Human Rights Domain
Human rights were first emphasized in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights are universal and inalienable. They cannot be taken away without due process. It involves both rights AND obligations. States have obligations to respect, protect, and fulfil human rights. Individuals are entitled to human rights and should also respect the human rights of others. Human Rights
Initial Human Rights Results
Human Rights Domain Breakdown Convention Status Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Convention on the Rights of the Child Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention Monitoring and Reporting Cooperation with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Status of Reports to Convention Secretariats Contribution to the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples Implementation Equality and Non-Discrimination Right to Life, Liberty, and Security of Person Right to Self-Determination Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Assembly Labor Rights Current Events
Tools for Creating a Country Profile Inside your assigned Dropbox file you will find: 1.HR Sources 2.HRdata.xlsx 3.HRguidelines.pdf 4.HRreport.pdf 5.HRtemplate.docx
Gathering Data for a Country: Convention Status ACTNo ActionSign OnlyRatified Civil and Political Rights Y Rights of the Child Y Covenant on Civil and Political Rights =IV-4&chapter=4&lang=en Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights =IV-3&chapter=4&lang=en Convention on the Rights of the Child =IV-11&chapter=4&lang=en Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination =IV-2&chapter=4&lang=en Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities =IV-15&chapter=4&lang=en Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention INSTRUMENT_ID:312314
Gathering Data for a Country: Monitoring and Reporting A.Cooperation with OHCHR (0-3 points): Each country receives 3 points for appearing on the OHCHR’s Standing Invitations List. If a country does not appear on the list, they receive 0 points. B.Reporting Status for each ACT (0-5 points): Countries receive 1 point for submitting the most recent report to a Convention’s Secretariat. Countries receive 0 points if the most recent report has not been submitted. C.Contribution to UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples (0-2 points): Countries receive 2 points if they have made any financial contribution to the fund since If a country has not donated to the fund, they receive 0 points. Cooperation with OHCHR oceduresInternet/StandingInvitations.aspx Reporting and Funding Status dyExternal/Countries.aspx Contributing to the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples ples/Fund/RecentContributions.pdf
Implementation Breakdown 1.Equality and Non-Discrimination 1.Discrimination Vulnerability Dimension 2.Equal Treatment/Non-Discrimination Score 3.Tolerance and Inclusion Score 4.LGBT Rights and Protections 2.Right to Life, Liberty, and Security of Person 1.Prevalence of Modern Slavery 2.Right to Privacy Score 3.Right to Life and Security Score 3.Right to Self-Determination 1.Political Rights Score 2.Electoral Self-Determination Score 4.Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Assembly 1.Civil Liberties Score 2.Freedom of Religion Score 3.Freedom of Association Score 4.Press Freedom Score 5.Labor Rights 1.Collective Bargaining Coverage Rate 2.Worker’s Rights Score 3.Labor Rights Score 6.Current Events
Implementation Data Sources The Walk Free Foundation – Global Slavery Index 2014 The World Justice Project – Rule of Law Index 2015 The Social Progress Imperative – Social Progress Index 2015 Equaldex and Transgender Europe - Trans Respect Versus Transphobia Worldwide Freedom House – Freedom in the World 2015; Freedom of the Press 2015 CIRI – CIRI Human Rights Dataset International Labour Organization
Gathering Data for a Country: Implementation Indicators Country A Country B Country C 3. Implementation of Principles of Conventions/Covenants (0-75) A. Equality and non-discrimination (0-10) Discrimination Vulnerability dimension - Global Slavery Index Score (0-10) Equal treatment/ non-discrimination score - WJP Score (0-10) Tolerance and Inclusion component - Social Progress Index Score (0-10) LGBT Rights and Protections Score (0-10) B. Right to life, liberty and security of the person (0-10) Percentage of pop in modern slavery - Global Slavery Index Score (0-10) 9.00 Right to Privacy - WJP Score (0-10) Right to Life and Security - WJP Score (0-10)
Implementation Sub-Indicator: LGBT Rights and Protections
Current Events PointsExamples of Current Events -5 Country has severely cracked down on media, internet access, or other forms of free expression as evident in significant increases in the number of arrests of journalists and opposition political party members. New laws restricting rights of all or certain groups of citizens have been passed. -3 Country has had national elections that were documented by third party watchdog groups as unfair or fraudulent. Peaceful protestors have been met with excessive force including arrests of protestors. Individual privacy has been markedly reduced. Country has taken steps to limit the ability of minority groups to participate in public life. Conditions in prisons have deteriorated. 0No major changes in human rights situation in country in past year. +1 Country has taken steps to make the criminal and civil justice systems more fair and efficient, including decriminalizing minor criminal infractions. +3 Country has extended rights to members of groups who formerly faced discrimination. Steps have been taken to improve access to independent media and limit censorship. Country has had national elections that were documented by third party watchdog groups as free and fair. +5 Country has passed new laws or taken steps to further implement existing laws to increase the freedom and independence of the judicial system. Country has taken major steps to prevent and prosecute human trafficking, including crimes related to sexual and labor exploitation.
Country Reporting HRtemplateHRreport Reporting guidelines: Use the current report prototype for language reference Report on status of homosexuality, same-sex adoption, and incidents of assault and murder of transgender people For each Implementation Indicator, please try cover all the sub-indicators covered (if available) For Implementation sub-indicators remember to cite the source (i.e. … estimated 700 people enslaved (Walk Free Foundation 2014))