ADRI HEALTH MOB Conference, Ancona 8 September 2015 INTERREG-V-A Italy – Croatia 2014 – 2020 Ivan Curzolo (SEENetwork Kft)


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Presentation transcript:

ADRI HEALTH MOB Conference, Ancona 8 September 2015 INTERREG-V-A Italy – Croatia 2014 – 2020 Ivan Curzolo (SEENetwork Kft)

Reference framework EUROPE 2020 STRATEGY Reg. (EU) 1299/2013 (ETC) Reg. (EU) 1301/2013 (ERDF) COOPERATION PROGRAMME Launched in 2010 Five headline targets: 1.employment 2.research & development 3.climate/energy inclusion Common provisions on the ERDF Specific provisions for the support from the ERDF to the European Territorial Cooperation A CP shall contribute to the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and to the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion Reg. (EU) 1303/2013 (General) Common provisions on the ESI funds

Cooperation area cooperation area km2 population total ERDF €

Cooperation area Italian NUTS III Administrative Units (24 provinces) Teramo Pescara Chieti Campobasso Brindisi Lecce Foggia Bari Barletta-Andria-Trani Venezia Padova Rovigo Pordenone Udine Gorizia Trieste Ferrara Ravenna Forlì-Cesena Rimini Pesaro e Urbino Ancona Macerata Ascoli Piceno Fermo Croatian NUTS III Administrative Units (n. 8 counties) Primorsko-goranska Ličko-senjska Zadarska Šibensko-kninska Splitsko-dalmatinska Istarska Dubrovačko-neretvanska Karlovačka Population Area

The programme strategy Programme Objectives Legal Framework (CBC) Territorial Analysis 2007 – 2013 past experiences

The Strategy Presented issues are at the core of the strategic intervention by the Italy - Croatia Programme, driven by the overall objective: “to increase the prosperity and the blue growth potential of the area by stimulating cross-border partnerships able to achieve tangible changes"

The programming process The programming process is framed by the “Thematic objectives” (TO) and “Investment Priorities” (IP) proposed by the European Commission for the 2014 – 2020 programming period and includes the following levels: Programme Strategy has been adressed through choosing TO predefined in the CFR and which have been then translated into Priority Axes, linked to programme’s Specific Objectives referring to Investment Priorities (defined in EU regulation). Then, for each SO, type and example of actions have been defined to complete the programme’s provisions.

Thematic Objectives and Priority Axes Under Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013, art 6 “Thematic concentration” at least 80 % of the ERDF allocation to each cross-border cooperation programme shall be concentrated on a maximum of 4 of the thematic objectives. On the basis of Stakeholder consultation and Task Force meetings 4 TO have been selected for IT-HR CP (among the 11 set by CPR) : TO 1 - strengthening research, technological development and innovation TO 5 - promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management TO 6 - preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency TO 7 - promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures

Thematic Objectives / Priority Axes / Specific Objectivies Thematic Objectives Priority Axes TO 1 - strengthening research, technological development and innovation PA 1 Innovation and internationalization SO Enhance the framework conditions for innovation through cooperation of the system players mainly in the sectors of the blue economy TO 5 - promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management PA 2 Safety and resiliance SO Enhance the implementation of climate change monitoring or planning of adaptation measures TO 6 - preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency PA 3 Environment and cultural heritage SO Make natural and cultural heritage a leverage for economic and territorial development TO 7 - promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures PA 4 Maritime Transport SO Improve the quality, safety and environmental sustainability of marine and coastal transport services and nodes by promoting multimodality in the Programme area SO Safeguard the Programme area from natural and man-made disaster SO Contribute to protect and restore biodiversity in the Adriatic Basin SO : Improve the environmental quality conditions of the Adriatic Basin by use of sustainable and innovative technologies and approaches SO : Improve the environmental quality conditions of the Adriatic Basin by use of sustainable and innovative technologies and approaches Specific Objectives

Important to know: - complementarities and potential synergies between Investment Priorities under different TOs have been widely explored and used - Elements of TO3 (ICT), TO4 (Energy) TO10 (Education) and TO11 (Governance) have been considered cross-cutting

Financial allocation per Axis: Available funds: ERDF (EU cofinancing rate up to 85%)€ National and private cofinancing (at least 15 %)€ Total budget expected:€ Available funds

Programme Management Structure Beneficiaries of the Programme Bodies for the support to the Programme Managing and control bodies Decision making bodies Monitoring Committee (MC) Rappresentatives of the Member States (MS) and observers from European Commission (EC) and from MA Decision making body of the Programme Managing Authority (MA) Veneto Region – Section MA of the Italy-Croatia CBC Programme Responsible for the management and implementation of the Programme Certifying Authority (CA) Veneto Region Responsible for the drawing up annual accounts and submitting payment applications to EC Audit Authority (AA) Veneto Region (Veneto Region Agency?) Responsible of the check on effective functioning of the management and control systems Group of Auditors Support AA in each MS Joint Secretariat (JS) Located in Venice (local branch offices in Croatia) Support to MC, MA and beneficiaries for day to day management of the programme National Committees Project Lead partners Project partners First Level Control CONTROL BODIES

Priority Axis 1 Blue Innovation Key elements: - Investment Priority 1b - innovation (product, process, marketing or organisational method) - improvement of linkages - innovation system and actors - blue economy

Thank you for your attention! Ivan Curzolo