Welcome Al Mushrif School Parent Information Meeting Key Stage 1
Overview Sharing Information Timetables; specialist teaching School Day Assemblies Topic Overview Literacy Numeracy Arabic and Islamic Studies PE Uniform (hats and bags) Eating Arrangements Homework Contact Details
KS1 Team Year 2 Camels: Mr Ward Oryx: Miss Hall Sand Cats: Mrs Emma McGovern Year 1 Foxes: Miss Joanne Meads (Phase Coordinator) Caracals: Mrs Keaveny Gazelles: Mr Evan Roberts
Sharing Information Please check the portal regularly for new information. Please ensure you update your contact details to Al Mushrif Reception, if you have not already done so. Newsletters weekly on a Thursday Homework weekly on a Thursday
School Day The school gates open at 7.25am – please enter through the courtyard gate. All teaching staff on playground to welcome families from 7.40am All children will enter their classes at 7.45am for registration. The National Anthem will play at 7.56am – your child will be marked late if they arrive after this time. Please send them straight to reception to receive a late pass. School finishes at 2.20pm and children need to be collected at this time. Any late children will be collected from where their teacher is needed next. Please go to Reception to find the specific location. All classes have a designated collection point in the main courtyard area. ECA’s finish at 3.15pm all children shall be collected in the main courtyard area.
Assemblies Two assemblies a week Sunday – whole school assembly where theme of the week and riddle are shared. Wednesday – class assembly (parents welcome) where classes show examples of good quality work relating to the week’s theme.
Timetables Specialist teaching Arabic, Islamic Studies, Music and PE/ Swimming
At Al Mushrif we believe that children should be actively involved in their learning and aim to do so by teaching in a creative and thematic way. As a result of this, learning is cross-curricular and Mathematics, Literacy and all other subjects are delivered in a fun and engaging way where children can make links and apply skills across the Curriculum. We believe that teaching through creative, thematic units helps to embed skills and make the learning journey more relevant and vibrant for each individual. We also try to use the locality and topics the children know to make the learning relevant and realistic. Key Stage 1 Curriculum
National Curriculum We have adapted our curriculum to be in line with the UK 2014 National Curriculum. As of August 2015 we have implemented this at Al Mushrif school. Last year teachers were trained in line with the changes made in the new national curriculum across all the academy schools. We have adapted our assessment approach again in line with the UK. Continuous and ongoing assessment and monitoring of children is seen within our daily teaching. At 3 points in the year children are assessed in a variety of ways, pupils attainment is measured to enable pupil targets to be set, progress monitored and intervention and teaching methods amended as appropriate. We use classroom monitor and Rising Stars to support our judgments. Vocabulary such as: working towards, at expected level and exceeding expected level.
Key Stage 1 Curriculum Year 1 Wonderful Me Home Sweet Home Seaside GrowthHabitats Year 2 To infinity and beyond!Once upon a time Around the world Key Stage 1 Topic Overview Each half term, parent curriculum overviews are sent home introducing the new thematic unit and the key elements delivered through each subject area. These will also be published on the portal and the website.
Your child will visit the library once a week with the class teacher. “Home reader” book from the classroom book box, also appropriate to their reading level will be available to your child. This will go home with them nightly and should be changed at least once/twice a week. Please ensure that your child is reading each night (20minutes) and comment on their progress in the Reading Diary Book. Reading We strongly believe that reading is vital to the progression of writing. Children have the opportunity to read regularly within the classroom. To develop more complex reading skills, such as inference and deduction, your child will take part in Guided Reading sessions, with an adult, once a week.
How you can help Reading at home? But if they don’t want to read? Then don’t read at that time. Find a time when they do want to read, often at bedtime. When should I read with my child? Ideally reading should be at a quiet time when it will be a pleasurable experience for both of you. 5 minutes of quality time every day is better than 20 minutes with interruptions. I’m not confident in reading in English Talk to your child about the pictures; tell them the story based on the illustrations. You could also do this in your home language. There also lots of stories available on CD and apps. Help your child to understand that reading is useful in everyday life by: * Making a shopping list together and reading it again * Reading captions in the supermarket to find out where things are * Spotting signs all around and reading them together * Reading a recipe together and then making it * Reading the labels on food packaging as they are put away * Read instructions together Most importantly, you are your child’s most influential reading role model.
Arabic and Islamic Studies o All children in Year 1 & 2 shall attend Arabic lessons. o Native children shall have 5 Arabic lessons and 3 Islamic lessons a week. o Non-native children shall attend 3 Arabic lessons o Non- native Muslim children will have 2 lessons of Islamic Studies. o Native and Non Native Children will have 1 lesson of Social Studies a week.
Physical Education On designated PE days children will come to school wearing their Al Mushrif PE kit (white t-shirt, green shorts/tracksuit bottoms and white soled trainers) On designated swimming days children will come to school in Al Mushrif school uniform with their swimming kit (one piece swimming costume/shorts, towel, swimming hat (boys&girls), goggles and flip flops (very important) in their PE bag. No jewellery is permitted. Water bottles and hats are a must. If your child can’t participate in PE/Swimming please clarify this through a letter sent into school.
Uniform Al Mushrif school shirt, school trousers or shorts, skirts or dresses Hair ties for girls – school colour Black shoes, not trainer style Hats – very important Daily: Al Mushrif logo school bag, clear zip lock book bag for Home Reader Books (provided) P.E Days: Children come to school in their PE kit. Swimming: Al Mushrif PE bag Library Days: Library bags are required No jewellery in school Please make sure all uniform items are labelled clearly
Eating Arrangements We encourage healthy eating. Healthy snack at 10.05am: fruit, vegetables or juice. Lunchtime: Healthy lunch, savoury item, yoghurt, 1 dessert item, juice. Please ensure your child has a water bottle at school.
ECA’s We offer a range of clubs that will appeal to all children. ECA’S start for children Year 2 and upwards. Some clubs are invite only. ECA’s begin Sunday 27 th September- Wednesday 25 th November. Online sign up.
Homework & Year group news Set on Thursday, to return by Tuesday. Consists of: Mathematics Spellings We shall add any dairy dates/ important information in the ‘News Section.. Creative Topic half termly project based homework – encouraged to complete at least 3. In addition children will receive Arabic homework.
Contact Details Year 1 – Year 2 –