Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field Nicola Williams, Assistant Director Nursing
Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field What was the IHI ‘Improving Patient Experience’ Expedition? 1 hour conference call fortnightly 7-8PM!! Health Board Wide Team actively participated- Ward 10 POW Up to 126 Health Organisations participated internationally Based on 6 themes
6 Themes Improving Patient Experience LeadershipEngagement Improvement Infrastructure Improving Nurse Communication Pain Management Improving Cleanliness
What Did We Want to Achieve? Did not really know! Suck it and see! Where have we been going wrong? What can we learn from the good old USA? Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
Why is it important? Staff sometimes appear detached from the reality of the experience that their patients & their families are getting Patients MUST be at the heart of what we do We MUST really understand the perception and experience that our patients & their families have of the care we are providing We are RESPONSIBLE for these experiences Only we can change this Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
What did we learn? Different HC setting! But principles are the same We were already doing much of it But….not to a meaningful extent or focus Our Pt experience activities on the whole currently ineffective to instigate meaningful change at service delivery level Our Feedback Mechanisms ineffective Look at outcomes & target singular improvement work on that – not scatter gun approach Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
How did you introduce your change Tested small changes & reviewed the impact Led by Ward Sister & Senior Nurse with corporate support Accept we have not got it right Keep it simple! Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
What worked? Ward Sister round during visiting twice weekly Senior Nurse round during visiting weekly Revised satisfaction survey Revised feedback from surveys Now monthly rather than quarterly Monthly newsletter Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
How did you measure the impact? Talk to staff Ward Culture Satisfaction Rates Complaints – written & verbal Feel on the ward Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
What resources/tools did you use? SNAP patient satisfaction survey electronic tool HCAP Satisfaction survey – USA Know How we are doing Boards Monthly Newsletter Model for improvement Ourselves! Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
What was the outcome? The experience of patients on the ward is at the forefront of all staff’s mind Culture is changing No complaints received in the ward since February 2012 Experience is improving Patient experience is a firm focus on ward Happy Ward! Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
Our Communication Skills
The Ward Environment
Meeting your Needs
Your Feedback Told Us We do this wellWe could improve Meeting my needs Help and support Communication Achieving a high standard of care The food An extra beverage during the evening I would like to sleep in my bed during the day not stay in my chair The ward needs more nurses
Keeping Staff Informed
Were you able to call a member of staff when you needed one and did they respond quickly?
If you were offered pain relief, or you asked for it, how long did you have to wait?
How & when to spread? Don’t rush When you have it right & is giving you the desired outcome Celebrate success Case for change Senior Nurse / Ward Sister ownership Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field
Act Adapt? Adopt ? Abandon? Next cycle? Plan Objective Questions and predictions (why) Plan to carry out the cycle (who, what, where, when) Study Complete the analysis of the data Compare data to predictions Summarize what was learned Do Carry out the plan (on a small scale) Document problems and unexpected observations Begin analysis How to Spread
What three things could you do tomorrow Explore on 1 ward if staff really understand the experience their patients & families have on a regular basis? Work with the ward to really focus on this Test a Leadership round during visiting Improving Patient Experience: Lessons from the field