Chinese Society Daily Lesson and Discussion Notes: 4-2
Objectives: Describe farming and trade during the Tang dynasty Explain why the Chinese developed new technology Discuss art and literature of the Tang and Song dynasties
Objective: 1 Describe farming and trade during the Tang dynasty
Economy I. A Growing Economy (pages ) political Tang A. The political stability under the Tang dynasty helped the economy regain strength.
peacefarmers irrigation crops rice B. As peace was restored, farmers were able to make advances and be more productive. They improved irrigation, introduced new ways of growing crops, and developed new kinds of rice.
tea C. Farmers began growing tea, which became a popular drink.
roadswaterways Silk Road D. New roads and waterways helped increase trade with other parts of Asia. The Silk Road became a busy trade route again.
Silk steel porcelain E. Silk fabric was one item traded by the Chinese, as well as tea, steel, paper, and porcelain, which is fine clay baked at high temperatures. Silk, shown here being harvested, remained an important trade item for the Chinese. A worker removes a tray of silkworms eating mulberry leaves. Eventually the worms will spin cocoons. Workers then collect and unravel the cocoons to make silk thread.
Objective 1: Describe farming and trade during the Tang dynasty With the countryside at peace, farming during the Tang dynasty improved. The farmers were given land, new irrigation techniques and types of rice were developed, and new crops grown. The trading of silk, rice, tea, silk, steel and paper grew because of the new roads and waterways that were built.
Objective: 2 Explain why the Chinese developed new technology
II. New Technology (pages ) inventions TangSong A. New inventions changed China during the Tang and Song dynasties. Wood coal B. Wood was becoming scarce in China. The Chinese discovered that coal could be used for heat.
iron carbon steelweapons drills C. The Chinese discovered that hot iron mixed with carbon from coal produced steel. Steel was used to make weapons, stoves, farm tools, drills, and sewing needles, among other things.
printing wood characters ink currencybooks D. The printing process was invented in the AD 600s. Blocks of wood with characters cut into them were covered in ink. Then paper was laid on the ink-covered block to make a print. The wood blocks could be used again and again to make copies. The Chinese printed paper currency and books.
moveablemoveable separate E. Pi Sheng was a printer who invented moveable type. With moveable type, each character is a separate piece. The pieces can be moved around to make sentences.
gunpowder rudderssails compasses F. The Chinese invented gunpowder and began using rudders, sails, and compasses for sea travel.
Objective 2: Explain why the Chinese developed new technology One reason for the development of new technology was because of necessity – for example, China was running out of wood so a new way of heating needed to be found; books were copied by hand and it was slow and expensive. A second reason was a result of increased trade – newer and more goods meant increased wealth.
Objective: 3 Discuss art and literature of the Tang and Song dynasties
ArtLiterature III. Art and Literature (pages ) rulers A. Chinese rulers supported art and literature.
Artistswriters Chang’an B. Artists and writers were invited to live in Chang’an, the capital city.
poetry joysadness nature C. The Tang dynasty is considered as the age of poetry. Tang poems express joy and sadness and celebrate the beauty of nature.
Li Bopoet D. Li Bo was a popular Tang-era poet who wrote one of China’s best-known poems titled “Still Night Thoughts.” “Moonlight in front of my bed – I took it for frost on the ground! I lift my eyes to watch the mountain moon, Lower them and dream of home”
civil warinjustice poor E. Duo Fu was a poet who survived a civil war. His poems were about social injustice and problems of the poor. “Rivers and mountains survive broken countries. Spring returns. The city grows lush again. Blossoms scatter tears thinking of us, and this Separation in a bird’s cry startles the heart. Beacon-fires have burned through three months. By now, letters are worth ten thousand in gold.”
Daoist landscape living in nature F. Daoist beliefs are reflected in Chinese landscape paintings. People in the paintings are portrayed as living in, but not controlling, nature.
Calligraphy brushink poems G. Calligraphy is the process of painting beautiful characters with a brush and ink. Painters often used calligraphy to write poems on their works.
PorcelainTang figurines H. Porcelain was perfected during the Tang dynasty. Porcelain is used to make cups, plates, figurines, and vases.
Objective 3: Discuss art and literature of the Tang and Song dynasties The Tang and Song dynasties were a golden age for Chinese culture, the Chinese rulers supported art and literature. Chinese writers expressed themselves best in poetry. Daoist beliefs can be seen in Chinese landscapes.