EUMEDGRID-Support Introduction Kick-Off Meeting Cairo 25 January 2010
Project goals – Following the path set by EUMEDGRID Partners Project Status Strategic lines Organisation & Management Conclusions Contents
Project Status Project Duration: 24 months Start: 1 st January 2010 Budget (EU contribution): 740 k€ Budget (Total): 867 k€ Partners: 14 Current status: – Grant Agreement entered into force – Signature of Accession Forms in progress (10/13) – Kick-Off Meeting and Launch Event in Cairo 25/26 January 2010
Project Partners Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Coordinator) INFN Italy Centre de Calcul el Khawarezmi CCK Tunisia Centre de recherche sur l’information scientifique et technique CERIST Algeria Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique CNRST Morocco Consorzio COMETA COMETA Italy Cyprus Research and Academic Network CYNET Cyprus Egyptian Universities Network EUN Egypt Consortium GARR GARR Italy CNRS - Institut des grilles CNRS-IDG France Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology HIAST Syria Jordanian University Network JUNET Jordan Trust-IT Services LtdTrust-IT UK TUBITAK Ulusal Akademık Ag ve Bılgı Merkezı TUBITAK ULAKBIM Turkey University of Malta UOM Malta – HealthGrid is a third party of CNRS – Islamic University of Gaza is a third party of GARR
Old & New New Partners: – CCK substitutes the Ministry of Research & Education – Tunisia – COMETA Consortium with a large Grid infrastructure in Sicily – Italy – CNRS Institut des Grilles – France – JUNet was a third party – Jordan – TRUST-IT Dissemination and Coomunication –UK Old Partners no more in the project: – RED-ES – GRNET
Deliverables Del. no. Deliverable name WP no. Lead bene- ficiary Delivery date (proj. month) D2.1a Web portal – first static version WP2TRUST-IT2 D1.1 Quality assurance plan WP1INFN2 D2.1b Web portal – fully operational WP2TRUST-IT6 D2.2a, b,c,d Communication Strategy & Dissemination Plan (updated every 6 months) WP2TRUST-IT6, 12, 18, 24 D2.3a Results reports on requirements & challenges on the first workshop WP2TRUST-IT7 D3.1 Sustainability plan for a two tiers competence centre in the WP3COMETA7 D1.2 First Progress Report WP1INFN12 D2.4a Statistical Database analysis of new communities WP2CNRS-IDG12 D4.1a State of the art of e-Infrastructures in the Mediterranean region WP4GARR12
Milestones Milestone no. Milestone nameWPs no's.Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I Comments (Means of verification) M1.1Project Kick-off MeetingWP1, WP2 INFN PM1Press Release M2.1Web Site readyWP2 TRUST-IT PM2Static Web site accessible M3.1 Second level Competence Centre operational WP3 COMETA PM8D3.1 M4.1 First High Policy Workshop WP4, WP2 GARR PM6Press Release M1.2First Project Review WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 INFN PM13First Project Activity Report M2.2 EUMEDGRID-Support Booklet WP2 TRUST-IT PM14Booklet Publication M4.2 Second High Policy Workshop WP4, WP2 GARR PM18Press Release M1.3Second Project Review WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 INFN PM24 Second Project Activity Report
Effort Partic. No. Participant short nameWP1WP2WP3WP4 Total person months 1INFN8,05,56,0 25,5 2CCK0,03,04,05,012,0 3CERIST0,03,04,05,012,0 4CNRST0,03,04,05,012,0 5COMETA0,01,011,01,013,0 6CYNET0,02,05,04,011,0 7EUN0,03,05,04,012,0 8GARR1,04,50,56,012,0 9CNRS-IDG0,05,01,03,09,0 10HIAST0,06,04,03,013,0 11JUNET0,03,04,05,012,0 12TRUST-IT0,09,00,01,010,0 13TUBITAK ULAKBIM0,02,04,06,012,0 14UoM0,02,04,05,011,0 Total 9,052,056,559,0176,5
Strategic Lines Hi Level Policy Dissemination Create a Two Level network of Competence Centres Resume and reorganise the EUMEDGRID Infrastructure Widen the existing human network involving new user communities Strongly cooperate with other projects and initiatives relevant for the Mediterranean
Hi Level Policy Dissemination 3rd EUMED Event in Brussels 30 March 2010 Organised in cooperation with EUMEDCONNECT2 and GEANT3. Partners requested to provide a list of high level Government people, stakeholders, policy makers, etc. Next EUMED Event by the end of 2011 will be the final event of the project.
