Toronto Chapter Meeting November 20, 2013
Webinar To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!) Go to ZmE2YjAxZjNk&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D 2. If requested, enter your name and address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: canada1 4. Click "Join". ZmE2YjAxZjNk&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D
Agenda 1:00 pm – 1:15 pm Registration and Networking 1:15 pm – 1:30 pm Welcome Get up to speed on the tools and information most valuable to you. 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm Re-cap of the Events from the Canadian Symposium This session will provide a review of the panel discussion from the 3rd annual Canadian Financial Operations Symposium held in September and a look into next year’s festivities. 2:15 pm – 2:45 pm Survey Results and FY14 Planning We will review the results of the planning survey we’re asking all chapter members to complete. This survey will serve as a baseline for discussion and actions leading into next year. 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Roundtable Have a challenge you need help in overcoming? Let’s put it to the experts – your peers! This session will get you pointed in the right direction so bring your questions.
1007 Key Steps to Successfully Automate Your AP Process 105Improving Supplier Relationships While Paying Them Less 110Ditch the Paper Habit 115Evolving Your Accounts Payable Processes 120No Paper, No Problems! 125A Road Map: Moving Up the Value Chain 130 Yes You Can: Discover How You Can Maximize the ROI of Your AP by Converting to 75% Electronic Payments in Just 90 Days 200Canadian Indirect Tax-A Changing Landscape 205The City of Toronto P-Card Program: Managing Growth and Internal Controls 210Continuous Business Process Improvements 215Moving to Electronic Payments 220Improving Internal Controls and Responding to AP Exceptions 225Preventing, Detecting, and Responding to AR Fraud 230Preventing, Detecting, and Responding to Internal Fraud and Error in any ERP System
235Cyber Security Threats: Are You At Risk? 300ERP Upgrade/Implementation Best Practices 305The Future of Lockbox 310Global Travel Tracking: Getting the Most from International Card Program Data 315Is Outsourcing C2P Solutions a Strategic Option? 320Linking Procurement and Finance Operations to Maximize Savings and Efficiency 325Making the Decision to In-Source 330New Trends in AP 335Trends in Benchmarking-Best Practices Update 340How to Take your Financial Operations from Good to Great
Outsourcing Is It All or Nothing?
Jose Rivero Global Markets Lead – Business Process Services Michael Tsaprailis Managing Director, Canada Alfredo De Vanna Chief Technology Officer CTO
Francisco Ramos Vice President, Finance Shared Services Adones Flores Supervisor, Accounts Payable Toronto Hydro
Vancouver, B.C. September 14 th to 16 th
The Survey Says … If you have not had a chance to complete it … Please complete our 2014 Planning Survey Please complete our 2014 Planning Survey 10 questions 5 minutes Feedback Priceless!
1. What are your top challenges going into 2014 and beyond? Business analysis to support automation Implementation of or upgrading lastest version of Oracle (R12) Moving to new ERP early 2014 scarce capital for projects and limited availability of IT resources/support Transformation of AP to other countries Other
2. How many IFO chapter meetings have you attended in the past 12 months?
3. What are the benefits to being a member of the IFO? Determine Best Practices Other
4. Which of the following IFO events do you plan on attending?
5. If you did not attend the most recent IFO conference in Toronto at the Royal York, please tell us why? I was out of the country on vacation Vacation Department is undergoing transformation and travel expenses are highly scrutinize and will only be approve for revenue generating business reasons. Company acquired 3 new businesses in last 13 months. Travel commitments & workload have conflicted with IFO events Changed roles and overseeing Payroll more than AP now. Other
6. What would support you in attending the conference in Vancouver 2014?
7. What topics would you like to see at the next conference?
8. What is the best way to notify you of upcoming IFO events?
9. Have you recommended anyone to attend or join the IFO? yes My staff Yes Bank of America No Yes, my boss. yes, several direct reports Not recently Yes, I got 2 members to join, one from the City of Brampton and one of my staff at the Region of Peel. I did forward information to the AR team to see if they would like to join but so far no interest. Yes Yes, recommended to my director Manager that new AP Supervisor should attend the November 20th meeting in lieu of me. Yes many yes
10. What is your greatest benefit to being a member at the IFO? Networking, getting & sharing ideas & best practices. Gaining knowledge of industry trend Networking, Attending the IFO conference, Staying abraste with lastest industry trends Networking, receiving updated literature Industry specialization Knowledge base and networking networking and keeping up with industry trends Networking and monitoring industry trends. Research + networking. I would attend more chapter meetings if they were in Mississauga. Having a group of professionals that you can learn new ideas from and know that there is support if needed. Networking and understanding where Canadian companies are with respect to automating purchase to pay processes. Being aware of current trends, networking, new technology, common issues Networking and training. Learning from members, the conversatons at the chapter meetings and the energy from the confereneces. Networking, having a community of industry knowledge at your fingertips
Roundtable Discussion Key challenges for 2014 Key meeting dates for 2014 Conferences – Fusion May 5 to 8 in Dallas, Texas. – Canadian Symposium, September 14 to 16 in Vancouver, BC. Chapter meetings all on Wednesdays – February 19 – May 21 – August 29 – November 19