Mr/Ms Period ---- Class
Take a couple of minutes and write down a couple of sentences explaining what Science means to you.
The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Using a repeatable method to attempt to answer a question! Believe it or not, you do this EVERY DAY! Think of a time when you followed a specific plan to attempt to solve some sort of problem…
Cooking food using a recipe Washing dishes Finding a quick route somewhere and taking that short cut often Using a strategy guide or the Internet when beating a video game ◦ And these are just SOME of the common ways we use a procedure! I finally beat Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask!
You are already a Scientist! Everyday we all do things that help us better understand the world around us. As scientists, we simply make sure that we record those finding so others can see how we do things. This brings us to:
The Scientific Method ◦ A logical, step based plan for solving a problem. In ancient Greece, the philospher Aristotle proposed using a process for solving problems. Later, Galileo, added that possible solutions are the things that needed to be tested. Hypothesis: The possible solution to a problem. Step 1: Pick up Beehive. Step 2: Get Stung. Step 3: Rethink life choices.
3) Form a Hypothesis 4) Test the hypothesis (Experiment) 4) Test the hypothesis (Experiment) 5) Analyze the Data 6) Draw a Conclusion 7) Report Results 2) Do Research 1) Ask a Question
Asking a Question The first step to designing an experiment, the question should be a testable one that frames your idea. If you can’t observe the outcome, then it’s not testable. ◦ Question: What is the greatest distance I can hit a baseball?
Do Research The next step would be to do research. Figure out what materials you would need, where you should conduct your experiment, and if others had tried your experiment before. ◦ The Internet, books, and magazines are good places to look.
Form a Hypothesis A hypothesis is an educated prediction of what you think will happen, not just a random guess. This will depend on your research. A hypothesis should also have a clear cause and effect. ◦ If I hit a baseball, then it will travel 300 miles. Testable, but unrealistic. This shows little to no research. ◦ If I hit a baseball, then it will travel 300 feet. Testable, and realistic.
Form a Hypothesis ◦ I will hit a baseball as far as I can. This is not a repeatable test. What if one day you are tired, but then on another day you are not? This could cause BIAS. ◦ A bias is an outcome that you “feel” is the right one. Science is about the real results. Not what you think the results should be!
Form a Hypothesis ◦ What if I test my hypothesis and it turns out to be wrong? So you hit the baseball and it didn’t travel 300 feet? That’s ok! A hypothesis DOESN’T have to be wrong or right, JUST TESTABLE.
Form a Hypothesis By forming a hypothesis you are actually forming two testable scenarios. One is your hypothesis, but the other opposite outcome is the null, or implied, hypothesis. If you form your hypothesis correctly, you will always be proving something! My hypothesis: If I hit the baseball, then It will travel 300 feet. Null hypothesis: If I hit the baseball, then it will NOT travel 300 feet. So even it if travels 300 feet or 30, you still tested something!
Test the Hypothesis After a hypothesis has been formed, the next step is to design an experiment! Experiments have variables, most stay the same, while the one being tested may change. ◦ Controlled Variable – These variables are constant and don’t change throughout the experiment. ◦ Independent Variable - This variable changes. This is what your experiment is testing. ◦ Dependent Variable – This variable changes in response to the independent variable.
Test the Hypothesis If your hypothesis is, “if I hit the baseball, then it will travel 800 feet.” Then these are the variables you could use would be.. ◦ Controlled Variables – Stays the same! The size, weight of the baseball The person swinging. A pitching machine with a set speed. ◦ Independent Variable - The things you test. Different types of bats ◦ Dependent Variable – This changes base on the independent variable. How far the ball travels.
Analyze the Data, and Draw a Conclusion After an experiment has being conducted, then the data has to be analyzed. Usually, an experiment is run multiple times to get enough data where trends can be seen. Based on the data which bat best proves the hypothesis? Bat TypeTest Number Distance Wood1250 ft Wood2200 ft Metal1310 ft Metal2305 ft Nerf150 ft Nerf260 ft
Report Results After research and experimentation is complete, the results must be reported so others can know the outcome. ◦ Hypothesis Proven: Great! You answered the question, now others can look over your work and learn from it. ◦ Hypothesis Disproven: Great! Sure, it didn’t go as you planned, but once you report your results others can learn and maybe improve your experiment!
Activity Time! Remember that hypothesis you came up with the other day? Pair up with a partner and attempt to come up with a hypothesis for this question: “I have a plant that keeps drying out and wilting. Why does this keep happening? I water it once in the morning and once at night.” After you come up with a hypothesis for this, attempt to design an experiment. Write a short paragraph summarizing the experiment and then list the controlled variables, the independent variables, and the dependent variables.