Yes, there have been conflicts in Europe: the Napoleonic Wars, World War I, and World War II.


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Presentation transcript:

Yes, there have been conflicts in Europe: the Napoleonic Wars, World War I, and World War II.

But after the Second World War, Europeans moved towards greater cooperation.

In 1967, the European Communities (EC) was formed for greater economic cooperation. By 1991, it had evolved into the European Union (EU).

The primary goals of the EU have been: 1.Economic cooperation 2.Freedom of movement between member nations 3. A single currency –the Euro

Economic cooperation means no trade barriers or free trade between member nations.

Yes, with the end of the Second World War, people looked for greater cooperation.

The G8 or Group of 8 is an organization of eight, powerful nations. It addresses economic, environmental, and social issues.

The U.S., Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Canada, and Russia are member nations.

But the G8 has been criticized for not focusing on the needs of developing nations.

The International Monetary Fund or IMF was founded at the end of World War II to prevent future economic crises.

The IMF has three primary goals: 1.Oversee the international monetary system 2.Ensure exchange rate stability 3.Promote free trade

It is important to remember that economic problems led to the rise of Fascist dictators.

Economic instability led to the rise of Fascism and the Second World War.

But like anti-G8 protesters, there are some who question the IMF’s purpose.

With increasing globalization or an increasingly interdependent world, the nations of the world depend on each other more than ever.

Will the future be one of greater cooperation or increased conflict?