ICT in Education of Korea SUH, Soonshik, PhD
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 ICT in Education: Overview II Case of ICT Use in Education III Global Cooperation IV Introduction I V Conclusion
3 World-class elementary and secondary school education PISA 2012: Reading #1~2, Mathematics #1, Science #2~4(OECD) TIMSS 2011: Mathematics #2, Science #1 (Elementary 4) TIMSS 2011: Mathematics #1,Science #3 (Middle 2) * PISA : Program for International Student Assessment * TIMSS: the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study College enrollment ratio is the highest in the world 27.2% (1980) -> 68%(2000) -> 83%(2008) >71.3%(2012) Development in education serves as the driving engine for economic growth and has contributed to the development of democracy Human capital ranks sixth in the world (Deutsche Bank Report, August 2005) I. Introduction Rapid Growth of Education of Korea
4 Decrease in the satisfaction level of students on education Elementary school (64.4), Junior high school (52.0), High school (47.0) [KEDI, 2006) Excessive spending on private education USD 17 billion (2012) [MOE, 2012](5.4% decrease compared with 2011) Lack of adequate response measures against the shift to a low fertility rate and an aging society * 12 grade student’s number < university entrance quota(2018) * lifelong education rate is under OECD average(2012) Under average of educational confidence and satisfaction(OECD, TIMSS ) The Korean industry is riding the Third Wave whereas Korean education has remained on the Second Wave. Thus, revolutionary change is needed (Industry Innovation Forum, 2005, A. Toffler) I. Introduction Facing Problems in Education in Korea
I. Introduction School system in Korea Grade Age Special school Primary school Middle school Universit y Industrial Universit y Univ. of educatio n Air&Corr. Universit y Cyber Universit y Junior College 6.8 million students425,000 teachers 11,360 schools Primary & Secondary Higher Education 3 million students 76,200 teachers 156 schools 24,700 students 5,895 schools 3 million students 3,162 schools 1.8 million students 7,650 teachers 181,000 teachers 111,000 teachers General / Vocational / Air&Corr. High school 2,303 schools 2 million students 133,000 teachers
I. Introduction Role of KERIS KERIS 177 Local Offices of Education Primary Schools Lower- Secondary Schools 17 Municipal & Provincial Offices of Education Ministry of Education Roles - Advisor for policy development - Coordinator for policy implementation - Think-tank for R/D - Center for service operation Secondary Schools University (340)
7 Infra/Hardware Classroom Cyber space Integrated Space Learning space Living Space Education Space I. Introduction Progress of ICT use in Education
I. Introduction Change in Education Paradigm 21 st century Skills(competencies) PISA, New Millennium learners, DeSeCo, …
I. Introduction Change in Education Paradigm 21 st Century Learning Education 2.0 Education 1.0 Supported by Adapted System Reform Leadership, People & Culture High-quality Infrastructure & Technology 21 st Century Curriculum, Pedagogy & Assessment Achieved in Holistic Transformation Education 3.0 Traditional Education Systems Curriculum Teachers Accountability Leadership *Source : Learning Society(CISCO White Paper. 2010)
School Computer Education Master Plan (1987) ICT in Education Master Plan I (1996) ICT in Education Master Plan Ⅱ (2001) ICT in Education Master Plan Ⅲ (2006) Preparation for information society Building infrastructure Teaching & learning with ICT U-Learning & Smart Education Installation of first educational computer (1971) RISS (1998) EDUNET (1996) Guidelines for ICT in Education in primary & secondary schools (2000) Cyber Home Learning System (2004) Digital Textbook Development Plan (2007) SMART Education Strategy (2011) NEIS (2002) u-classroom (2007) e-Learning Global Cooperation Center (2006) Standardization and distribution of educational PCs (16 bit) (1989) Completion of educational ICT infrastructure Development and distribution of content Improving teaching methods Ubiquitous society Ubiquitous learning ICT in Education, Science & Technology Master Plan Ⅳ (2010) Customized Learning Operation of Smart Model Schools (2012) Kindergarten Information Disclosure Public Service (2012) Customized learning Operation of Digital Textbook Model Schools (2008) 2010 II. ICT in Education: Overview * source: Keris
II. ICT in Education: Overview ICT in Education Trends in Korea
12 Master Plan III Master Plan II Master Plan I Initiate Computer education in schools CAI content Teacher training PCs, H/W National Bureau P-P-P Regional center for ICT in education EDUNET School network KMEC & KERIS Education resources Sharing system School administrative system Teaching- learning model ICT model school Innovative teacher Computer subject Infra. completed U-Learning model school Multime dia Expand content Digital Textbook NEIS e-Learning infra. Metadata standard CHLS Education information service Capacity building for teacher ICT in education standardization & Educational content Infrastructure ICT in education policy Self-directed learning content Regional bureau u- Learning infra EDUNET: National Teaching-learning center NEIS: National Education Information System CHLS: Cyber Home Learning System KMEC: Korea Multimedia Education Center KERIS: Korea Education & Research Information Service Cyber security center Enhanced teacher training II. ICT in Education: Overview ICT in Education Trends in Korea SMART classroom SMART education SMART Teacher training
