MQXFS1 Coils QC & DRs J. Schmalzle May 14, 2015
MQXFS1 Coils MQXFS1 Coils SQXF03 & SQXF05 – Reaction Temperature Data – Electrical Checks – DRs May 14, CM24 WG2J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils SQXF03 May 14, CM24 WG3J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils Reaction fixture temperature – 8 thermocouples mounted to outside of fixture, 2 on sample canister. May 14, CM24 WG4J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils New set of TCs were reading a little low and behaving a bit erratically at 640 C. Oven temperature was nominal and steady. – TC vendor indicated that calibration check we did on the new TCs may have left a conductive residue on the wires that could effect the readings. Vendor suggested specifying “heat cleaned” when purchasing TCs, they supplied a new replacement set. Pole gap after reaction =.022” (0.56 mm) May 14, CM24 WG5J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils SQXF03 Electrical checks: May 14, CM24 WG6J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils SQXF03 DRs: – Reaction fixture thermocouple readings - see chart above. – Thread tap broken off in saddle extension when cleaning out holes after impregnation. This was one of the legacy holes, no longer being used – hole enlarged, tap extracted. – VT flag / trace pad misalignment. A2 / B2 tap flags do not line up with trace pads – flags soldered to trace line. – VT wires damaged after impregnation. A few of the short VT wires damaged when extracting from putty after impregnation. Wires shortened a bit, splices made as usual but closer to the end of the coil. May 14, CM24 WG7J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils SQXF05 May 14, CM24 WG8J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils Reaction fixture temperature – 8 thermocouples mounted to outside of fixture, 2 on sample canister. May 14, CM24 WG9J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils Small unusual variations in temperature observed. Cause was found to be a bad fuse in one of the oven heating zones. Pole gap after reaction =.014” (0.33 mm) May 14, CM24 WG10J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils SQXF05 Electrical checks: May 14, CM24 WG11J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils SQXF05 DRs: – Reaction oven fuse – see chart above. – Voltage tap flag torn. After reaction, flag for VT B7 was found to be torn near where it emerges from coil. Loose end of flag was re-attached, soldered onto remaining portion of flag. – VT Wire broken. Wire for voltage tap A2 broken off at end of saddle extension after impregnation. Epoxy was excavated locally to expose end of wire and splice was made to a new wire. May 14, CM24 WG12J. Schmalzle
MQXFS1 Coils Lead soldering: – CERN approved MOB-39 flux and 96/4 tin silver solder. May 14, CM24 WG13J. Schmalzle