Strategic Influencing What is it and how should we do it ? Sally Campalani
What is strategic versus operational ? Strategic Future orientated Long term Far reaching High level decisions Broad sweep Too much detail dangerous Whole populations Greatest good for all ConceptualOperational Immediate impact Short /medium Smaller scale Coal face decisions Detail important Too little detail dangerous Individuals Individuals needs Practical
Why is the difference important ? Different skill set required for each What makes for good strategy makes for bad operational functioning and vice versa For example - too much detail in a strategy will make the strategy unresponsive, inflexible For example - too much detail in a strategy will make the strategy unresponsive, inflexible Too little detail will make operational function risky Too little detail will make operational function risky
The four different dimensions of a strategy : all require different skill sets and approaches The four different dimensions of a strategy : all require different skill sets and approaches Strategic Analysis Strategic Planning Strategic Implementation Emergent strategic issues eg targets, RPA, scandals
Who do you influence? Who are the key decision makers Analyse them in terms of power & interest What is their power base? What is their power to help you ? Could they block or hinder you? In what way? What is their interest in your cause ? What matters to them? What are their goals, objectives, fears & threats How do you align your cause to theirs?
Stakeholder analysis Plot on a power - interest axis power interest low high High Power High Interest High Power Low interest Low Power Low Interest Low Power High Interest
CNS Stakeholder Analysis Who are your stakeholders that you need to influence in order to develop cancer services for patients?
Power & interest analysis will produce 4 possibilities Each requires a different approach LP LI Polite interaction, remember interest/ power may change LP HI Keep informed, utilise interest to furnish information and data to inform strategic analysis HP LI, Here is where you need to put your energy and skill HP, HI Supply your argument in succinct form and with supporting data /information.
What are the challenges involved in participating in NICaN Groups? Facilitated group work
Influencing NICaN Group How can you more actively influence within a NICaN group? What do you need to help you do this?
How do we influence? Get your priorities agreed amongst yourselves Draft your messages in small ‘easy to grasp’ concepts and give it some catch phrases which capture the whole concept e.g. orphan patients., treatment intent. Think about the needs of group you need to influence and be prepared to repackage in the language of the party you need to influence eg public health. planning, quality, governance. Present it on all occasions and do this intentionally and in a planned purposeful way
Influencing strategies Agree a strategy before key meetings Make strategic alliances with others to support each others arguments groups e.g., (i) nursing and pharmacy re new drugs, (i) nursing and pharmacy re new drugs, (ii) Nursing and therapy radiology re need for medical teams (ii) Nursing and therapy radiology re need for medical teams Maximise the volume by spreading the message, e.g. do not sit with your friends and the like minded. Spread these champions around the room.
When do we influence Policy Inputs Demands & supports Policy Production Black box Policy output Environmental pressures Policy outcomes Feed the demands & supports Get high level political parent Lots of attention & effort required – danger of inaction Assess outcome & use to feed strategic analysis
What are the areas of interest to influence? Can you help to ‘improve the patient experience?’ Do you involve patients in planning, delivering, or evaluating the service? Does your role have the potential to contribute to skill mix initiatives? Is auditing the changes, generating critical questions, or helping to implement evidence based practice of relevance to you? SERVICE IMPROVEMENT AND REDESIGN Cancer Access Standards Improving the patient experience Research & Development & Audit Patient and Public Involvement Workforce Development