13 Master Plan III (2006~2010) Master Plan III (2006~2010) Master Plan I (1996~2000) Master Plan I (1996~2000) Quality Education Equity in Education Education competitiveness Education Welfare Master Plan II (2001~2003) (2003~2005) Master Plan II (2001~2003) (2003~2005) Focus Policy Key Project Future Education R&D Digital Textbook R&D Systematic Teacher Training Pathway KOCW in Higher Education e-portfolio QAC Education Resources Sharing System Teaching & Learning Center Standards for ICT use Teacher Training for ICT use in subject ICT infrastructure in all schools Education Service System launch (EDUNET) Develop Multimedia Contents ICT literacy education Infra/ICT Literacy (World-class ICT environment) ICT Integration (Enhance effect and quality of education) E-Learning (Realize education welfare) HRD (World-class educational competitiveness) CHLS (Cyber Home Learning System) EBS e-Learning Service KEM (Korea Education Metadata) e-learning Center ERP in National University Edu. Goal II. ICT in Education: Overview ICT in Education Trends in Korea
14 II. ICT in Education: Overview ICT in Education Trends in Korea SMART education(2011~)
Ⅱ. Major Services - Made for all people to use high quality educational information million EDUNET members (100% teachers, 30% students in 2012) - Nationwide education information sharing system (G4-G12) National Level Provincial Level School Level Developing and distributing contents based on national standards, models, and guidelines Using the teaching and learning contents provided by the central and local teaching and learning centers through the EDUNET Developing national standards, models, and guidelines by working in close cooperation with educational organizations of cities and provinces [Mobile service] III. ICT in Education: Case *source
Ⅱ. Major Services 5 Core Subjects Korean, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, English Basic, Supplementary, Advanced Class Allocation Type Self-Study Type Main Services Learning Management System Cyber Teacher Learning Diagnosis & Prescription System Video Lecturing Consulting System 3 Levels 2 Types III. ICT in Education: Case *source
Ⅱ. Major Services <Cyber Learning System(Seoul) : III. ICT in Education: Case *source
Ⅱ. Major Services MOE Basic research on future education and textbook Development of Prototypes Apply prototypes to pilot schools Development of Digital Textbook Platform Distribute to schools in elementary levels III. ICT in Education: Case *source
Ⅱ. Major Services III. ICT in Education: Case o
Ⅱ. Major Services III. ICT in Education: Case o
Ⅱ. Major Services III. ICT in Education: Case *source
Ⅱ. Major Services General affairs School affairs Civil services Handling student information and school administrative affairs Home-Edu Parent Service Public Announcements of all schools Handling general administrative affairs for teaching and non-teaching staffs and education organizations III. ICT in Education: Case *source
Ⅱ. Major Services Effects E-approval Admission process Management of student’ records Transfer process Grade process Recording s school life activity Etc. 40% 17% 16% 12% 6% 5% 4% III. ICT in Education: Case *source
Ⅱ. Major Services Collect & Process RISS2.0 Union Catalog & Inter-Library Loan Thesis & Dissertation Journal Articles Foreign Research DB Video Lectures & Syllabus Korea Open Course Ware Produce 699 Univ. Libraries NII, Japan CALIS, China OCLC, USA Academic Societies MEST, KEDI, KRIVET, etc. e-Learning Support Center Univ., Institutes [Facebook RISS page] III. ICT in Education: Case *source
Ⅱ. Major Services Domestic Universities Universities overseas Noble Laureates series Special pages Online lecture contents and the related course materials opened by universities Humanities, social Sciences, natural sciences, engineering, pharmacy, education Lectures from MIT OCW, Stanford Engineering Everywhere, Open Yale, TED, YouTube/EDU Lectures by Nobel Prize winners of the their specific fields Let’s learn Korean KOCW learning languages Pre-taking university introduction courses Courses Materials 8,240 14,739 1,297 2,769 37,714 4,637 63, , III. ICT in Education: Case *source
26 INNOVATIVE(SMART) CLASSROOM Motivation, Immersion Active ParticipationSelf-directed Discovery, Learning Highly interactive contents, Dynamic interaction Learning Aided by Education Robot III. ICT in Education: Case
27Consulting on ICT in Education IV. Global CooperationStandardization for ICT in Education Capacity Building for ICT in Education Globalpartnership for ICT in Education Enhance International Cooperation for EFA Enhance International Cooperation for EFA
IV. Global Cooperation Development of ICT Indicators in Education Core indicators Pilot tested several regional areas Expanded indicators UNESCO Institute for Statistics(UIS) WBI Survey the impact of ICT in education School manager, policy maker More focus on the Infra, Policy and Impact World Bank Measured overall ICT in the society Not only target the ICT in education More focus on the policy OECD
29 IV. Global Cooperation Development of ICT Indicators in Education Analysis results examples of KERIS Indicator *source
30 IV. Global Cooperation ▶ : Uzbekistan - Project name : Capacity Expansion Project of the Special Professional Education of Uzbekistan - Buget : 35 Million Dollar(U.S) - Tasks : 150 vocational high school KERIS – EDCF Project ▶ : Colombia - Project name : Consulting Services for the ICT Education Capability Building Project in the Republic of Colombia - Buget : 30 Million Dollar(U.S) - Tasks : 5 Innovation Center, 32 e-learning contents, 15,000 teacher training, 50 model school, Portal service
31 VI. Conclusion (ODA)Globalpartnership Strategic agreements Cooperation & development Extending global cooperation e.g. ICT4ED working group with many countries Identifyingneededprojects Sharing knowledge package Building capacity for ICT in education Solving digital divide Economic support