details_new_laws/ ng_book_details_new_laws/ 83rd Texas Legislature. (June,2013). House Bill 5. Texas Legislature Online: Retrieved: Texas Education Agency Accountability Manual. Retrieved from: Texas Education Agency. (2014) Division of Performance Reporting. Texas Performance Report System. Retrieved from: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (June, 2013). TSI Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (June, 2013). TSI Exemptions. Retrieved from:
Developing a Common, Cohesive, and Understood Vision/Purpose Transparency Acknowledging fear and frustration with change Capitalizing on Real Collective Need Mandate created urgency Collaboration value added Cross Sector Knowledge Critical Acknowledge what each partner brings to the table Building on assets of all partners Lessons Learned
Contact Information Tina Atkins Administrator, Region One Center for Excellence in Career and College Readiness Luzelma G. Canales Executive Director, RGV FOCUS/Educate Texas Communities united for educational success