SfYC PROVIDER BRIEFING SPRING 2016 Purpose of briefing Provide an update on policy changes and consider impact for sector and SfYC –30 Hours childcare.


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Presentation transcript:


Purpose of briefing Provide an update on policy changes and consider impact for sector and SfYC –30 Hours childcare – discussion activity –EYE Payment Terms and Conditions update Income deprivation affecting children index (IDACI) New Providers to EYE funding EYPP Update –Transition to School – Deceleration Guidance –Change to the SfYC main database - TITCH Programme – move to CAPITA One –Family Support Consultation –Training programme 2016/17 –Ofsted updates

30 hours childcare update DFE has confirmed early implementation: 8 Local Authorities will deliver places 25 Local Authorities will be Early Implementer Innovators. Hampshire is an Early Implementer Hampshire is now firming up with DfE through topic areas of: SEND, Parental Engagement, Work Incentive, Flexibility and Sufficiency Will now look at innovative ways of making sure childcare is accessible to as many parents as possible

30 hour childcare activity In your groups Please discuss your family and their childcare needs

30 hours childcare: Thinking about ‘your’ Families How many are likely to require additional hours How many will meet the financial criteria How will you be able to offer these hours Are there changes you can make to your setting - to increase space - to increase hours - to offer additional days (Saturdays) - work in collaboration with others What other factors will you need to consider?

Early Years Education Funding Payment Terms and Conditions An update to the terms and conditions will be published at the beginning of March 2016 and will be effective from 1 April This will include changes in the following areas: –further clarification on payment and use of Early Years Pupil Premium; –confirmation of reduction in employers liability insurance requirement to £5 million; –clarification on provider responsibility to check previous setting attendance on registration; –2YO offer - reference to 2 YO participation funding to be removed and reference to online 2YO checking added. –amendments for clarification on schedule 5 - Procedure to Withdraw/Suspend Early Years Education Payment –minor amendment to schedule 6 – SEND local offer

EYSFF: IDACI funding for children

EYSFF: Rate for new providers From 1 April 2016 new providers Ofsted Quality banding will commence at “good” and 19p per hour. Settings re-registering will be able to carry forward their existing Ofsted grading.

Early Years Pupil Premium update Estimated total eligible children 2100 Summer 2015 –paid 219 settings and childminders –For 729 children –£69,890 Autumn 2015 –Paid 261 settings and childminders –For 678 children –£72,983 Spring 2016 –Paid 239 settings and childminders –For 571 children –£46,336

Transition to School: Clarification on Deceleration Deceleration – starting school outside of the year group that is typical for that child. Deferment – starting school within the year group that is typical for that child but at a later stage in the year – normally either January or April.

Transition to School: Clarification on Deceleration Government promotion to parents 2014/15 – 30 requests 2015/16 – 66 requests 3 have been refused by the LA over the two years.

Transistion to school: Clarification on Deceleration Key messages Information given to parents must be accurate and consistent Parents supported by professional colleagues need to reach an in formed decision that is in the child’s best interest.

Transition to school: Clarification on Deceleration Guidance now available Produced jointly by Services for Young Children and Admissions team guidance/main-admissions-round.htm

Transition to School: Clarification on Deceleration Guidance contains: Clarity of terminology Clarifying reason for considering deceleration What to ask the school. Technical information about deceleration Implication of deceleration beyond Yr R Where to get further advice

Change to the SFYC Database: Transforming IT for Children (TITCH) Full service will go live end August 2016 Children’s records will be migrated from current database (synergy) to the Capita One system (May 2016) SFYC back office will be by end of Summer period New provider claiming process for September Provider sessions will roll out towards the end of summer Providers will receive guidance manuals following the training sessions

Family Support Service Consultation Currently there are a complex range of services available supporting children and families in Hampshire (Children’s Centres, Early Help, Supporting Troubled Families, Youth Support Services …..) Financial context remains challenging Opportunity to re shape services to reflect changes and developments since week consultation ends 3 May 2016

Family Support Service Consultation: Key elements of the proposed model Release savings Provide a more targeted approach A more integrated 0-19 family support service including with health visiting and school nursing Fewer dedicated buildings (11) Need to meet statutory duties for children’s centres

Family Support Service Consultation Next steps Consultation starts 23 February and ends May 2016 (10 weeks) Questionnaire available to provide response to the proposals Consultation report and decision report presented to Executive Lead member for Children’s Services in July 2016 Date for changes to take effect will be confirmed after the Decision Day The consultation website is

Kirsty Stickley and Kay Watling Quality Improvement Workforce Development managers

2016/17 Quality Improvement Training programme You can now purchase your training subscription credits to access EYFS related courses in 2016/17, credits can be purchased until midnight on Friday 15 April Training course credits cost £80 each – please ensure you purchase enough training course credits especially if you want staff to attend courses of more than 1 days duration Each setting that subscribes will also be allocated 4 e-learning logons If you choose not to join you are responsible for checking any information provided aligns with SfYC/Hampshire best practice advice and recommendations

Safeguarding courses are now provided by HTLC Details of the courses and the location can be found on the Learning Zone by using EYFS0945 in the search box All the subscription information documents can be found on our training page /17 Quality Improvement Training programme

Services for Young Children: Professional Options Purchasing training through Professional Options may be a suitable addition/alternative to joining the training subscription scheme Individual settings or groups can purchase a more bespoke training through Professional Options Details of what is available and how to purchase are on the SfYC web page services/childcare/providers/sfycprofessionaloptions The Hantsweb shop link is

Ofsted Updates Came into affect 1 st January 2016 to make ‘the registration process simpler as well as support childcare providers to develop their business’ Under the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment act 2015 From January ‘Childminders will be able to operate from suitable non- domestic premises for up to half of their time, under their Childminding registration. For example they will be able to work with schools to offer out-of-hours care from school premises before and after school or during the holidays. Childcare providers on non-domestic premises, wishing to run more than one setting will be able to make a single registration in respect of all of their settings. Once registered they will be able to add additional settings to their existing registration once their application and the new premises have been approved.

Ofsted Updates Revised Early Years and Childcare Registration handbook with effect from 1st January The main changes are around the single registration for group settings. file/487945/EY_and_childcare_reg_handbook_Master.pdf Ofsted have grouped all documents regarding the changes to the Childcare register into one place which can be found here registering-with-ofsted Childminders can apply for 50% of their time to be used on non- domestic premises, this will support with out of school care and possibly 30 hours? OFSTED will be bringing early years inspections in house from April 2017http:// years-inspections-in-house/

Childminders and childcare on domestic premises Early years and later years childminders and childcare providers on domestic premises, will be able to operate from suitable, Ofsted approved, non-domestic premises for up to half their time. Providers must seek (and have received) approval from Ofsted before they can operate from individual non-domestic premises. It is up to the provider to demonstrate that they are spending no more than half their time working from non-domestic premises. The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment (SBEE) Act 2015

CDBO Office Contact details and finally Evaluation Please complete the Survey Monkey on receipt