The story begins in the mid-seventeenth-century with a brief summary of Robinson Crusoe's early years. Robinson lived 28 years on an island in the west coast of South America. In the story Robinson met some friends and together they overcome the cannibals.
In a city In England was born a boy, named Robinson. Robinson liked the sea and he joined to many journeys and got money working there. After storms and problems while sailing, he found himself on an island without any friends. Robinson built himself a house in a cave: chairs, tables, windows and other things.
One day Robinson found a sign of a men's foot! He saw bones and cannibals that ate human flash. Robinson helped the prisoner to escape, Now Robinson has a new friend calls Friday. Friday and Robinson helped other prisoners and saved them. They killed many cannibals. One of the men that Robinson saved is a Capitan of a big ship and together they plant a plan: "How to come back to England".
After twenty eight years living on a desert island, Robinson returned to England with Friday. They took the Capitan ships and sailed back to his country! Robinson was a rich man and he helped his family with his money from his journeys.