The EUMEDGRID e-Infrastructure
Cooperation (1) Exchange of contacts: users, projects & initiatives, etc. Synergies in actions: fostering of CAMREN, letters of support from stakeholders, fostering of NRENs and NGIs. Joint activities: Joint collaboration meetings, Joint management meetings, Common events (EU-MED events), mailing lists, etc. Cross fertilisation: ASTRA project, EUMEDGRID eInfrastructure agreement, etc. Mutual support on critical paths.
Cooperation (2) Cooperate with EPIKH in training personnel on application porting methodologies to support the creation of local competence centres in the beneficiary countries Marie Curie Action; Started on 1 March 2009 – 48 months duration Participants: – 23 Institutions from 18 countries of 4 continents; – Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Spain, and Tunisia from the MED area.
Cooperation (3) Already useful cooperation exploited in workshops (Trieste 2006 and Chania 2008) and EU-MED event in Amman. Possible future collaborations: – Exchange of contacts of stakeholders and research institutions. – Cooperation in the organisation of thematic workshops on Health, Energy, Earth Sciences, Environment and Climate, etc. – Support for high policy dissemination. – Future EUMED Events (2011) Next event in Jordan beginning of March 2010
Cooperation (4) ERINA4Africa aims to provide African and EU policy makers with a detailed analysis of exploitable scenarios of existing (and new) e-Infrastructures in Africa, by means of: 1.A virtual observatory on trends and current evolution of e- Infrastructures in Africa. 2.A foresight study identifying qualitative as well as quantitative benefits in adopting African Research Infrastructures as basic building blocks for other key IST areas. 3.A series of virtual conferences and local meetings to both promote and validate the project results.
New communities (1) neuGRID will be a new user-friendly Grid-based research e-Infrastructure enabling the European neuroscience community to carry out research required for the pressing study of degenerative brain diseases. In neuGRID, the collection/archiving of large amounts of imaging data will be paired with computationally intensive data analyses. Neuroscientists will be able to identify neurodegenerative disease markers through the analysis of 3D magnetic resonance brain images via the provision of sets of distributed medical and Grid services.
New Communities (2) “Child Trauma Network” is an Euro- Mediterranean Network with the main objective of creating a network for medical/psycological consultation and support to the children traumatised by the violence during natural disasters and wars in their home countries. Join-MED addresses sustainable networks of ICT research organisations between the MPC and Europe to help creating partnerships for future FP7 ICT Calls.
New Communities (3) EMBnet is a science-based group of collaborating nodes throughout Europe and a number of nodes outside Europe. The combined expertise of the nodes allows EMBnet to provide services to the European molecular biology community which encompasses more than can be provided by a single node. The consortium work towards giving clinicians a comprehensive view of a child's health by vertically integrating biomedical data, information and knowledge that spans the entire spectrum from imaging to genetic to clinical and epidemiological data. Utilising the power of the GRID the consortium has developed a biomedical information platform which supports sophisticated and robust search, optimisation and matching techniques for heterogeneous information. Earth Sciences – CINFAI – Italian National Consortium of Universities for Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Physics
Cooperation (5) High Performance Computing – Cooperation with LinkSCEEM, PRACE, and Computing Centres in the MED Area EUIndiaGrid2 – A Joint Workshop on Climate Change. SESAME – Re-establish strong relationships and restart the cooperation process. EGI and related initiatives/projects. Other possible new projects: BELIEF III, CHAIN, GRACE, DECIDE, etc.
Workshops (first proposal) Rome October “Environmental Radioactivity: New Frontiers and Developments” Details: – Venue: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy – Social Events: Visit to Gran Sasso National Laboratory – INFN – Main Sponsors: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Ministry of Education and Research, Italian Ministry of Environment, INFN, University of Roma Tre, CINFAI, ENEA, ISPRA, ISS, EUMEDGRID-Support – 1 Day (24 or 28) dedicated to eInfrastructures for Environment.
Conclusions EUMEDGRID-Support has started hitting the ground running -> – Brand new Web Site: – Launch Event in Cairo 26 January It builds on the results of EUMEDGRID – Resuming its pilot infrastructure – Basing on its exploited human network Will focus on e-Science in – High Policy – Dissemination – Education and Training for long term support – Promoting best practices, sharing experience – Liaising EU and the Mediterranean scientists, Projects, User Communities and other eInfrastructures