Getting Started Label the cause and the effect in each of the following sentences: 1.Freddy got beat up because he called somebody’s shoes ugly. 2.When Rachel unplugged the fish tank, all of the fish died. 3.When Angelina quit drinking caffeine, she got very bad migraines. 4.Wearing Nike shoes makes you run faster. Note: Write the ANSWER on your Notebook. DO NOT COPY THE QUESTION!
Scientific Method! The scientific method is a process to help you solve a problem and to find answers to questions about the world. It can change!
Our example: We are testing whether or not milk can help plants grow better than water. Let’s see if we can apply the scientific method to this problem as we learn the process!
6 Steps to the scientific method 1.State a problem or question. Make a good scientific question! - How does ____________ effect ________________________? - What is the effect of ________________ on _________________? For example: How does my diet effect my weight? The variable YOU can manage or change is the Independent variable. It is independent because I change it. The variable that is the observed result of the manipulated independent variable is the Dependent Variable. It depends on the Independent variable.
2.Gather information. Make observations. Researching your question lets you know if others have done this same experiment before and if so, what their data suggests. You should also research scientific concepts related to the experiment. For example, if you are testing to see which paper towel brand is the most absorbent, you should research absorbency, paper material, and quality control testing. This will help answer the “WHY?” 6 Steps to the scientific method
3.Form a hypothesis. What do you think will happen? A hypothesis is your prediction for the outcome of the experiment. Exhibits cause and effect relationship. It is based on your observations and should be testable! Your hypothesis should be written in the following format: If…… then.….because… Example: If I come to class everyday then I will earn a better grade because I am present to learn the material for the test 6 Steps to the scientific method
4.Experiment! Need a procedure—what you will do. 6 Steps to the scientific method Design a procedure that tests your hypothesis. Be sure to keep the environment constant to be SURE your experiment tests your hypothesis. Ex: If you are testing your shampoo to see if it makes your hair smoother example constants: An experiment will have many constants Record all of your data and observations and put them into a table. Conditionerwater temperatureamount of shampoo Number of washesstyle of washing type of brush
5. Record and analyze data. Write down observations, graph it. 6 Steps to the scientific method An observation is the gathering of information by using our five senses: Sight Smell Hearing Taste Touch There are two types of observations Qualitative : Qualitative observations describe what we observe. “Qualitative” = quality (descriptive) These observations use adjectives to describe something. Quantitative : Quantitative observations measure what we observe. “Quantitative” = quantity (numerical) These observations use numbers to measure something in a quantitative way.
Organize and Analyze Data Is your data reliable? Put your data into a chart or graph and look for any trends. 6 Steps to the scientific method
6.Form a conclusion. Describe data and explain results! 6 Steps to the scientific method Do your data and observations support your hypothesis? If you cannot make a definite conclusion, you may need to try again. This means you may either need to rewrite your procedure if it was not specific enough; you may need to change your hypothesis.
Mneumonic to help us remember… People Greatly Hate Eating Dark Chocolate
Let’s back up to the experiment step What are we testing? What changes? Why did the change occur? What does not change?
Main IdeaNotes: Something that changes during an experiment. Thing that is being tested What “I” (the scientist) change The “cause” What is measured or observed Changes because of the IV The “effect”
One more variable… Controls A standard for comparison Not affected by the independent variable What we compare the IV and DV to.
Experiment Title: Does the age a person gets married affect their chances of getting a divorce? Experiment Title: Does fertilizer affect plant height? Experiment Title: Is there are relationship between the weather and how students behave? IV (cause)- DV (effect)- Age Chances of divorce fertilizer weather Plant height Behavior
TICKET Absolutely no talking. Keep your eyes on your own paper. Turn paper over when you are done. Write answer to bonus problem on the back if done early: Write a hypothesis for the following scientific question: How does color of flower affect the number of times a bee visits it?