The Resume The primary purpose of a resume is to get you a job interview. The resume is designed by you to highlight your strongest points.
What else does a resume do for you? Paints a positive and factual picture of YOU! Sets a positive tone for the interview. Guides the interviewer in what to ask. Influences others who approve the hiring. Gives you an opportunity to brag about yourself. It is an advertisement-Why should the employer pick you over someone else.
Why a Resume is Critical 1. Value 2. Strategy 3. Confidence 4. Open Doors 5. Interview Better
Types of Resumes The first step when writing a resume is to choose an appropriate format. Format refers to the type of information you include about yourself and the order in which it appears. There are three basic resume formats: Reverse Chronological, Functional, and a combination of the two.
Reverse Chronological The Reverse chronological resume is the most common resume format for those that have working experience. It lists your most recent job and then continues down to earlier jobs. This format is useful and effective when you have a continuous employment history and your past experience relates to the position for which you are applying.
Functional “But Mr. Lythgoe, I haven’t worked anywhere.” The functional format is the most common resume format for those that have skills, but not much experience. This format highlights your skills and accomplishments rather than your work history.
Combination The combination resume uses aspects of both the Chronological and Functional. It includes your jobs from most recent to earliest, but it also highlights key responsibilities and any accomplishments for each job listed. This format is effective when you have had several jobs and can point to significant accomplishments.
What in your background do you want to “play down” in your resume? WWeaknesses HHave you ever been fired? Are you lazy? Do you have a hard time getting to work on time? Do you have a criminal background? Do you work well with others? ETC.
What do you want to emphasize then? STRENGTHS Hardworking, Punctual, experienced, skilled, work well with others, committed, willing to learn new things, leader among your peers—sports groups, student gov’t, etc.
Let’s all try out the functional format This is a format that fits your skill level and experience.
CONTACT INFORMATION The first section of your resume should always begin with contact information so that your future employer will know how to get a hold of you. Contact information should include your full name. ( You can use middle initial if you like) Address needs to be completely written out, it looks more professional that way. Include your city, state, and zip code. Phone number should have the area code included. Cell phones and s can be included under restrictions.
Background Summary Summarizes your experience, social skills and other information that relate to the position you are seeking. Often the background summary is combined with the objective statement to offer additional information that may qualify you more for a position. No, I, Me, and My anywhere in the resume. Use strong verbs. What experience do you have?
Work Experience Resumes always have a work experience section. List places of employment in reverse chronological order. Write out the company you worked for, including city and state. If you do not know this information for sure, please look it up so the information is accurate. Also include the dates—Month and year that you worked for the previous employer.
Sample work experience Robintino’s Restaurant, Bountiful, UT June 2015 to Present Cashier Organized cash box in an orderly manner while implementing customer service skills and accounting. Les Olsen Gas StationBountiful, UTMay 2015 to August 2015 Car Wash Attendant Maintained an efficient and professional pace while washing cars and serving customers.
Accomplishments Clearly stating you accomplishments can be the key to securing your next job. This is an opportunity to give the employers an indication of your “can do” abilities. Write down anything and everything that you have been given an award for or recognized for. Then decide later which ones you will use.
Education and Training List the schools you have attended, city, and state in reverse chronological order. Include grade point average only if it is above a 3.5. Include additional training courses and on-the-job training only if they relate to the position for which you are applying. Include AP (Advanced Placement) courses as well as CE (Concurrent Enrollment) classes.
Sample Woods Cross High SchoolWoods Cross, UT August Present Youth leadership training
Things to Remember No I, ME, or MY. KISS—Keep It Simple, Short----one page Purpose of resume is to help you get an job interview. Choose an appropriate format that shows your strengths. Really work on putting together powerful, descriptive sentences—use strong verbs. Have many people proofread and help you along the way. Always have an electronic version saved so that you can print it out. Create a hand out card with a QR code—print 15 cards at a time. Use Times New Roman or Ariel Font.
References Three References are prepared in advance on a separate sheet of paper and are NOT included in your resume. Use people that have seen you working and can comfortably talk about your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Make sure all information is accurate. Look up info. Make sure you warn your references that they may be contacted. Use Teachers, Counselors, Former Boss, Adult friends. NO FAMILY, FRIENDS, OR RELATIVES!!
Assignments Due next time on Thursday: Create a handwritten rough draft using guidelines. A. Have a self review and make correction notes. B. Have a peer review and make corrections C. Create a second draft handwritten resume w/ corrections. D. Identify 3 references and write down info on another sheet. Create a Typed rough draft on the computer and save to S: drive, memory stick, and it to yourself so you will have it available to work on in class on Wednesday. Print out a hard copy of the typed rough draft so we can write on it Wednesday, staple it to your notes, rough drafts #1 & , 25, 50 for a total of 100 points