OBJECTIVE Aim to the developments of the technique to constitute a computer-aided system for the fully automated integrated analysis of the liver Study various methods of liver cancer detection Develope a method to detect liver cancer in early
INTRODUCTION Liver has many important functions Liver cancer is 4 th most common malignancy in the world Computed Tomography (CT) scans are a common tool for diagnosis
PROBLEM STATEMENT Liver Segmentation is an important first step for Computer- Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Difficulties associated with liver segmentation Time consuming Similarities to other organs
ADVANTAGES - AUTOMATED METHODS The reproducibility of results Not subjected to user interaction Faster Readily available Reduce errors
iInput image Preprocessing Liver tumor segmentation Liver segmentation Classification Feature extraction Normal Abnormal SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
LIVER SEGMENTATION[5] [3]A. M. Mharib, A. R. Ramli, S. Mashohor, R. B. Mahmood, “Survey on Liver CT image Segmentation Methods” in Artif Intell Rev 37: pp Springer Segmentation techniques which are mainly automatic in nature. Liver image segmentation techniques can be divided in two classes semi-automatic fully automatic methods Graph Cuts segmentation algorithm is used
FEATURE EXTRACTION[4] [4]Statistical Texture Measures Computed from Gray Level Coocurrence Matrices Fritz Albregtsen Image Processing Laboratory Department of Informatics University of Oslo November 5, 2008 For feature extraction here use The GLCM Algorithm Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix Way of extracting second order statistical texture features Energy, Entropy, Contrast, Homogeneity Correlation
FEATURE CLASSIFICATION[5] Use Support Vector Machine (SVM)classifier Binary classifier Machine Learning Algorithm Predict about the features To improve classification SVM is trained by using weighted features for data classification [5]K. Kramer, L. Hall, D. Goldgof, “Fast Support Vector Machines for Continuous Data,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernatics, vol. 39, no. 4, pp , 2009.
LIVER TUMOR SEGMENTATION[6] An efficient fuzzy c-mean based segmentation algorithm to extract tumor region FCM is a soft segmentation method which retains more information from input image than hard segmentation methods Efficient than existing segmentation methods To improve segmentation we can use Enhanced FCM [6]a International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 59– No.5, December Performance Improvement of Fuzzy C-mean Algorithm for Tumor Extraction in MR Brain Images
CONCLUSION The automated segmentation of liver is addressed first Here segment the tumor and classifies about the image The technique is improved significantly and the segmentation of large tumor Reduce the number of false tumor detection
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