Paul Kirk Chairman National Rail Contractors Group
Contracting Contracting is about Delivery Safe Efficient On Time In a challenging environment Downward pressure on costs Greater competition Technology change Skills Shortage
Enablers for Success Success depends on continuous improvement: Processes Equipment, plant and machinery Improved methods, planning, logistics, reporting People
People Core Directly employed core Supported by the Contingent Workforce to accommodate demand variability But Historical industry-wide variability with training delivery
Quality Assured Competence We now have: AAccredited training providers and assessors through RTAS – driving improvements RRegister of Organisations, Trainers & Assessors and a Training Directory – providing visibility NNational Qualification Framework – delivers consistency On their own these are useful, but become powerful when linked together for both the Individual and the Company SkillsID makes this happen
SkillsID enables the most robust Quality Assurance process for people skills that the Railway Industry has ever seen.