Ch. 2 Tools and Methods on an Environmental Scientist
Observe – using senses Form Hypothesis – must be testable prediction Sometimes in an “if …. Then….” statement Experiment Collect data – in SI units (metric system) Variable – factor of interest in experiment Experimental group Control group Analyze Data Form Conclusion
Data – often numerical Metric units Expressed in graphs and tables Graphs help to display trends or relationships in the data Correlation – associations between two or more events (used in situations where scientist can’t answer a question by experimenting) pg. 37
Curiosity Skepticism – don’t believe everything without proof Open to new ideas - Intellectual honesty – results are never manipulated to support a certain hypothesis Imagination / creativity – seeing patterns where others don’t, thinking of new ideas
Values – principles or standards we consider important Has an impact on people making decisions about the environment Decision – Making Model Gather information Consider values Explore consequences Make a decision
Read the article and form your opinion by completing the following. 1. List vital information necessary to make a decision (at least 5 things). 2. List 3 stakeholders and the values of each that my affect the decision-making process. 3. List consequences of at least 2 decisions. A. Long vs short term B. Positives vs. negatives Make your decision!!!!!!
Problem: Which type of fertilizer, natural compost or Miracle Grow, increases plant growth? Write a procedure to attempt to answer this question. Identify the following: variable, control group, experimental group What type of data will you collect and how will you organize it?