About 58 milion in ITALY About in Puglia About 209,297 in Taranto
About 14 milion and 822 units In general = 8,3% Among 528,500 of discouraged people From June 2009 to June 2010 = From 12,3% to 13,4% 61 % of Discouraged = they have decided not to look for a job any more It was the Apulian town with the highest rate of unemployment
EMPLOYMENT In Italy there are the following rates of employment among the working population (15-64) ACTIVITY RATE EMPLOYMENT RATEUNEMPLOYMENT RATE 50,4 %43,2 %14,2 % PUGLIA TARANTO ACTIVITY RATEEMPLOYMENT RATEUNEMPLOYMENT RATE 48,9 %42,1 %13,7 %
Unemployed benefits Wholly unemployed Partially Intermittently paid to workers who have been suspended by companies affected by temporary events for which the employer is not responsable ; You would be paid the same amount as before directly to your bank account; paid for a period of 180 days and extended to a maximum of 9 months for persons over the age of 50
How to get benefits? On demand to : MLPS (National Employment Service ) to INPS office to employment Center.
NEET means not in employment, education or training. Italy They are more than 2 million and they are aged from 15 and 29 Over 1 million of them live In the southern Italy They are 22% from 20 to 24 years and mostly males The school drop out is 20,6% PUGLIA The school drop out is 23.9% About 27.6% Apulian young from 18 to 24 have school leaving Certificate
BENEFITS FOR FAMILIES The State provides benefits and assistance to families. In Italy, families receive : 30 % food grants 32,4 % scholarship Social cards of a total sum of money of 480 € 80€ given bimonthly Grants for transport for disabled Family Bonus (150 una tantun )
The unemployment rate is grown Who loses ? Independent workers (-8,4%) Young (-9,3%) Graduated (-8,4%) Building and commercial companies Who wins ? Touristic sector
Educational programs in schools. Carreer Advice HTE (Higher Technical Education)offered by each Italian Region (IFTS) Training Alternating training (school-work) Apprenticeship Orienting actvities =) University conference
HTE (Higher Technical Education) in cooperation with vocational training centers, colleges, businesses and universities. from 6 months to 2 years provide complete and specific professional skills Europe : HTE is the European labeling Italy :IFTS (Higher Technical Education and Training)
Alternating training it can be a part of high school students curricula who are 15 years of age. they can work both in private or State companies These training activities will be planned by the school attended by the pupil and they will be valued as knowledge acquired by him outside the school. Advantage : cooperation between school–local companies.
Training is aimed at people with a degree of secondary education. It Provides courses of various lengths, from 400 to 1200 hours. The post-graduated training courses may be free if they are supported by the provinces and regions and managed by accredited training institutions. The post-graduate training and work experience provide an active, multidisciplinary methodology. It is the region or municipality to give the certificate of competences.
Apprenticeship is extended in all economic sectors, reaching the number of 564,000 active contracts in Italy. The apprenticee accepts contractual conditions (eg: in terms of payment, length of relationship, social safety nets) in exchange of a specialized training to assure a substantial professional growth.
Job Centers How to apply for a job? Where do people apply for a job? Job Centre : managed by the region or province and monitoring the labor market. This center is the successor to the Manpower Employment